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Assignment #4: If-statements, loops

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CSC 110: Fundamentals of Programming I
Assignment #4: If-statements, loops

How to hand in your work
Submit the requested files for part (b) (see below) through the Assignment #4 link
on the CSC 110 conneX site. Please make sure you follow all the required steps for
submission (including confirming your submission). Part (a) is not marked.
Learning outcomes
When you have completed this assignment, you should understand:
• How to use if-statements to describe the control flow we want in our program.
• Using loops to process through strings.
• Use method parameters and method return values to direct the computation
performed in your solution.
Part (a): Problems from the Textbook
Complete Chapter 4 self-check problems 1 to 17; complete Chapter 5 self-check
problems 1 to 9 and 12; and compare your answers with those available at:
Part (b): Converting currency amounts into text
In this assignment you will write a program that converts a monetary amount up to
$10000.00 and from its digit format to its spelled-out string format. The basic idea
behind this algorithm lies behind any computer program that prints paper cheques
(e.g., for paycheques, refunds from stores, government payments, etc.).
One reason cheques are written with amounts in both numerals and in text is to
reduce some kinds of fraud. It is much harder to alter cheques by adding digits to the
amount as both the numerals and the text must agree.
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Here is an example cheque made out to the amount of $235.21.
The amount in numbers (235.21) matches the textual version of the amount (“two
hundred and thirty-five ---- 21/100 dollars”). And here is an interaction example
with your program—called—using the amount shown above:
$ java CurrencyToWords
What is the monetary amount? 235.21
two hundred and thirty-five --------------------------- 21/100 dollars
The following must be hold for your solution to this problem.
• Your program must accept amounts as large as 10000.00 and as small as 0.01,
and any other values in between. (When we test your submission we will
never use fractional cents.)
• The output of your program must format the text version of the amount in a
string 70 characters long. Note the dashes sit between the dollar amount and
the cents amount with a space on either side of the dashed line. Notice that
the “s” of dollars must be the 70th character of the string.
• The word and appears at most once—before the text for the part of the value
that is less than 100. (Please look at the last page of this assignment
description for some sample runs of the program.) Also notice the dash that is
needed to hyphenate the text of numbers less than 100 (i.e., “thirty-five” but
never “thirty five”).
With respect to program structure, your solution must have at least three (3)
• public static String baseCardinalToString(int value): Your whole program will
be based upon this method as a building block. When the method is passed
value belonging to the set of integers {0-9, 10-19, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90},
then the method will use value to create the spelled-out text string version of
The Bank of Trump
101 Avenue of the Americas New York City, NY 10101
Hillary Clinton
3141 Pi Boulevard
Rochester, NY 12354
⑈0210⑈ ⑆314159⑇2653589⑆ 79⑇323846264⑈
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that number. All other input to the method is ignored. The method will return
the created string. For example: if value=9 then it returns “nine”; if value = 18
it returns “eighteen”; if value = 30, it returns “thirty”; etc.
• public static String convertToWords(double value): This method uses the
behavior of baseCardinalToString to build a string corresponding to the
spelled-out version of value. Amongst other things, the method will need to
separate the thousands from the hundreds, and then the hundreds from the
values less than 100, and then those values from the cents (e.g., values less
than 1.00). The methods statements will involve expressions using modulo
arithmetic, multiplication, division and truncation.
• public static double getValueFrom User(): This method interacts with the user
at the console to obtain the monetary amount as a number. However, this
method needs to be robust—that is, if the user does not enter a numeric
amount, the program must re-prompt the user for the numeric amount. You
can use the Scanner method hasNextDouble() to determine if the user has
entered a suitable value (and then use nextLine() to discard the user’s input if
it isn’t suitable). If a numeric amount has fractional cents, then the fractional
cents can be ignored by your solution. Hint: You’ll need a while loop to
implement this method.
Your main method will therefore look something like:
double value = getValueFromUser();
String text = convertToWords(value);
You are welcome to introduce more of your own methods as you think they are
needed, but please do this wisely and carefully comment each such method (as you
should for all methods declared in code you write).
File to submit:
A potential “gotcha”
Throughout the semester we have tried to emphasize the difference between the
concept of a real number and its computer approximation (a variable of type double).
This approximation can produce frustration when working with monetary amounts.
For example, consider the following lines of Java:
double value = 4398.44;
double value100 = value * 100.0;
int cents = ((int)(value * 100.0)) % 100;
These lines are an attempt to extract that part of value less than 1.00, and to store
this part as an int (i.e., 0.44 becomes 44, 0.02 becomes 2, etc.). The second line
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assigning to value100 is not really needed but will help reveal a problem. Here is the
output of the two println statements in that code:
Curiouser and curiouser! For some reason a Java double results in something odd
when 4398.44 is multiplied by 100.0.
This kind of situation is one reason many commercial programs written in Java
represent monetary amounts using the class BigDecimal. The approximations that
occur when representing real numbers as doubles are never a factor with a
BigDecimal. However, arithmetic with this class is not as straightforward as with
doubles and therefore we will not use BigDecimals in this assignment.
When we examine the output of the example code, it appears that the approximate
value stored in value100 is very, very close to what we need. The cast to (int)
truncates the decimal portion; if we add 0.5 to the number before truncation we can
get the value needed in cents (i.e., 44). Even if the approximation is in the other
direction (e.g., 439844.000000000004), adding 0.5 and truncating via (int) will still
result in 44 being stored in cents. The third line below is therefore modified
double value = 4398.44;
double value100 = value * 100.0;
int cents = ((int)(value * 100.0 + 0.5)) % 100;
and the output is:
Grading: What the marker will look for
• Documentation: Documentation in the implemented code must include the
author's identification and the purpose of the program. Each group of
instructions must be preceded with a comment describing their common
purpose. Each method must be preceded with a comment describing its
purpose as well as an indication of the input to and the output from the
• White Space and Indentation in the code and adherence to Java naming
• Your methods should accept input parameter values and return an output as
described above. Your program should use the methods wherever it is
appropriate. Other suitable methods can be created, of course, or no other
methods, if that is appropriate.
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• Compiles and produces correct output: The code constitutes a valid Java
program (i.e. compiles and runs without error on the ECS 250 lab machines).
It must accept input and print output as described above.
• Prompts are provided as described in this document.
Grading scheme
• “A” grade: An exceptional submission demonstrating creativity and initiative
going above and beyond the assignment requirements. The program runs
without any problems using the specified method. Any extra work appears in
the file named, and identified within the file (i.e.,
Class comment) is how you have extended the assignment to demonstrate
creativity and initiative.
• “B” grade: A submission completing the requirements of the assignment. The
program runs without any problems, uses the specified methods, and
interacts with the user as requested by this assignment.
• “C” grade: A submission completing most of the requirements of the
assignment. The program runs with some problems but has the specified
method, and yet might not have the expected output.
• “D” grade: A serious attempt at completing requirements for the assignment.
The program runs with major problems, or is missing the specified method.
• “F” grade: Either no submission given, the submission does not compile, or
submission represents very little work.
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$ java CurrencyToWords
What is the monetary amount? 305.00
three hundred and five ----------------------------------------- 0/100
$ java CurrencyToWords
What is the monetary amount? 9813.51
nine thousand eight hundred and thirteen ---------------------- 51/100
$ java CurrencyToWords
What is the monetary amount? 0.20
zero ---------------------------------------------------------- 20/100
$ java CurrencyToWords
What is the monetary amount? 8888.88
eight thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight ----------------- 88/100
$ java CurrencyToWords
What is the monetary amount? 1212.12
one thousand two hundred and twelve --------------------------- 12/100
$ java CurrencyToWords
What is the monetary amount? 3000.00
three thousand ------------------------------------------------- 0/100

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