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Assignment 4 A4: Building & Populating our Database

Assignment 4
A4: Building & Populating our Database
The goal of this assignment is to actually construct on possible version of
the database we designed in Assignment 3. As a result, you will become
an expert on our application and our business.
What to turn in
You must turn in a .sql file on Canvas. Table definitions should be specified
in the order in which they can be successfully defined (for example, if the
saleDetail table references the sale table, be sure to define the sale table
first). Basically, we want to be able to hit execute and run your sql code
to create your tables. The order in which the tables are described here
may not be a “run-able” ordering. This also means that any comments or
text answers in your file should be in SQL comments.
Building and loading the tables is worth 40 points, total. Yes, it takes
a while, but it’s not particularly difficult to do. Creating the INSERT
statements for the specified data is worth 30 points. Short answer questions
are worth a total of 10 points. Queries are worth a total of 20 points.
What’s In and Out of Scope
This is intended to be a declarative SQL assignment. Therefore, you must
write queries in SQL (not functions). You may use VIEWs as needed and
you may use standard built-in PostgreSQL functions (e.g. ROUND, IF or
CASE statements). If you’re not sure if something is allowed, ask!

1 Create Tables
Create the following tables for our ice cream food truck. Provide your
SQL code. Be sure to specify NULL or NOT NULL, any appropriate default
values, primary and foreign keys, and appropriate constraints.
Each table MUST have a PRIMARY KEY defined. Sometimes, you will
need to decide the appropriate attribute(s) that form the PRIMARY KEY.
Note: “number” in these tables refers to a to-be-specified numeric type
field. You need to determine which exact data type should be used.
”Must be specified” means that some non-blank value must be entered in
the field.
For calculated fields for you which have the data, just calculate the values
and populate. The next assignment will use triggers to perform similar
1.1 Product
Attribute Name Attribute Type
productCode CHAR(3)
productName VARCHAR(50)
Attribute Name Attribute Type
isAvailable INTEGER
1.1.1 Constraints
1. Product codes must be unique
2. Product names must be unique
3. productCode is the primary key
4. productName must be specified
5. by default, isAvailable is set to 0
1.2 ProductPrice
Attribute Name Attribute Type
productCode CHAR(3)
startDate DATE
cost number
price number
1.2.1 Constraints
1. the combination of productCode and startDate form the primary key
2. productCode must be a value in the product table
3. cost and price are not required when the record is created
4. cost and price are currency values
1.3 Ingredient
Attribute Name Attribute Type
ingName VARCHAR(50)
Attribute Name Attribute Type
category VARCHAR(50)
1.3.1 Constraints
1. ingId is the primary key
2. ingName may be repeated
3. the combination of ingName and category must be unique
4. All of the attributes must be specified
1.4 Recipe
Attribute Name Attribute Type
productCode CHAR(3)
qty number
unit VARCHAR(20)
1.4.1 Constraints
1. Each ingredient may be listed in a recipe at most one time
2. productCode must be a value in the product table
3. qty must be specified
4. unit must be specified
5. ingId must be a value in the ingredient table
1.5 truckEvent
Attribute Name Attribute Type
eventId SERIAL
eventName VARCHAR(200)
Attribute Name Attribute Type
eventStart date and time
plannedEnd date and time
actualEnd date and time
1.5.1 Constraints
1. eventId is the primary key.
2. eventName must be specified and does NOT need to be unique
3. eventStart is required
4. plannedEnd is not required
5. actualEnd is not required
6. the combination of eventName and eventStart must be unique
1.6 Sale
Attribute Name Attribute Type
productCode CHAR(3)
1.6.1 Constraints
1. saleId is the primary key
2. eventId must be a value in the truckEvent table
3. productCode must be a value in the product table
1.7 SaleDetail
Attribute Name Attribute Type
Attribute Name Attribute Type
qty number
unit VARCHAR(20)
1.7.1 Constraints
1. the combination of saleId and ingId form the primary key
2. saleId must be a value in the sale table
3. ingId must be a value in the ingredient table
4. qty and unit must be specified
1.8 Supplier
Attribute Name Attribute Type
supplierId SERIAL
supplierName VARCHAR(150)
street VARCHAR(150)
city VARCHAR(150)
state VARCHAR(50)
postalCode VARCHAR(15)
country VARCHAR(150)
1.8.1 Constraints
1. supplierId is the primary key
2. the combination of supplierName, street, and city must be unique
1.9 SupplierPhone
Attribute Name Attribute Type
supplierId INTEGER
Attribute Name Attribute Type
phoneType VARCHAR(50)
phoneNumber VARCHAR(20)
1.9.1 Constraints
1. the combination of supplierId and phone type form the primary key
1.10 LocalSupplier
Attribute Name Attribute Type
supplierId INTEGER
mileageCost number
distance number
1.10.1 Constraints
1. supplierId is the primary key
2. the supplierId value must exist in the supplier table
3. both mileageCost and distance must be able to accommodate noninteger values and must be specified
4. mileageCost may contain fractions of cents (e.g. 54.5 cents)
1.11 NationalSupplier
Attribute Name Attribute Type
supplierId INTEGER
transportFee number
1.11.1 Constraints
1. supplierId is the primary key
2. the supplierId value must exist in the supplier table
1.12 ingQuote
Attribute Name Attribute Type
quoteId SERIAL
supplierId INTEGER
issueDate DATE
expirationDate DATE
tax number
fees number
total number
1.12.1 Constraints
1. quoteId is the primary key
2. the supplierId value must exist in the supplier table
3. issueDate must be specified
4. expirationDate must be specified
5. the combination of supplierId and issueDate must be unique
6. tax, fees, & total must handle currency values without losing precision
7. tax and fees must be specified
8. total will be calculated later
1.13 quoteItem
Attribute Name Attribute Type
qty number
unitCost number
unit VARCHAR(20)
1.13.1 Constraints
1. records are uniquely identified by quoteId and ingId
2. the quoteId value must exist in the quote table
3. the ingId value must exist in the ingredient table
4. qty, unitCost, and unit must all be specified
5. unitCost must handle currency values
1.14 Delivery
Attribute Name Attribute Type
deliveryId SERIAL
orderDate DATE
deliveryDate DATE
1.14.1 Constraints
1. deliveryId is the primary key
2. the quoteId value must exist in the quote table
3. orderDate is the date our ice cream truck order decided to purchase
the items on the quote. To be considered a “delivery” this field must
be populated
4. deliveryDate will start off empty and be populated later, when the
order actually arrives
1.15 inventoryItem
Attribute Name Attribute Type
expirationDate DATE
Attribute Name Attribute Type
stockQty number
unit VARCHAR(20)
qtyRemaining number
1.15.1 Constraints
1. The primary key is determined by ingId and quoteId
2. expirationDate is only populated for ingredients with a short shelf life
(e.g. fruit)
3. stockQty and unit must be populated
4. the quoteId value must exist in the quote table
5. the ingId value must exist in the ingredient table
6. qtyRemaining will start as stockQty and be decremented as we consume inventory. For now, it can be NULL.
1.16 Equipment
Attribute Name Attribute Type
equipmentName VARCHAR(50)
installDate DATE
1.16.1 Constraints
1. each piece of equipment is assigned a unique name that also serves as
the primary key
2. the install date must be specified
1.17 Maintenance
Attribute Name Attribute Type
maintId SERIAL
equipmentName VARCHAR(50)
description VARCHAR(150)
beforeFlag INTEGER
triggerQty INTEGER
triggerUnit VARCHAR(20)
minutes INTEGER
1.17.1 Constraints
1. maintId is the primary key
2. equipmentName value must exist in the equipment table
3. beforeFlag, triggerQty, triggerUnit, and duration must be specified
1.18 MaintenanceLog
Attribute Name Attribute Type
datePerformed DATE
minutes INTEGER
notes TEXT
1.18.1 Constraints
1. records are uniquely identified by the combination of maintId and
2 Create Data
Write and submit INSERT statements for the scenarios described below.
Again, the order in which you list your INSERT statements matters, and
we must be able to run your INSERT commands in the order you specify.
2.1 db sundae
Provide INSERT statements for a product called “db sundae”, its ingredients, price, and recipe. We will sell a “db sundae” for $4.
This product has productCode “db” and is composed of the following
• 1 “10 oz dish” (category “cup”)
• 1 “tall napkin” (category “paper goods”)
• 6 ounces of ice cream base
• 1.5 ounces of a topping
• 1 “short spoon” (category “spoon”)
• 1.5 ounces of hot fudge topping
Possible toppings are: “sprinkles”, “oreo”, and “peanuts”.
Possible ice cream flavors are: “chocolate” and “vanilla”.
Also create products for
• ProductCode “sx” - which is an “extra sundae topping”. This product’s cost is 5 cents, the price is 25 cents, and it consists of 1.5 ounces
of a topping.
• ProductCode “mt” - which is a “monkey tail”. (it’s a chocolate covered frozen banana). This product’s price is $5 and it costs $2.50.
• ProductCode “dk” - which is a “drink”. This product’s price is $0.75
and it costs $0.44. Customers can choose from “coke”, “sprite”, and
2.2 Equipment
Our ice cream truck has two ice cream machines, named “Rice” and “Owl”.
Each machine must be cleaned once per week. It takes 120 minutes to clean
each machine. We also have a generator that must be refueled after 40
hours of operation. Refueling takes 10 minutes. The generator also needs
its oil & filter changed after 200 hours of operation. It takes 30 minutes
to change the oil and filter.
Write SQL statements that define this equipment and maintenance.
Write additional statements indicating
• The generator was refueled on March 1, 2018 and the following note
was made: “Purchase more diesel!”.
• “Rice” was cleaned on March 2, 2018, but the cleaning only took 100
• “Owl” was also cleaned on March 2, 2018 and the cleaning took 110
2.3 TruckEvent
Our ice cream truck was at an event named “RMC study break” on March
1, 2018. The event was scheduled from 8-11 PM but actually ran until
11:10 PM.
At the event we sold 53 “db sundae”s. Of these, 25 were vanilla and the
remainder were chocolate. 10 sundaes had no toppings at all, 20 had oreos,
3 had peanuts and the remainder had sprinkles.
We also sold 5 monkey tails, 10 cokes, 22 sprites and 37 bottles of water.
Create INSERT statements for these sales. Arbitrarily assign flavors &
toppings based on the above specifications. You many generate this data
any way you like (python code, rolling a die, etc.).
Our ice cream truck purchases ingredients from 4 different suppliers. (Note
all suppliers and locations are fictitious).
• Local supplier: “Houston’s Best Food” located at: 934 University
Blvd, Houston, TX 77005, USA; Transportation fee $7.
• Local supplier: “Local Premium Food” located at: 101 Main St, Houston, TX 77004, USA Transportation fee $5.
• National supplier: “Best Food in Canada” located at: 735 First Ave.,
Toronto, Ontario, M4B 1B5, Canada; Distance 1,530 miles. Mileage
cost $0.10.
• National supplier: “LA Ice Cream Supply” located at: 535 King St.,
Lake Charles, LA, 70601; Distance 148 miles. Mileage cost $0.11.
We receive a quote for the following items from Houston’s Best Food:
• Strawberries 20 pounds $2 / pound
• Vanilla ice cream 5 gallons $3.00 / gallon
• Chocolate ice cream 5 gallons $3.50 / gallon
• The quote is issued on February 2, 2018 and expires on February 10,
• tax = $5.98
• fees = $7
• total = sum of all item costs + tax + fees
and a competing quote from Local Premium Food:
• Strawberries 25 pounds $1.75 / pound
• Vanilla ice cream 5 gallons $3.20 / gallon
• Chocolate ice cream 5 gallons $3.45 / gallon
• The quote is issued on February 3, 2018 and expires on February 9,
• tax = $6.35
• fees = $5
• total = sum of all item costs + tax + fees
Create SQL INSERT statements to populate the ingQuote and quoteItem
tables for these quotes.
3 Short answer questions
3.0.1 Short answer 1 (3 points)
What different number types did you use? Why did you choose those?
3.0.2 Short answer 2 (2 points)
Category is a string in the ingredient table. Provide 1 advantage and 1
disadvantage of storing the category name in the ingredient table.
3.0.3 Short answer 3 (1 points)
If we didn’t have maintId in the maintenance table, what could we use
3.0.4 Short answer 4 (3 points)
What changes would need to be made to our database if we purchased a
second truck?
3.0.5 Short answer 5 (1 point)
My favorite flavor of ice cream is:
4 Queries
Answer all of the questions below by writing and executing SQL queries.
The queries must contain ONLY the answer to the question (no extra rows
or columns). You many only use SQL to answer the questions.
4.0.1 Query 1(5 points)
What is the recipe for the “db sundae”? Include the productCode, productName, each ingredient id, ingredient name, category, quantity and
unit. Sort by ingredient name.
4.0.2 Query 2 (10 points)
Write a SQL statement to determine the quote with the lowest cost.
4.0.3 Query 3 (5 points)
Write a query that returns the total income (sum of the prices of all the
products sold) we collected during the GSA study break event. While
we currently only have one event and sales data in our database, your
solution should work when there are multiple events and sales data from
those events.

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