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Assignment 4 Natural Language Processing

Assignment 4
Natural Language Processing ( CS563 )

(Read all the instructions carefully and adhere to them.)

1. A demo tutorial for the encoder-decoder model implementation will be
conducted on 3rd-April-2021 (4:00 PM), on the following link:
2. Markings will be based on the correctness and soundness of the outputs.
3. Marks will be deducted in case of plagiarism.
4. Proper indentation and appropriate comments (if necessary) are mandatory.
5. You should zip all the required files and name the zip file as:
<roll_no>_assignment_<#>.zip, eg.
6. Upload your assignment ( the zip file ) in the following link:

Machine translation: MT is a very challenging task that investigates the use of
software to translate text or speech from one language to another.
Example: it is raining outside → बाहर वर्षा हो रही है
Sequence to Sequence Learning for Neural Machine
● Problem Statement: The objective is to convert a English sentence to its
Hindi counterpart using a Neural Machine Translation (NMT) system.
○ Input: Given Sentence in English. A start of the sentence (<sos>) and
end of the sentence (<eos>) token needs to be appended.
■ ‘<sos>’, ‘it’, ‘is’,’ raining’, ‘outside’, ‘<eos>’
○ Output: Corresponding translated sentences in Hindi. A start of the
sentence (<sos>) and end of the sentence (<eos>) token needs to be
■ ‘<sos>’, ‘बाहर’, ‘वर्षा’,’हो’, ‘रही’, ‘है’ ‘<eos>’
● You may consider the following details for the implementation.
○ Input Vec(Wi input at the encoder): The word embeddings of the
words from the input sentences will be the input to the model. You can
use the Word2Vec or GLOVE embedding.
○ Output Vec(Wo Input at the decoder): The word embeddings of the
words from the input sentences will be the input to the model. You can
use the Word2Vec or GLOVE embedding.
■ Link → Word2vec: or
■ Link→ Glove:
○ Steps to use pre trained word embeddings:
■ Prepare a dictionary of all the unique words in the dataset.
■ Load the word2vec or glove embeddings.
■ Get embeddings for each word and save them in a numpy or
torch matrix.
○ You may use any deep learning libraries such as TensorFlow, PyTorch,
Keras etc. for the implementation. Use 300 dimensions for word
● Neural Model:
○ An LSTM based Encoder
○ An LSTM based Decoder
● Dataset: Download the dataset for Machine translation from here :
○ There are 3 files consisting of English and Hindi data
○ Use the data in the files ‘english.train.txt’ and ‘hindi.train.txt’ for
training. The sentences in the two files are aligned.
○ Test your model using the files ‘english.test.txt’ and `hindi.test.txt’
● Evaluation Metrics: Evaluate your model based on the following metrics:
○ BLEU score: BLEU looks at the overlap in the predicted and actual
target sequences in terms of their n-grams. (Use the for computing bleu)
○ Using the gold samples from `hindi.test.txt’ compute the BLEU
● Loss Function : Use the CrossEntropyLoss function since it calculates both
the log softmax as well as the negative log-likelihood for the predicted

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