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Assignment # 4 Inadmissible Heuristic Affects Completeness

CS 540: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Homework Assignment # 4

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Question 1: Inadmissible Heuristic Affects Completeness [50 points]
We saw in the class that if the heuristic function h is inadmissible, A* search may find a suboptimal goal.
We now show that A* may not even be complete, namely it may not terminate even if a goal with small
cost exists. Consider the following graph where the right branch goes on forever: where A is the initial state
and G is the only goal state. Let
cost(A, B) = 1/2, cost(B, G) = 1/2
so the solution path from A to G has a cost of 1. Furthermore, let
cost(A, C1) = 1 cost(C1, C2) = 1/2 cost(C2, C3) = 1/4 cost(C3, C4) = 1/8 . . .
so that the costs decrease by half toward the right.
Suppose for all states s the heuristic function h(s) = 0 except that h(B) = 100. This makes h inadmissible.
Nonetheless, let us run the A* algorithm with this h.
1. (5 points) By definition, what range of h(B) is considered admissible?
2. (20 points) Run the A* algorithm (on slide 9 of part 2 of informed search) by hand for five iterations:
that is, you should execute step 5 five times. At the end of each iteration, show the following:
• states in OPEN
• states in CLOSED
• for each state, show its f, g, h values
• for each state, show its back pointer
3. (5 points) What is limi→∞ f(Ci)? Show your derivation.
CS 540 Spring 2018
4. (5 points) Explain in English why the search will not find G.
5. (10 points) Is there a range of h(B) that is inadmissible but still allows A* search to find G? If yes,
give the range; if no, explain why.
6. (5 points) Is admissible h a sufficient condition, a necessary condition, both, or neither for A* search
to find the optimal goal?
Question 2: Simulated Annealing [25 points]
Consider a state space consisting of integers. Suppose that the successors of a state x include all integers in
[x − 10, x + 10], including x itself. Consider the score function f(x) = max{4 − |x|, 2 − |x − 6|, 2 − |x + 6|}.
It has three peaks with one forming a unique global maximum.
Recall that a random successor y is generated on each iteration of simulated annealing. If this successor
is better than the current state x, it is always accepted. If it is not better, it will still be accepted with
p = exp 

|f(x) − f(y)|

Recall that to do something with probability p, you generate a random number z ∈ [0, 1] uniformly and if
z ≤ p you do it.
Use the temperature cooling scheme
T(i) = 2(0.9)i
where i is the iteration number. E.g., for the first iteration, the temperature will be T(1) = 2(0.9)1 = 1.8.
Perform 8 iterations of simulated annealing using x = 2 as your starting point. We already “randomly”
picked a successor y at each iteration for you, and also generated a “random number” z at that iteration
for you to decide whether to go to an inferior successor, should you need it. These are listed in Table 1.
Use these numbers. For each iteration, write down (1) the current point, (2) the temperature (rounded to
the nearest thousandth), and (3) the probability of moving to the successor given the successor and the
Iteration Number Random Successor y Random Number z
1 3 0.102
2 1 0.223
3 1 0.504
4 4 0.493
5 2 0.312
6 3 0.508
7 4 0.982
8 3 0.887
Table 1: Successor States and Random Numbers
CS 540 Spring 2018
Question 3: City of Madison Open Data: Street Trees [25 points]
Visit the website Go City Datasets / SUSTAINABILITY to find the “Street Trees” dataset:
Street Trees thumbnail
Shared by CityOfMadison
The different classifications of the tree data are as follows: ID:...
Custom License 9/11/2017 Spatial Dataset 112,511 Rows
Once you get into this dataset’s webpage, you can zoom in to the map on top of the webpage to see where
the trees are. Try find Computer Science Department and see the few trees around the building! You will
see many trees with their attributes. For your convenience, we have downloaded the dataset and provided
it for this homework (available in both .csv and .txt format).
Suppose the city wants to inspect the trees for disease. An inspector starts from their office, drives a
truck to visit each tree once, and goes back to the office at the end. The inspector wants to find the shortest
route to do so. Because of traffic and one-way streets, the order the trees are visited affects the total distance
the inspector needs to travel. It is therefore reasonable to represent a state by a permutation of the trees.
Let there be n trees. For a particular permutation t1, . . . , tn, the total distance of that state is defined as
f(t1, . . . , tn) = d(O, t1) +
, ti+1) + d(tn, O)
where d(a, b) is the driving distance from a to b, and O represents the office. One can view f as the score of
the state, and the inspector wants to find a state with the minimum score.
1. How many states are there for n trees?
2. The inspector can perform hill climbing to approximately minimize the score. To do so, a successor
(neighborhood) function needs to be defined for each state. It turns out that one valid way to generate
successors for the state t1, . . . , tn is to pick a position j ∈ [1, n − 1] and swap tj , tj+1. (If you are
interested: any permutation can be expressed as a product of adjacent transpositions.) What fraction
of the state space does one neighborhood cover? Note for this problem, the neighborhood of a state
does not include the state itself.
3. Find n from your Madison dataset and compute the number of states in scientific notation, round to
one significant digit (i.e. c × 10d where c is a single digit). This is why the inspector cannot enumerate
all states!
4. One way to estimate the worst case total distance is to assume that to travel between any two trees
(or a tree and the office), the inspector has to travel the diameter of the city. Assume Madison has
a diameter of 10 km. What is this worst case estimate of the total distance? Use the actual n for
Madison and express your answer in LD, namely the average earth moon distance. Keep one significant
5. One way to estimate the best case total distance is to assume that to travel between any two trees (or a
tree and the office), the inspector has to travel the minimum distance between any two trees. Assume
that distance is 10 m. What is this best case estimate of the total distance? Express your answer in
CS 540 Spring 2018
6. Suppose the inspector drives at 25 miles per hour (note the Imperial unit). Can the inspector finish
the job in one day?

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