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Assignment 4 Solution

Assignment 4
Total: 36 Points
General Instruction
• I recommend that you type your answers to exercise questions by using a word processor
(Microsoft word, LibreOffice writer, LATEX, etc.).
• Submit a PDF file (not a zip file) via BeachBoard (Not email or in class).
1. (8 points) Consider the following pseudocode. What does this program print if the
language uses static scoping? What does it print with dynamic scoping? Why?
1. procedure main
2. a : integer := 1
3. b : integer := 2
4. procedure A
5. a : integer := 3
6. b : integer := 4
7. B()
8. print a, b
9. procedure B
10. print a, b
11. a := 5
12. b := 6
11. -- body of main
12. A()
13. print a, b
2. (8 points) Chapter 3. Exercise 3.6. (a) and (b).
3. (4 points) Chapter 3. Exercise 3.9. (a)
4. (8 points) Chapter 3. Exercise 3.14.
5. (8 points) Chapter 3. Exercise 3.19. (a) and (b).

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