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Assignment 4 Fog effects

Assignment 4
Note: This assignment has 5 pages.
This assignment extends Assignment 3, by implementing additional functions for the fog effects, blending, texture mapping, lattice effects, and a particle system for a firework effect. As
before, you need to use shader-based OpenGL and any deprecated OpenGL commands are not
General Instructions: same as Assignment 1.
Note: You must turn in all your assignments by Monday 5/18/15 6pm. No assignments will be
accepted after Monday 5/18/15 6pm.
(a) Recall from Assignments 2 and 3 that there is a menu associated with the left mouse button.
Add a new menu entry “Fog Options” and implement it as a submenu with the following 4 entries:
(1) “no fog”: disable the fog effect,
(2) “linear”: enable the fog effect, using the linear fog equation, with the fog starting and ending
values 0.0 and 18.0, respectively,
(3) “exponential”: enable the fog effect, using the exponential fog equation, with the fog density
value 0.09, and
(4) “exponential square”: enable the fog effect, using the exponential square fog equation, with the
fog density value the same as (3).
Your program should allow the user to switch among all these fog options.
Define the fog color to be gray and semi-transparent: (0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.5), and use the fog equations
as discussed in class. You should implement the fog equations in the fragment shader, and blend
the final fragment color of the object (as the final result of shading, texture mapping, etc. (see
parts (c) and (d)), as appropriate) with the fog color according to the fog equations.
Tips: In the (fragment) shader, you can use GLSL functions exp(x) for e
, clamp(x, a, b)
to clamp the value of x to the range [a, b], and mix(x, y, a) (where a ∈ [0, 1]) to obtain
x + a · (y − x) = (1 − a)x + ay.
Note: The final opacity after the fog effect should preserve the fragment opacity before the fog
effect. This is particularly important for the shadow when we perform shadow blending (see part
(b)), because blending is done by blending the fragments that are final outputs of the fragment
shader using their opacities. (30 points)
(b) The shadow you produced in Assignment 3 is opaque; this part is to provide an option to
produce a semi-transparent shadow, blended with the ground. (Recall from Assignment 3 that the
shadow color is (0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.65).) To do so, enable blending (by calling
glEnable(GL_BLEND)) with the blending function specified as the over operation (by calling glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA)) before drawing the
shadow, and disable blending (by calling glDisable(GL_BLEND)) after drawing the shadow.
If the texture mapping is activated for the ground (see part (c) below), then the semi-transparent
shadow should be automatically blended with the texture-mapped ground.
Recall from Assignment 3 that you used a multiple-pass process to make the shadow a decal
of the ground. If the shadow is just a single polygon, then directly combining blending with
this multiple-pass process should work correctly. However, the shadow actually consists of many
overlapped sphere triangles after the shadow projection and hence the same problem related to the
z-buffer occurs again. Modify your multiple-pass process to produce the correct effect.
In the same menu, add a new menu entry “Blending Shadow”, and implement it as a submenu
with two submenu entries: “No” — do not enable shadow blending (and hence produce an opaque
shadow), and “Yes” — perform shadow blending as described above. (Again, you can enable and
disable blending by calling glEnable(GL_BLEND) and glDisable(GL_BLEND).) (15
(c) This part is to implement a simple texture mapping to your quadrilateral ground that indicates the x-z plane. A function image_set_up() and necessary global declarations are given
in the file Put this function and the
declarations into appropriate places of your program, as indicated in the comments of the file. The
function generates an 8 × 8 checkerboard; your task is to texture map this checkerboard image
to the quadrilateral ground to create a texture of a 12 × 10 checkerboard. Notice that the aspect
ratio of the quadrilateral ground is 6/5, so the resulting checkerboard image preserves the aspect
ratio and thus there is no distortion. You should assign the texture coordinates to the vertices of
the quadrilateral appropriately (by setting up the vertex buffer object correctly), and make the
texture map to repeat in both the s and t dimensions to “tile up” the quadrilateral. You should
NOT change the dimensions of the checkerboard image — assign appropriate texture coordinates instead. Also, “modulate” the fragment and texture colors by performing a component-wise
multiplication of these two colors; the resulting checkerboard should have light green and dark
green colors. You can choose any filtering function for magnification and minification. (See the
sample-code handout “Checker-New.tar.gz” for an example.)
In the same menu, add a new menu entry “Texture Mapped Ground”. Implement it as a submenu with two submenu entries: “No” — do not perform texture mapping on the ground, and
“Yes” — perform texture mapping as described above. (20 points)
(d) This part is to implement a texture mapping on the sphere with texture coordinates generated through computation in the vertex shader (instead of being passed on to the vertex shader
as an attribute), for both 1D and 2D texture mappings.
(1) 1D texture mapping. The function image_set_up() in the file texmap.c as mentioned
in part (c) also generates a 1D stripe image; your task here is to perform a 1D texture mapping
to map this stripe image onto the sphere to create contour lines (equally-spaced parallel stripes)
on the sphere. The texture coordinates of the vertices of the sphere triangles should be generated
through computation in the vertex shader, with the following options implemented via a keyboard
function: hitting a key of ’v’ or ’V’ (meaning “vertical”) switches the texture coordinate to be
s = 2.5x, and hitting a key of ’s’ or ’S’ (meaning “slanted”) switches the texture coordinate to
be s = 1.5(x + y + z), for each vertex (x, y, z), where (x, y, z) is in the object space (i.e., world
frame) if a key of ’o’ or ’O’ is hit, and this is switched to the eye space (i.e., the right-handed
eye frame where the eye is at the origin looking toward the −z direction — this is the coordinate
system after applying the LookAt() transformation on the world frame) if a key of ’e’ or ’E’ is
hit. (Initially, when texture mapping on the sphere is first activated, the options should be “vertical”
and object space.)
(2) 2D texture mapping. Same as the 1D texture mapping in (1) except that now the 8 × 8
checkerboard image (as stored in part (c)) is used and that the texture coordinates are computed
differently: for “vertical” (key ’v’ or ’V’), they are s = 0.5(x + 1) and t = 0.5(y + 1), and for
“slanted” (key ’s’ or ’S’), they are s = 0.3(x + y + z) and t = 0.3(x − y + z), for each vertex
(x, y, z) which can again be in the object space or eye space as in (1). Also, change the green color
of the (green-white) checkerboard image to a reddish color (0.9, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0): in the fragment
shader, if the texture color read is green (e.g., by checking its red-component value), then change
the texture color to (0.9, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0). (Note that only one checkerboard image is stored, which is
green-white as given/stored in part (c).)
In both (1) and (2), when applying the texture, choose to “modulate” the fragment color and
the texture color by a component-wise multiplication of them. Also, between the wrapping modes
(clamp, repeat) use “repeat”, so that the result of (1) is a yellow sphere with multiple red contour
lines, and the result of (2) is a sphere tiled up with a yellow and reddish checkerboard.
Notice that “vertical” and “slanted” give vertical and slanted contour lines/checkerboard respectively. Also, in the object-space option, the texture is “glued to the sphere” and rolling together
with the sphere; in the eye-space option, the texture is “fixed to the eye” and gives the feeling that
the sphere is “swimming through” the texture.
In the same menu, add a new menu entry “Texture Mapped Sphere”. Implement it as a submenu with 3 submenu entries: “No” — no texture mapping on the sphere, “Yes - Contour Lines”
— perform the texture mapping of (1) above, and “Yes - Checkerboard” — perform the texture
mapping of (2) above. You should not perform texture mapping when you draw the wire-frame
sphere or when the sphere is drawn for producing the shadow.
Tips: To use multiple textures, you need to bind each texture to a different texture unit and set
the sampler uniform variables in the fragment shader accordingly. See various places of “Note” in
“Handout: checker-new.cpp”. (40 points)
(e) This part is to implement a lattice effect on the sphere. In the vertex shader, compute a
new set of texture coordinates (i.e., different from those in part (d)) for each vertex (x, y, z) of
the sphere triangles, with the following options implemented via a keyboard function: hitting a
key of ’u’ or ’U’ (meaning “upright”) switches the texture coordinates to be s = 0.5(x + 1) and
t = 0.5(y + 1), and hitting a key of ’t’ or ’T’ (meaning “tilted”) switches the texture coordinates
to be s = 0.3(x + y + z) and t = 0.3(x − y + z), where (x, y, z) is the vertex coordinate in the
object space (i.e., world frame). This set of texture coordinates is passed along to the fragment
shader as a varying variable (in the same way as in texture mapping), but no texture image is used.
Instead, the corresponding texture coordinates in the fragment shader are used to decide whether
the current fragment should be discarded (using the GLSL command “discard;” in the fragment
shader) or not: if the (positive) fractional part of 4s (using the GLSL function fract(4 * s))
and the (positive) fractional part of 4t (using fract(4 * t)) are both < 0.35, then discard the
current fragment (so that it is not rendered to the frame buffer); otherwise proceed as usual. In this
way, a lattice effect on the sphere is produced.
Implement a keyboard function to associate with this lattice effect: hitting a key of ’l’ or ’L’
turns on this lattice effect, and hitting ’l’ or ’L’ again will turn off the lattice effect, and so on (i.e.,
’l’ or ’L’ toggles the lattice effect on and off). Initially, the lattice effect is ”off” and the texturecoordinate computing mode is “upright”.
1. If the shadow is “on”, then the lattice effect on the sphere should also result in the corresponding
lattice effect on the shadow, to be rolling together with the sphere, no matter whether “Blending
Shadow” is “Yes” or “No”.
2. Suppose the object-space option is used in the texture mapping of part (d). Then the “upright”
lattice (key ’u’ or ’U’) will align with the “vertical” 1D/2D texture on the sphere (key ’v’ or ’V’);
similarly, the “tilted” lattice (key ’t’ or ’T’) will align with the “slanted” 1D/2D texture on the
sphere (key ’s’ or ’S’). (20 points)
(f) This part is to implement a particle system to produce a firework effect using shaders.
Your task is to produce a particle system consisting of N particles (N = 300 is suggested). Set
up a vertex buffer object for these N particles as N vertices, rendered as points (GL_POINTS) with
point size 3.0 (i.e., glPointSize(3.0)). In your OpenGL program, assign each particle a random velocity and a random color (but once assigned, the velocity and the color of each particle stay
fixed throughout the process) — use arrays to store the velocities and the colors of all particles as
their vertex attributes. For each particle, use the command 2.0*((rand()%256)/256.0-0.5)
once to assign the velocity in the x-direction, use the same command another time to assign the velocity in z, and use the command 1.2*2.0*((rand()%256)/256.0) to assign the velocity
in y. Note that the x- and z-velocities are each in the range [−1.0, 1.0] whereas the y-velocity is in
the range [0.0, 2.4]. Similarly, for each particle, use the same command (rand()%256)/256.0
but call it once per color component to assign each of the r, g, b values; note that each color component has a value range of [0.0, 1.0].
By Newton’s law, for a particle with initial position (x0, y0, z0) and a velocity of (vx, vy, vz), its
position (x(t), y(t), z(t)) at time t is x(t) = x0 + vxt, y(t) = y0 + vyt −
, and z(t) = z0 + vzt.
Let each particle have the same initial position (x0, y0, z0) that is close to the origin (of the world
frame) but slightly higher than the ground, say at (0.0, 0.1, 0.0) (i.e., (x0, y0, z0) = (0.0, 0.1, 0.0)
for every particle). For the time t, use (float) glutGet(GLUT_ELAPSED_TIME) to get
the elapsed time as t, which is in the unit of milli-second; use 0.001t so that it is in the unit of second. That is, suppose (X, Y, Z) is the particle location for the current frame at time t milli-second
(where t is obtained by (float) glutGet(GLUT_ELAPSED_TIME)). The final formula for
X is X = x0 + 0.001 ∗ vx ∗ t, and similarly for Z. The gravity acceleration g is 9.8 meters/(sec2
in the world frame we let the length unit to be 10m, so g is 0.98 (10m)/(sec2
), and we have
∗ (0.98) ∗ (0.001t)
2 = 0.5 ∗ (9.8) ∗ 10−7 ∗ t
. Moreover, the firework particles are light materials
subject to the air friction; we model this effect by scaling the “downward y term” −
gt2 with a
factor of 1/2. Therefore the final formula for Y is Y = y0 + 0.001 ∗ vy ∗ t + 0.5 ∗ a ∗ t ∗ t where
a = (−4.9) ∗ 10−7 = −0.00000049. Note that at each frame all particles have the same t.
For each firework “animation cycle”, each particle starts with the same initial location (x0, y0, z0) =
(0.0, 0.1, 0.0), and its location (X, Y, Z) at the current frame is given by the final formulas for
X, Y, Z above. When Y is smaller than 0.1, this particle ceases to exist and should be discarded
from the current frame. At some point, when almost all particles are discarded, the current ani4
mation cycle ends and the next animation cycle starts (where all particles start at the same initial
location (x0, y0, z0) = (0.0, 0.1, 0.0) again), and the process repeats forever until the user stops the
firework (see below).
In the same menu, add a new menu entry “Firework”. Implement it as a submenu with two
submenu entries: “No” — disable the rendering of the firework, and “Yes” — enable the firework
animation: if it is already enabled, continue; otherwise, start a new firework animation cycle from
beginning (i.e., with all particles starting at (0.0, 0.1, 0.0)) and repeat the cycle forever as described
above until “Firework → No” is selected. Note that when the firework is being animated, other
parts of the program (e.g., sphere rolling, shadow, lighting, texture mapping, lattice, fog, etc.)
should still perform the same way as before.
Note that you only need to use the assigned particle colors as stored in the vertex attribute
array to render the particles; do not worry about lighting or fog effects, etc., on the particles.
1. You may want to use a separate shader program (i.e., a separate pair of vertex and fragment
shaders) for the firework particles. Use the vertex shader to compute the location (X, Y, Z) for
each particle/vertex.
2. In the fragment shader, you can call “discard;” to discard the current fragment without modifying (i.e., rendering it to) the frame buffer, as mentioned in part (e). Use this approach to discard
the particles/vertices with Y < 0.1 (in the world frame). The final Y value in the world frame is
obtained in the vertex shader; set up/pass along suitable information to the fragment shader so that
the fragment shader can perform a corresponding conditional discard correctly.
3. When the firework status is switched from “disabled” to “enabled”, ideally we would like to
“start the animation clock” from 0. However, the elapsed time t obtained by
(float) glutGet(GLUT_ELAPSED_TIME) can only keep increasing as the program runs.
To resolve it, at the moment of the status switch, call (float) glutGet(GLUT_ELAPSED_TIME)
and store it into another variable tsub, and use t = 0 initially and t = t−tsub subsequently to achieve
the effect of “starting the animation clock from 0”. Another related issue is about the time span of
the animation cycle. Let this time span be Tmax (this is a constant value decided by test-running the
program), and suppose we use the modified t as discussed above. If both t and Tmax were integers,
then we would like to use the integer mod (%) operation t = t % Tmax, but now both t and Tmax
are floating-points. You should perform an equivalent mod operation for floats on t and Tmax. (40

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