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Assignment 4: Parsing

601.465/665 — Natural Language Processing
Assignment 4: Parsing

In this assignment, you will build a working CKY parser.
Collaboration: You may work in pairs on this assignment, as it is programming-intensive and requires
some real problem-solving. ‘at is, if you choose, you may collaborate with one partner from the class,
handing in a single homework with both your names on it. However:
1. You should do all the work together, for example by pair programming. Don’t divide it up into “my
part” and “your part.”
2. Your README €le should describe at the top what each of you contributed, so that we know you
shared the work fairly.
3. Your partner must not be the same partner as you had for HW3.
In any case, observe academic integrity and never claim any work by third parties as your own.
Materials: All the €les you need can be found in /home/arya/hw-parse on the ugrad machines.
On getting programming help: Same policy as on HW3. (Roughly, feel free to ask anyone for help
on how to use the a‹ributes of the programming language and its libraries. However, for issues directly
related to NLP or this assignment, you should only ask the course sta‚ or your partner for help.)
How to hand in your written work: Via Gradescope as before. Besides the comments you embed in
your source €les, put all other notes, documentation, and answers to questions in a README.pdf €le.
How to test and hand in your programs: Similar to the previous homework. An autograder will test
your code on some new sentences. We will post more detailed instructions on Piazza.
?1 1. Parsing is nowadays done as a preliminary step, giving explicit additional information to downstream tasks. Find four papers that use parsing to help a downstream task. Give a one-sentence
summary of how parsing is involved in each and why it could help, citing them with URLs and
paper titles.
A good place to look is the Anthology of the Association for Computational Linguistics. ACL is the
largest organization for researchers in NLP, and they make all of their journal, conference, and workshop papers available for free. You can restrict Google searches with the term

Some questions adapted from a previous o‚ering by Prof. Jason Eisner.
2. Familiarize yourself with parsing. Try out a context-free parser of English from the literature. You
don’t have to spend a long time on this question, but experiment by having it parse at least a few
?2 In your README, discuss what you learned. Some examples:
• Was there anything interesting or surprising about the style of trees produced by the parser?
• What were some things that the parser got wrong? What were some hard things that it managed to get right? (I.e., “ordinary” sentences of the kind that it probably saw in training data.)
• Can you design a grammatical sentence that confuses the parser in a way that you intended,
even though the parser is familiar with the words in your sentence? (I.e., “adversarial” sentences that are intended to stump the parser, and may be di‚erent from the ones in training
Hints: ‘e following parsers have online demos, so they are easy to try:
• Berkeley Parser:
• Stanford Parser: (for English, Chinese, and Arabic)
We’re not asking you to read the manual for the Penn Treebank.
Just tell us what looks “reasonable”
or “unreasonable”. You can €nd a simple list of nonterminals here:˜jason/465/hw-parse/treebank-notation.pdf
You can experiment to €gure out the other conventions. For example, if you are not sure whether
the parser correctly interpreted a certain phrase as a relative clause, then try parsing a very simple
sentence that contains a relative clause. ‘is shows you what structures are “supposed” to be used
for relative clauses (since the parser will probably get the simple sentence right). You can also discuss
with other students on Piazza.
3. Not all parsers produce parse trees of the sort we’ve been studying in class (constituency parses).
‘ey may produce other kinds of sentence diagrams. One such parsing style is in vogue these days:
dependency parsing.2 ?3 Try out an online dependency parser. Explain what you notice about it. Also
compare and contrast it with constituency parses.
Please use the spaCy parser: It may be more educational to you if you disable both “Merge XXX” checkboxes beneath the input €eld.
4. Implement a CKY parser that can be run as
python3 MODE foo.sen
1‘is is the corpus these parsers were trained on, containing about a million English words in 40,000 sentences from the Wall
Street Journal.
2Nowadays, most dependency parsing algorithms for English leverage neural networks.
• each line of foo.sen is either blank (and should be skipped) or contains an input sentence
whose words are separated by whitespace
• is a grammar €le in homework 1’s format, except that
– you can assume that the €le format is simple and rigid; predictable whitespace and no
comments. (See the sample .gr €les for examples.)
– the number preceding rule X → Y Z is the rule’s estimated probability, Pr(X → Y Z |
X), which is proportional to the number of times it was observed in training data. ‘e
probabilities for X rules already sum to 13—whereas in homework 1 you had to divide
them by a constant to ensure this.
– you may assume that the grammar is in Chomsky Normal Form—which permits only rules
expanding into two nonterminals or one terminal.
• ‘ese €les are case-sensitive; for example, DT → The and DT → the have di‚erent probabilities.
• MODE is one of these:
– RECOGNIZER, which returns whether the sentence can be parsed according to the grammar
– BEST-PARSE, which gives the minimum-weight parse and its weight.
– TOTAL-WEIGHT, which gives the − log2 of the total probability of a sentence according to
the grammar, in bits. (‘is is di‚erent from the sum of weights!) Execution in this mode
is called the inside algorithm.
We have provided a sample grammar in It corresponds to the textbook example of
J&M in Chapter 12, except that Suzanna graciously binarized it for you.4 To sanity-check your
implementation, make sure you are able to reconstruct the best parse and the total weight for this
book the dinner flight .
should have two parses, namely
(ROOT (S (Verb book) (NP (Det the) (Nominal (Nominal dinner) (Noun flight)))) (Punc .))
(ROOT (S (XB (Verb book) (NP (Det the) (Nominal dinner))) (NP flight)) (Punc .))
‘e probabilities for the top two parses above are 2.16 × 10−06, and 6.075 × 10−07 respectively.
Assuming a three-line .sen €le, your output should be forma‹ed as follows, depending on execution
True 3.511 Sentence1-Parse 4.255
False - NOPARSE -
True 6.325 Sentence3-Parse 20.789
• Each parse of a sentence should be preceded by its weight, separated by a TAB.
3When you read these in, the sums might not be exactly 1. ‘is is a consequence of ƒoating point arithmetic.
4You can obtain the textbook freely from here.
• Print each weight with 3 decimal places.
• ‘e parse should be bracketed in the same format as Assignment 1.
• If there is no parse, print NOPARSE.
‘e weight of a rule or a parse means its negative log2probability, measured in bits. ‘us, the
minimum-weight parse is the maximum-probability parse. Your parser should convert probabilities to weights as it reads the grammar €le. It can work with weights therea‰er.5
Hint: All three execution modes can share nearly all of their code! ‘e only di‚erence is a few
parameters. (Can you think of what these are? If so, you’ll save yourself a lot of time.)
Not everything you need to write this parser was covered in detail in class! You will have to work
out some of the details. Make sure not to do anything that will make your algorithm take more than
) space or O(n
3 ?4 ) time. Please explain brieƒy (in your README €le) how you solved the
following problems, as well as any others that you deem relevant to justify your runtime:
(a) You only have O(1) time to add the entry to the appropriate column if it is new, so you must
be able to append to the column quickly. (‘is should be trivial in Python.)
(b) For each entry in the parse chart, you must keep track of that entry’s current best parse (in
BEST-PARSE) and the total weight of that best parse. Note that these values may have to be
updated if you €nd a be‹er parse for that entry.
(c) Storing an entire tree at each cell of the chart would be tremendously inecient, space-wise.
What’s a be‹er strategy?
?5 What to hand in: Submit your program (as well as answers to the questions above). (Feeling ambitious? Generate sentences with randsent, then parse them with your parser!)
‘e autograder will test your program on new grammars and sentences that you haven’t seen. You
should therefore make sure it behaves correctly in all circumstances. Remember, your program must
work not only with the sample grammar, but with any grammar €le that follows the correct format,
no ma‹er how many rules or symbols it contains. So your program cannot hard-code anything
about the grammar, except for the start symbol, which is always ROOT.
5. Explain why the complexity of CKY is O(n
3 ?6 |G|). Your answer should elaborate on why each term
is present and necessary, not just give the de€nition of each variable.
?7 Propose (or identify from the literature) an improvement. Explain it in depth. (More depth than
Wikipedia’s summaries—we want to see you comprehend and summarize complex ideas related to
what you’ve learned, not paraphrase Wikipedia.)
6. Extra credit: CKY parsers rely on a binarized grammar—one in Chomsky Normal Form. In lecture,
we touched on how to binarize a grammar. Now, it’s time to try your hand at it. Write a script that accepts a grammar in the format from Assignment 1, then outputs a binarized
form of the grammar.
5Alternatively, if you prefer, you can do the conversion at output time instead of at input time. ‘at is, following Appendix
G of the previous assignment, your parser can work with probabilities as long as you represent them internally by their logs
to prevent underƒow. You would then convert log-probabilities to weights only as you print out your results. ‘is is really the
same as the previous strategy, up to a factor of − log2
. Hint: If you don’t do it at the end, you may again want to use a library’s
implementation of log-sum-exp in TOTAL-WEIGHT.
Let the binarizer be run as python3 --outfile grammar.grb; the
outfile argument is optional. If it is not provided, print the binarized grammar to standard output.
Hint: Binarization is meant to give you another form of the same grammar. It should be no more or
less expressive than the original. It’s easy to accidentally “loosen” the grammar as you binarize it.
Hint: Many of the rules you introduce will have a conditional probability of 1.
Hint: ‘ere are several possible binarizations of a single grammar. Finding a minimal binarization
(the fewest rules) is NP-hard. We’re not asking for the minimal one; any correct binarization will do.
✌8 Turn in both your script and the output of running on /home/arya/hw-parse/, saved as wsj grammar.grb.
7. Extra credit: Now that you’ve wri‹en a binarized grammar wsj grammar.grb, run it on some test
sentences found at /home/arya/hw-parse/wallstreet.sen.
To help check your binarized grammar (assuming your parser is correct), for the €rst two sentences
in wallstreet.sen, their lowest-weighted parses have weights of 34.224 and 104.909 respectively.
✌9 Turn in BEST-PARSE output of your parser on the €rst €ve sentences, along with the probability of
the best parse. How long did your parser take to process the entire €le?
8. Extra Credit: English has been the large focus of natural language processing for decades. As such, it
is high-quality tools have been developed for several NLP tasks that use English data. But Ethnologue
recognizes about 7,000 languages in the world. Nearly all of them lack these tools.
✌10 List some reasons why high-quality NLP tools do not exist in other languages.
One strategy for combating the lack of tools and annotations in other languages is to project annotations generated by English tools onto other languages across word alignments; e.g. Yarowsky et
al. (2001). ‘ese alignments can be found by using bilingual dictionaries (some of the €rst tools created by linguistic €eld workers), or learned from parallel text as cross-lingual word embeddings or
statistical word alignments. Transferring syntactic information is particularly popular, as in Rasooli
and Collins (2017).
Help a low-resource language out, projecting your information into the language to improve tagging.
Write a script that leverages your CKY parser, perhaps via an import command.
Call your script like this:
python3 eng-deu.dict eng.sen deu.sen
Feeling ambitious? Find a bilingual dictionary (or create it from sentence-aligned corpora with a
freely available tool like fast align). Find some text in the language you care about.
Feeling stuck? We can give you a toy dictionary and some toy parallel text.
If your script reads this English sentence:6
‘e sun shone , having no alternative , on the nothing new .
and this (questionable) German translation:
From Samuel Becke‹’s Murphy
Die Sonne schien , ohne eine Alternative zu haben , auf die nichts Neues .
then you should parse the English sentence according to your grammar, then use the dictionary
to project preterminals7
across any alignments you €nd, in this two-line format (separating each
word or preterminal with a tab, marking missing info with a hyphen):
Die Sonne schien , ohne eine Alternative zu haben , auf die nichts Neues .
✌11 Tell us which language and resources you chose. Submit via Gradescope. Show
us some examples of projected annotations in your writeup.
7‘ese are a particular subset of the nonterminals: in a CNF grammar, these are the le‰-hand sides of the unary rules.

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