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Assignment 4 Bank Account

CMPT 213 Assignment 4

Question 1 – Bank Account:
Design an abstract class named BankAccount to hold the following data for a bank account:
• The Balance
• Number of deposits this month
• Number of withdrawals
• Annual interest rate
• Monthly service charges
The Class should have the following methods (Illegal Arguments should throw an
Constructor The constructor should accept arguments for the balance and
annual interest rate; both arguments must be non-negative
deposit A method that accepts an (positive) argument for the amount of
the deposit. The method should add the argument to the account
balance. It should also increment the variable holding the number
of deposits.
withdraw A method that accepts an (positive) argument for the amount of
the withdrawal. The method should subtract the argument from
the balance. It should also increment the variable holding the
number of withdrawals.
calcInterest A method that updates the balance by calculating the monthly
interest earned by the account, and adding this interest to the
balance. This is performed by the following formulas:
Monthly Interest Rate = [Annual Interest Rate / 12)
Monthly Interest - Balance * Monthly Interest Rate
Balance = Balance + Monthly Interest
monthlyProcess A method that subtracts the monthly service charges from the
balance, calls the calcInterest method, and then sets the
variables that hold the number of withdrawals, number of deposits,
and monthly service charges to zero.
Next, design a SavingsAccount class that extends the BankAccount class. The
SavinqsAccount class should have a status field to represent an active or inactive account.
If the balance of a savings account falls below $25, it becomes inactive. (The status field
could be a boolean variable.) No more withdrawals may be made until the balance is raised
above $25, at which time the account becomes active again. The savings account class
should have the following methods:
withdraw A method that determines whether the account is inactive before a
withdrawal is made. (No withdrawal will be allowed if the account
is not active.) A withdrawal is then made by calling the superclass
version of the method.
deposit A method that determines whether the account is inactive before a
deposit is made. If the account is inactive and the deposit brings the
balance above $25, the account becomes active again. A deposit is
then made by calling the superclass version of the method.
monthlyProcess Before the superclass method is called, this method checks the
number of withdrawals. If the number of withdrawals for the
month is more than 4, a service charge of $1 for each withdrawal
above 4 is added to the superclass field that holds the monthly
service charges. (Don't forget to check the account balance after
the service charge is taken. If the balance falls below $25, the
account becomes inactive.)
Finally, write a series of tests using the Junit3 framework. The tests should successfully test
for all requirements mentioned above. Be sure to include tests for error cases as well (For
example, passing in a negative number into the deposit() method).
Technical Requirements:
• You do not need to write a main() method for this question. However, please note that
we may write a main() method to call your class.
• Please put all your class files in a package called
• Implementation must follow the online style guide. Specifically, important are:
o Good class, method, field, and variable names.
o Correct use of named constants.
o JavaDoc - Good class-level comments (comment on the purpose of each class).
o Clear logic.
Question 2 – TicTac Toe:
In this question, you will create a JavaFX application that allows users to play 4x4 tic-tactoe. The game takes place on a 4x4 board and involves two players, X and O. X starts and
players take alternate turns. The object of the game is to place four of your pieces in a row,
either vertically, horizontally, or diagonally. If a player wins, the game ends immediately. If
the board is full, the game ends in a draw. Here is a rough sketch of the UI (you can be more
creative than this :P): Do not use fxml to create elements in the UI.
• The game should use sixteen ImageView controls to display the X’s and O’s. The X’s and
O’s should display image files (you may create them or find them online).
o Do not create any of the UI elements using fxml.
X Wins!
New Game
• The application should use a two-dimensional int array to simulate the game board in
• When the user clicks the New Game button, the application should clear the board and
be ready to collect the first move.
• The current player will be able to click on the square that they want to place their
move. This process will alternate until a winner is determined or there are no more
empty spots on the board.
Technical Requirements:
• Main class should be in a file called
• Must exhibit good OOD principles:
o Similar to asn3, you must have two packages: One package for the UI related
class(es); another package for the model related classes (actual game logic).
Please put all your class files in a packages called
ca.cmpt213.asn4.tictactoe.ui and
o Each class is responsible for one thing.
o Reasonably detailed break-out of classes to handle responsibilities.
o Good use of design principles discussed in class
• Implementation must follow the online style guide. Specifically, important are:
o Good class, method, field, and variable names.
o Correct use of named constants.
o JavaDoc - Good class-level comments (comment on the purpose of each
Note: any requirements not mentioned in this document is up to interpretation. :)
Marking Scheme:
Question 1: Total [15] Marks
Question 2: Implementation - Total [25] Marks
Correctly follow coding style guide. - Total [0] Marks
- [-6] Up to 6 point max deductions
Submit a zip file of your project (according to the directions outlined in the assignments link of
the course website) to the coursys server. Your project must generate
a JAR file as part of the build process.
Please note: all submissions are automatically checked for similarities of all other submissions on
the server.

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