CSCI 362: Machine Learning Assignment 4
Stochastic Gradient Descent
Part I: Implement mini-batch gradient descent.
Download or cut-and-paste ols_nn.py from our Github repo to your computer.
The program ols_nn.py uses batch gradient descent to train a linear model to fit the climate data.
Here batch means that the model sees all of the data during each pass of the training loop; that
is, during each iteration of the training loop, all of the data are used when computing the gradient.
Modify ols_nn.py by defining a variable (before entering the training loop) called batchsize or similar. Set batchsize to say 4, initially.
Modify the training loop in ols_nn.py so that the model is shown mini-batches of examples, each
of size batchsize (instead of all of the data), during each forward pass.
Organize your code so that, if you set batchsize = 32, then you recover batch gradient descent;
and if you set batchsize = 1, you get stochastic gradient descent as discussed in class.
Make sure your code works as expected when you set batchsize = 32. You will likely need to adjust
your learning parameters in order to recover high-quality convergence if batchsize is significantly
smaller than 32.
Submit a readable screenshot of your modified training loop including any surrounding code that you
modified or added. Also include a readable screenshot with the output of a run demonstrating good
convergence with batchsize = 4.
Note: if one accumulates the loss outside the inner for loop, as Simmons did in class, then the
appropriate adjustment is: accum_loss * batchsize / num_examples.
Part II: Peer review one of your classmate’s implementation of SGD.
On Canvas, you will be assigned to peer review another student’s solution for Part I.
In your peer review, please comment on
1. the general correctness/style/readability of your classmate’s code, as well as
2. its algorithmic integrity:
– are all examples in the dataset seen during training?
– is high-quality stochasticity employed?