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Assignment 4 Operator Overloading and Recursion

CS 202 - Assignment 4
Operator Overloading and Recursion
Unlike other assignments, this one will be more of a worksheet/ collection of functions to implement rather
than a cohesive program. You can think of it as similar to a library - it is a collection of functions we provide
for others to be able to use in their code.
There are two parts to this assignment, each with their own separate program. The first will focus on
implementing operator overloading for a custom Vector class that we will write to behave like a math vector.
This will involve writing a few math operations as well as operators to print, read into, and copy over Vectors.
The second program consists of three recursive functions each solving a different problem. You can find the
files needed for each part in their own folders in the handout. Each should be compiled and run separately
and will be used for different tests when submitted to CodeGrade.
Recall from math that a vector is made of a series of values each representing a magnitude in a different
dimension. For example, ⟨3, −4, 0, 2⟩ is a 4 dimensional vector. For this program, you will need to implement
a Vector class that dynamically allocates an array to store these values and keeps the size allocated. We will
then implement the ability to add two Vectors using the + operator overload, a * overload to find the dot
product between two vectors, and then a » and « overload to read and write the Vector from a stream.
The + overload will take two Vectors and add them elementwise to make a result Vector. For example,
if u = ⟨4, −2, 1⟩ and v = ⟨1, 0, −3⟩, then u + v = ⟨4 + 1,(−2) + 0, 1 + (−3)⟩ = ⟨5, −2, −2⟩. More formally,
for two Vectors, u and v, of dimensionality k, the addition of these two is ⟨u0 + v0, u1 + v1, ..., uk−1 + vk−1⟩.
The * overload for two Vector will return the dot product of those two Vectors. Recall from math that a
dot product is a scalar, so a single number. It is found by taking the sum of all products between elements in
two vectors. Given the same u and v from earlier: u*v = 4*1 + (-2)*0 + 1*(-3) = 1. As a formal definition,
again given vectors u and v of dimensionality k:
ui ∗ vi
Finally, we will implement some non-math functions for the Vectors. The « operator will need to print
the Vector to the given stream, while the » will read values for a Vector from some stream. We will also
provide a = overload to allow us to copy the contents of one Vector to another.
The recursion program contains three functions, each solving some small problem recursively. The first
of which is a power function that simply gives a base value to a power. For example 2
4 = 16. Try to find
a base case that is trivial to find (HINT: Is there a power that always gives the same value regardless of
base?). Remember that when doing recursion, we have some base case to act as a stopping point and return
some value, then a recursive case that calls the function itself with different arguments to approach that base
case. Make sure this function calls itself and performs some reduction on one of the arguments each time.
The next function attempts to check if a value is in an array. This function will use the binary search
approach to find a number, which assumes that the array is already sorted beforehand. This should check
the middle of the current array and if the element matches, we are at a base case and the value is found.
Else, try to find the value in either the left or the right sub array depending on whether the target value is
bigger or smaller than the middle. As an example of a single run through of this function, given the array
3, 5, 6, 8, 12 and the value 12, this should see that the middle, 6, is not the desired value and try the 8, 12
sub-array to the right, since 12 > 6, so the value must be in the right array. See the related video for this
assignment for a more detailed overview on binary search.
The last function to implement will be a function to try and find the position of a ’X’ given a 2D maze
array of characters. This is most easily understood by looking at existing arrays in the provided recursion.cpp.
This function will take a position to check in the array and see if it can find the character ’X’ there, if not,
it will continue its search. To make sure we don’t re-check spaces we have already checking in the array,
previously checked spaces will be marked with a ’O’. If you end up in a space containing an ’O’, simply
return without trying adjacent spaces. Otherwise, recursively try to find the ’X’ by starting at the spaces
above, below, right, and left of the current one as long as they are in bounds of the array. You will need
to do bounds checking using the provided WIDTH and HEIGHT members. As a hint, try separating your
checks for each individual direction - so check if moving right remains in bounds before going right, check
the left, etc.
UML Diagrams
- contents : float*
- size : int
+ operator =(Vector) : void
+ Vector()
+ Vector(int)
+ Vector(const Vector&)
+ ~Vector()
- message : string
+ DimensionMismatchException()
+ DimensionMismatchException(string)
+ what() : string
Important Classes and Functions
Below is a list of functions and variables that are important for this assignment. Variables are in green,
functions that you will need to write are in red, functions implemented for you already are in
blue, and functions that are abstract that will be implemented later are in magenta.
The Vector class works similar to a Vector you might see in math and supports a few different operations
that we will see in a later section. For convenience, the Vector class will be able to have math, printing, and
assignment operations so that programmers who use our class can more cleanly utilize it.
• float* contents - A pointer to a 1D array of floats that represents the contents of our Vector. Remember that a Vector in math can be seen as a Matrix where one of the dimensions is 1 (i.e. it is a
single row/column of numbers)
• int size - The size of our array. This also represents the total count of numbers in our vector
• Vector() - The default constructor for the vector class that simply sets the array to be unallocated
and point to nullptr and the size to 0. This constructor is used by main when it wants to create a
Vector using the » operator overload
• Vector(int size) - A constructor that is given the size of the Vector to be made. This should allocate
an array of the given size and set the size class member to the passed size parameter so that we may
use it later in other functions
• Vector(const Vector& other) - The copy constructor should make a deep copy of the given other
Vector and set all of the members of the Vector being constructed using other as a template. This
should set the size member to be the size of the other Vector. Then, make a deep copy of the other’s
contents by allocating new space to hold all of the numbers and copying them over to the allocated
• ~Vector() - The destructor should deallocate our dynamically allocated contents array, assuming it
has been allocated.
• void operator =(Vector other) - The assignment operator overload should work exactly like the
copy constructor. That is, it should make a deep copy of the other Vector given as a parameter and
copy all of its members over to thisobject. The difference here is that = may be used after a Vector
has already been constructed, so it is possible it may already have existing memory allocated. You can
use the same code as the copy constructor, but make sure to add code to deallocate the contents array
before making a deep copy if the contents array has already been allocated
The DimensionMismatchException class is a custom exception class we will use alongside the Vector class to
signal that we could not do an operation. This class is already implemented for you, you will just need to use
it appropriately. The main() for the vector program already contains try/catch blocks to handle exceptions
that may be thrown, you will only to do the actual throwing in the event an operation is invalid.
• string message - Holds a message describing the exception that occurred
• DimensionMismatchException() - The default constructor simply sets the message to be blank for
this exception
• DimensionMismatchException(string message) - Sets the message for this exception to be the
passed string. This constructor should be called when creating exceptions to be thrown by the Vector
• string what() - Returns the message stored for this exception. In other words, returns some information about why exactly this exception occurred
Global Functions for Vectors
The majority of the Vector operators will be implemented globally (i.e. statically). This means they are
not class members. However, we still want these functions to have access to private members, so they are
marked as friends of Vector class within its body.
• Vector operator + (Vector v1, Vector v2) - Adds two Vectors elementwise and makes a new Vector
as the result. This should go through each Vector and add corresponding elements, storing the result
in a final Vector to be returned. This operation should throw a DimensionMismatchException if
the sizes of the two Vectors do not match and cannot be added. When throwing an exception, add a
message "v1 and v2 are of different sizes and could not be added" that describes the exception. This
message is shown when what() is used on a caught exception
• float operator * (Vector v1, Vector v2) - Multiplies two vectors by finding the dot product
between them. The dot product is defined as a scalar value that is the sum of the product of all
corresponding elements. In other words, go through each Vector and for each element at the same
index, multiply them and add them to a running sum. While this is a Vector operator, the result is
just a single float. Similar to the + overload, this should throw a DimensionMismatchException
with a relevant message if the Vectors are not of the same dimensionality and cannot be lined up
properly. The message should be similar, just with "added" replaced with "mutliplied" (see output for
• ostream& operator « (ostream& out, const Vector& v) - Prints the vector in the form
⟨x0, x1, ...xn⟩ to the given out stream, then returns the stream.
• istream& operator » (istream& in, Vector& v) - Reads from the given input stream into the
passed Vector. This should first read the size to make the vector, then allocate an array of the size
for the contents. Finally, read numbers from the stream until the whole array is filled. It is also
recommended to deallocate any existing contents before allocating just in case the Vector already
contains some values. This function returns the stream it read from
Recursion Functions
For the recursion portion of the assignment, we will be implementing three recursive functions. When
running the main program, it will ask which one of the three functions to test, which can be selected with a
number 1-3. It is encouraged to look at at main to get an idea of the input for each function. All functions
are implemented globally. The descriptions for these functions is relatively brief; the goal here is to focus on
problem solving
• int power(const int& base, int power) - This function should return the base to the given power
recursively. For example power(2, 3) returns 8. Remember to consider what the trivial base case is for
taking a power and to have the function call itself as part of the return value in the recursive case
• bool isValueInArray(int arr[], int start, int length, const int& value) - This function tells
if the given value is found in the sub array starting at the start index with the given length. As an
example, if we had the array 4, 5, 7, 8, the call isValueInArray(arr, 2, 2, 7) would search for the
number 7 in the sub array starting at index 7 of length 2 (so that array 7, 8.
This should recursively search for the value in the array by utilizing the binary search method. That
is, try checking the middle value in the array. If it is not found, try the list to the left of the value
if the target value is less than the middle and try the right list if the target value is greater than the
middle. You can assume the list array is already sorted in advance. The middle and lengths of the left
and right sub-arrays are calculated for you in the skeleton code for convenience, just focus on finding
the right index to start with and how to do the recursive calls.
• void findTheX(char grid[HEIGHT][WIDTH], const int& x, const int& y) - Given a 2D grid
of characters, this should attempt to find the ’X’ char in the array starting at the given x, y position.
Recall that when accessing an array, y generally comes before x. This should check the current spot
for the ’X’ and if not found, tries the 4 adjacent tiles above, below, left, and right of the current spot.
If the ’X’ is not found, mark the current spot as checked by setting the position to ’O’. If a space is
already marked as an ’O’, you can return without checking adjacent tiles, since that spot has already
been checked. Before trying any one direction, ensure that that spot is in bounds of the 2D array with
the given HEIGHT and WIDTH. Once the X is found, print where it was found similar to the sample
output. This function does not return a value.
Each program only contains one cpp file in this assignment, so no make file is provided. Simply compile
vector.cpp for the vector program and recursion.cpp for the recursion program. Note that the vector
program uses the provided input.txt file for testing the » overload, so please make sure the file is in the same
directory as your program when running. Both programs take no command line arguments and can be run
directly after compiling.
Sample Run
Vector Program
v1 = <5.7, 1.2, 0.4, -0.6>
v2 = <5.6, 0.8, 1.2, 0.5>
Testing = ...
Checking if v3 and v4 are the same
v3 = <1, 3, 0>
v4 = <1, 3, 0>
Testing math operations
v1 + v2 = <11.3, 2, 1.6, -0.1>
v1 * v2 = 33.06
Testing an invalid operation
Encountered an error when multiplying: v1 and v2 are of different sizes and could not be multiplied
Recursion power
2^10 = 1024
4^0 = 1
Recursion isValueInArray
Is 2 in the array? yes
Is 6 in the array? yes
Is 21 in the array? no
Recursion findTheX
---- Maze 1 ----
Found the X at (2, 3)
---- Maze 2 ----
Found the X at (1, 0)

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