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Assignment 4 - Multilayer Perceptron

Assignment 4 - Multilayer Perceptron to Recognize Handwritten Digits [12 Marks]

Due Date: December 03 at 23.59.
What to submit: An html version of this notebook after you have run all cells (File -> Download as); if you're using Google Colab, you can export an html file by saving your file in Google Colab and then adding the following instruction to a cell: !jupyter nbconvert --to html your_file.ipynb to html

In this assignment you will implement a Multilayer Perceptron for recognizing handwritten digits. We will use the MNIST data set to train a classifier. You will have to install tensorflow to download the data set we will use. You should be able to install it with:

pip install tensorflow

Let one of the instructors know if that does not work for you.

Warning: This assignment requires that you perform operations with matrices in Numpy (e.g., multiplication and summation of the column vectors of a matrix). You should discover by yourself how to use the operations needed to complete the assignment. Numpy's documentation can be a good resource:

In this assingment we will use f-string formatting to organize the data we use to train a Multilayer Perceptron. f-string formatting allows us to create strings with values stored in a variable. Let's see the following example where we create many strings with integer values from variable i.

We will use this f-string formatting to create the key of dictionaries in Python. If you aren't familiar with dictionaries in Python, please read this:

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