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Assignment 4 Computer Vision

Assignment 4
CS283, Computer Vision

This problem set explores structure-from-motion and linear filtering. As usual, the assignment will be
submitted via canvas and formatted according to the guidelines. The Hints and Information section is
especially helpful this week.
1. (15 points) The assignment’s data folder contains a .zip file with seven parallel-projection images of
a checkered box. The .zip file also contains a .MAT file with the pixel coordinates of n = 84 corners
detected in each image as an n × 2 × 7 array named corners. (For example, corners(j,:,i) gives
the (x, y)-coordinates of x˜
, the j
th point in the i
th image.)
(a) Use the factorization algorithm to recover the seven affine cameras and world points from these
pixel coordinates. Write a function [M,T,X]=AffineFactorization(x) that takes an n × 2 × m
array of pixel coordinates, corresponding to n world points observed in m views, and returns
2m × 3 and 2m × 1 matrices M and T that describe the m affine cameras, and an n × 3 matrix
X with the coordinates of the n world points. Plot the recovered points using the commands
plot3(X(:,1),X(:,2),X(:,3),’.’); axis equal;. Submit your plot. Are angles and/or parallelism presented correctly in this reconstruction? Why or why not?
(b) One measure of the accuracy of the reconstruction is the root-mean-square (RMS) reprojection
Erms =

j − (MiXj + t

Compute and report the RMS reprojection error for your reconstruction.
(c) (Bonus Question: Earn up to 10 extra points) Upgrade the reconstruction by enforcing constraints
corresponding to ‘square pixels and zero skew’. Write a function [M,X]=Upgrade(Min,Xin) that
finds the 3 × 3 matrix A that minimizes

i1 − mi2AAm
where mij is the 2i + jth row of M, and uses this matrix to transform both Xin and Min appropriately. The function should also apply a scale change to (Xin, Min) such that the average distance
from a world point to the world origin is √
3. Plot the points using the same commands as in
part (a), and submit your plot. Compute and report the RMS reprojection error for the upgraded
reconstruction. How does it compare to that of part (b) and why?
2. (10 points) Let the x
th element of a vector f be written f(x). Furthermore, if f is a vector with
M elements, let these elements be indexed by x = 0, . . . , M − 1. Given an M-element vector f,
we compute its discrete Fourier transform by expressing it in terms of a linear combination of M
complex-valued “basis vectors” {φu}, u = 0, . . . , M − 1 where the x
th element of the u
th basis vector
is given by φu(x) = e
j2πux/M = cos (2πux/M) + j sin (2πux/M). The linear combination is written
f =
u=0 F(u)φu
, and the set of M coefficients F(u)—written in vector form as F—is referred to as
the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) of f. The coefficients F(u) are computed by projecting the vector
f onto a set of orthogonal vectors, and these projections can be written in matrix form as F = Φf.
Figure 1: Transfer function H(u, v) of a Gaussian band-reject filter with M = N = 60, Do = 25 and w = 4.
The DFT of a two-dimensional image f(x, y), 0 ≤ x ≤ M − 1, 0 ≤ y ≤ N − 1 can similarly be
interpreted as the set of coefficients F(u, v) defining a linear combination of orthogonal, complexvalued “basis images”. The image is written
f(x, y) =
F(u, v)Iuv(x, y), (1)
where the (x, y)
th element of the (u, v)
th basis image is given by
Iuv(x, y) = e
. (2)
(a) The real parts of the basis images Iuv are sinusoids at various orientations and spatial frequencies.
Restricting your attention to horizontally-oriented sinusoids (i.e., those with v = 0), which value
of u produces a basis image Iu0 with the highest spatial frequency?
(b) Using the fact that e
jπn = cos πn + j sin πn = (−1)n when n is an integer, prove that

f(x, y)(−1)x+y

= F(u − M/2, v − N/2), (3)
where F [·] denotes the DFT of the argument. When M and N are even, this has the effect of
shifting the DC component of the DFT F(0, 0) to the position (M/2, N/2) in frequency space,
and we often refer to this process as ‘centering’ the DFT.
3. (20 points) The image Cameraman PeriodicNoise.tif is available in the assignment’s data folder. It
is an image corrupted by (you guessed it) periodic noise. In this question you are going to design a
filter in the frequency domain to remove the noise. Submit all code for this question.
(a) Display the (centered) DFT of the image (see the Hints and Information below) and manually
identify the noise frequencies. These can be removed using a Gaussian band-reject filter that
eliminates all of the frequency content within a circular ring centered at F(0, 0). The transfer
function of the filter is
H(u, v) = 1 − exp (

(u, v) − D2
wD(u, v)
, (4)
where D(u, v) = [(u − M/2)2 + (v − N/2)2
is the distance from (u, v) to the (centered DFT)
origin, Do is the radial center of the frequency band to be rejected, and w is the width of the
rejection band. Determine appropriate values for Do and w to remove your noise. Display your
transfer function H(u, v) as a surface using the surf or meshgrid commands. An example is
shown in Fig. 1.
(b) Remove the noise using your filter by multiplying its transfer function by the DFT of the corrupted
image and taking the inverse DFT of the result. (Be sure to implement proper centering and ‘decentering’ as discussed below in Hints and Information.) In a single figure with four axes, show:
i) the corrupted image, ii) your transfer function displayed as an image, iii) the filtered image,
and iv) the difference between the two (with appropriately scaled intensity).
(c) Display an image of the impulse response of your filter. By definition, the impulse response of a
filter is the output we get when we use a delta function as its input.
(d) Repeat part (b) using values of w = 20 and w = 50 in your transfer function. Does this noticeably
affect your filtered image? How?
Hints and Information
• The lsqnonlin function is part of the Matlab Optimization Toolbox that can be used to iteratively
minimize a sum-of-squares objective function. A brief example (adapted from the online Matlab
documentation) is below. For further information, see the online documentation.
Suppose we want to find x = (x1, x2) that minimizes
2 =

2 + 2k − e
kx1 − e
We write an M-file—let’s call it myfun.m—that takes a 2-vector x and returns a ten-vector containing
values for the ten functions fk. That’s all we have to do. By providing the lsqnonlin function
with a pointer to myfun.m and an initial guess for x, the optimization toolbox will do the rest of the
work, adjusting this initial guess and making repeated calls to myfun.m until a (local) minimum in the
objective function is found.
The function code is
function F = myfun(x)
k = 1:10;
F = 2 + 2*k-exp(k*x(1))-exp(k*x(2));
and this is fed to lsqnonlin as in x=lsqnonlin(@myfun,[0.3,0.4]), where the second argument is
the initial ‘guess’ for x.
For the particular example in bonus Prob. 1c, your function myfun.m will be evaluating the objective
function for a nine-element vector representing any ‘guess’ for the nine elements of the matrix A. Since
the camera matrices are also required to compute the objective function (they are treated as constants
and not optimized), they must also be given as input. Thus, your function will look like F=myfun(A,M),
and your call to lsqnonlin will look something like
A=reshape(A,[3 3]);
where the identity matrix is being used for the initial guess. The empty matrices [] correspond to
unused options for lsqnonlin. Again, see the online documentation for further details.
• To compute the DFT and inverse DFT in Matlab, use the commands fft2 and ifft2. Note that
images must be converted to class double before being used as input to fft2. Appropriate centering
is accomplished using the meshgrid command to generate plaid arrays of x and y coordinates, and
then using a command of the form (-1).^(x+y).*double(im), where x and y are your plaid arrays.
Given a complex valued DFT F it’s magnitude (or spectrum) is given by the command abs(F). See
the online Matlab Image Processing Toolbox User Guide for more information.
• When displaying an 8-bit (class uint8) grayscale image in Matlab, values of 0 are depicted as black
and values of 255 are depicted as white. When displaying a real-valued function (class double) as in
image, values of 0 and 1 are assigned black and white, respectively, and values outside of that range are
clipped. In many cases, you want to display these clipped values, and this can be done by specifying
the black and white grayscale limits. As examples, the command imshow(f,[-1 5]) assigns grayscale
intensity values linearly to function values between −1 and 5, and imshow(f,[]) automatically chooses
the maximum and minimum function values for the grayscale limits.
• The DC component F(0, 0) of the DFT of an image is the average value of the image, and since an
image is positive valued, this component tends to be very large. As a result, displaying the DFT
using imshow(F,[]) is not very informative. A more useful depiction is obtained by setting the DC
component to zero prior to display. Here is some sample code assuming that F is the (centered) DFT
of an image with width and height M and N:

• Note that relative to the notation used above the center (assuming even-valued M and N) of a centered
DFT is shifted down and right by one pixel because Matlab’s indexing begins at 1. This should be
taken into account when computing the distance D(u, v) in Prob. 3.
• Filtering in the frequency domain with “centering” consists of these steps:
1. Multiply the input image by (−1)x+y
to center the transform
2. Compute the DFT F(u, v)
3. Multiply F(u, v) by the “filter transfer function” H(u, v)
4. Compute the inverse DFT
5. Obtain the real part
6. Multiply by (−1)x+y

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