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Assignment 4: Class Design and GUI

Assignment 4: Class Design and GUI
4.1: Name Class
1. Create a class called Name, which will represent a person’s name, and do some useful
things for us. It will need:
2. 3 string instance variables to store the 3 parts of a person’s name: first name, middle
name, and last name. They should have the appropriate visibility / protection.
3. A constructor that takes in 3 strings corresponding to the 3 parts of a person’s name.
4. 3 getters for the instance variables, following standard Java getter/setter naming
5. A method named “normalize” that will change the names to standard capitalization.
For example, if the original name is “jOHn DOe SmiTH”, after “normalize” is called,
it should be “John Doe Smith”.
6. A method called “initials” that will return the name’s initials. For example, if the
name is “John Doe Smith”, the method should return “JDS”.
7. An enumerated type called NameFormat that will represent the different ways a full
name can be formed. This can be a public enum declared in the Name class, or declared in
a separate file by itself. It should have the following members:
a. firstMiddleLast example: “John Doe Smith”
b. lastFirstMiddle example: “Smith, John Doe”
c. firstInitialLast example: “John D. Smith”
d. initialInitialLast example: “J. D. Smith”
8. A method called “getFullName” that takes a NameFormat parameter. Based on that
parameter, it should return the name represented by the Name object according to the
examples above.
9. A method called “length” that returns the number of characters in the full name, not
including spaces.
Don’t forget to javadoc the class, constructor, and methods, javadocing parameters where
applicable (see the previous homework for an example of this)
4.2: NameTag Class
Create a class called NameTag that creates a JFrame and JLabels based upon a Name object. It
should have:
1. An instance variable to store the Name, and an instance variable to store the JFrame.
They should have the appropriate visibility / protection.
2. A constructor that takes a Name parameter for the NameTag object to show.
3. In the constructor, create a JFrame and store it into the instance variable from step 1.
Add a JPanel, and put JLabels into the JPanel that display the name from the Name
object passed to the constructor. It should use the “getFullName” method from part 1,
step 7. Don’t make the JFrame visible here. Don’t forget to set the default close
operation on the JFrame.
An example would be:
4. Hint: if you declared the enum NameFormat in the Name class, you can access the enum
like this:
Name.NameFormat format = Name.NameFormat.firstMiddleLast;
5. You may use Font and Border objects to achieve the affects in the above example:
label.setFont(new Font("Arial", Font.ITALIC, 15));
label2.setFont(new Font("Times New Roman", Font.BOLD, 25));
panel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(, 5));
6. Lastly, it should have a method named “showNameTag” that will actually show the
Don’t forget to javadoc the class, constructor, and methods, javadocing parameters where
applicable (see the previous homework for an example of this)
4.3: NameTagGenerator
Finally, create a class named NameTagGenerator with a main method that brings together a
Scanner object, a Name object, and a NameTag object:
1. Using a Scanner, prompt the user for his or her first, middle, and last names.
2. Create a Name object, using the values collected above.
3. Normalize the name.
4. Create a NameTag object, passing the above Name object.
5. Show the name tag.
Turn-in Procedure
Turn in the following files on T-Square. Double-check that you have submitted and not just
saved as draft (if the submission is successful, you will receive an e-mail from T-Square within a
few minutes). Also, be sure all of your files compile and run.
• Any other files needed to run your submission
All .java files should have a brief descriptive javadoc comment.
Don't forget your collaboration statement. You should include a statement with every homework
you submit, even if you worked alone.

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