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Assignment 4 Three Layer Architecture

CMPT 270

Developing Object Oriented Systems
Assignment 4
Three Layer Architecture
Total Marks: 95
General Instructions

• Programming questions must be written in Java.
• Non-programming questions must be submitted as either .txt or .pdf ?les. If other ?le types
are used, you will receive a grade of zero for that question.

• The objective of this assignment is to restructure assignment 3, and add another I/O option to it. Note
that changing code to improve it (but not change its functionality) is called refactoring. For projects that
last for several years, it is necessary to refactor at least parts of them from time to time.
• The longest class from assignment 3 was HospitalSystem which was used to run the system. Also, it was
doing several tasks. This assignment will divide up this class using the structure of the 3 layer architecture. In doing this, the project should be structured into the following packages: commands, containers,
entities, startup and userInterfaces.
• All the input and output for assignment 3 was using the console. Input and output using windows can be
more pleasing. You are to change the program to give the user the option of console I/O or dialog box
• The classes from assignment 3, other than the HospitalSystem class, should not be changed except to
add them to a package. The HospitalSystem class will have major changes, although some of it will
remain the same. Several parts of the existing HospitalSystem class will be moved to new classes.
• It is highly recommended that you use the classes provided in the Assignment 4 folder as your starter
Question 0 (2 points):
Purpose: Git for Bonus Marks (optional)
As a reminder, you have the opportunity to gain some bonus marks by using git/version control on this
assignment. The choice to use git/version control is up to you. This is an incentive program - using git
will result in bonus marks, not using git will have no e?ect on your ?nal grade. You can receive up to 2%
extra on your ?nal grade (but you cannot exceed a grade of 100% in the course). Additional details and
instructional videos can be found in the folder titled "Git for Bonus Marks" on moodle.
What to Hand In
• Your git-log of Assignment 4
There is a separate submission folder on moodle "Assignment 4 Git Log" for you to upload your git log.
You must upload your git log here if you want to bonus marks. Uploading it to the regular Assignment 4
submission folder will result in your git log not being graded.
2pts git logs will be given a grade from 0-2 where:
• 0 indicates that your attempt at using was not good enough to be considered for bonus marks
• 1 indicates an attempt was made but you need to improve the number of commits or the content
of your commit messages
• 2 indicates a non-trivial use of git

Question 1 (6 points):
Purpose: Implementing Method Stubs
Degree of Di?culty: Easy
Recall the HospitalSystem class from assignment 3. In this class, we used method stubs in place of task
5 (display the empty beds of the ward) and task 7 (release a patient). For this question, your job is to
implement these methods and provide a demonstration of them working.
Implement the displayEmptyBeds() and releasePatient() methods in the provided HospitalSystem class.
After these are implemented, run the main() method of the HospitalSystem class and invoke these methods. Copy-and-paste the console input/output into a ?le titled a4q1_demonstration.txt
Once everything is working, rename the class HospitalSystemA4Q1 before handing it in to moodle. This
renaming is strictly to help with marking. When using this class in subsequent questions you can return to
the original HospitalSystem name.
What to Hand In
• The completed program with task 5 and task 6 implemented.
• A document titled a4q1_demonstration.txt which shows the console input/ouput for task 5 and task
Be sure to include your name, NSID, student number and course number at the top of all documents.
2 pts For correctly implementing task 5.
2 pts For correctly implementing task 7.
2 pts For a4q1_demonstration.txt.

Question 2 (54 points):
Purpose: Practising refactoring using the HospitalSystem class.
Degree of Di?culty: Moderate
The present version of the HospitalSystem class has a method to handle each of the tasks. In general,
each method does the following things:
• Obtains user input for the data needed for the task
• Checks the data for validity
• Invokes the methods from other classes to do the task
• Handles the result of the task
Any errors are handled by throwing an exception where the error is detected and catching it in the main
method of the HospitalSystem class to issue the error message.
For this question, your job is to refactor the task’s in the HospitalSystem class. Ideally, we would refactor
each task but for this assignment we will only refactor four tasks (details below). The remaining tasks can
be left where they are (with a few changes) or can be converted to classes, but all 8 tasks should work
correctly when invoking HospitalSystem.main().
(a) (20 points) Create the following new classes to refactor tasks 3, 4, 5 and 8 from the HospitalSystem
• NewDoctor (task 3 from assignment 3)
• AssignDoctor (task 4 from assignment 3)
• EmptyBeds (task 5 from assignment 3)
• DropDoctor (task 8 from assignment 3)
These new classes should extend the provided CommandStatus class. The HospitalSystem class will
still obtain the data from the user and handle the result, but the new classes will do the rest of the task
(check the data for validity, and invoke methods in other classes to do the task).
Additional information on CommandStatus: Each of the above classes will extend this provided class.
Any errors that occur in the carrying out of a task should set the successful ?eld to false, and record an
appropriate error message in the errorMessage ?eld. The successful completion of a task should set
the successful ?eld to true. Also, if any information is to be returned to the invoking method, the usual
return of a function is not to be used. Instead, the information should be placed in appropriate ?elds
of the object for the task, and accessors provided for the client to obtain the information. This is done
so that it is possible to delay the invocation of a task and/or delay the accessing of the results of the
invocation. It also allows the task to be executed remotely, by sending the task to a remote location
and later receiving it back to retrieve the results. We will not use either of these properties, but they
are useful properties of tasks.
(b) (20 points) When the tasks are put into separate classes, most of these classes need to access the
Patient map, the Doctor map, and the Ward. In order to provide this access but prevent more than one
instance of any of these entities, you are to use the Singleton Pattern to implement them. Therefore
the following three singleton pattern classes must be created:
• PatientMapAccess
– dictionary: TreeMap<Integer, Patient
– DoctorMapAccess()
– dictionary(): TreeMap<Integer, Patient returns the dictionary containing all patients known
to the system

• DoctorMapAccess
– dictionary: TreeMap<String, Doctor
– DoctorMapAccess()
– dictionary(): TreeMap<String, Doctor returns the dictionary containing all doctors known
to the system
• WardAccess
– ward: Ward
– WardAccess()
– initialize(name: String, minBedLabel: int, maxBedLabel: int) creates an instance of
a Ward for the hospital system. If the Ward has already been initialized this should throw and
– ward(): Ward returns the ward known to the hospital system. If the Ward has not been initialized
this should throw an error.
The dictionaries required for PatientMapAccess and DoctorMapAccess should initially be empty. The
classes that need these data structures should now use static methods to access the them.
(c) (14 points) You will need to include internal documentation for all of the new classes. Proper internal
documentation includes:
• A comment just before the class header that gives an overview of the class. For example, if the
class models an entity, the comment might state what entity the class models and specify the key
features. Alternatively, if the class serves as a container, state what type of items the container
stores, and how these items are accessed. If the class is an interface, state what it provides an
interface for and whether there is anything special about the interface. Finally, if it has a control
function, what is it doing and controlling? Recall that comments for a class appear before the class
and begin with /**.
• A comment just before each instance variable stating what is stored in the ?eld, again beginning
with /**
• A comment before each constructor and method stating what it does. Note that the comment only
gives what the routine does, not how it does it. If it isn?t obvious from the code how it accomplishes
its goal, comments on how it is done belong in the body of the method.
• Single line comments as needed to improve the readability of your code. Over-use of single-line
comments will result in a deduction of marks.
• Use descriptive variable names and method names.
• Include good use of white space, especially reasonable indentation to improve the readability of
your code.
• When testing, hard-code all of the data. Minimize console input and output by only reporting
errors(These are the same principles we applied in CMPT 145).
What to Hand In
• A ?le titled A4Q2.jar of your complete system.
• A zip folder titled that contains:

Be sure to include your name, NSID, student number and course number at the top of all documents.
20 pts For the command classes (5 pts per class)
20 pts For the singleton classes (2 pts per required attributed/method)
14 pts For internal documentation of new classes (2 pts per class)

Question 3 (25 points):
Purpose: Practising User Input/Output with Dialog Boxes
Degree of Di?culty: Moderate
The second part of the assignment is to change the input and output (I/O) so that the user has the choice of
doing I/O via the console or by dialog boxes. A new instance variable should be added to the HospitalSystem
class called ioInterface that has type InputOutputInterface.
(a) (21 points) At the start of the project, a dialog box should be used to query the user as to which type
of I/O is to be used. Based on the selection, this new instance variable will either be initialized with
a ConsoleIO object or DialogIO object (both described below) which will allow the requested type of
I/O to be used. Recall, a variable can be declared as an interface type. But it must be initialized to an
object that implements that interface before it is used. Doing this allows us to utilize polymorphism
to achieve a di?erent behaviour throughout our system. This part of the assignment should NOT be
implemented by having two versions of the methods of HospitalSystem. Instead, you are given an
interface, InputOutputInterface, with the operations needed for I/O. This interface will have two implementations:
• ConsoleIO which uses console input and output to implement the methods.
• DialogIO which uses dialog boxes to implement the methods. This class can extend the provided
AbstractDialogIO class which has the readChoice method implemented for you.
(b) (4 points) You will need to include internal documentation for all of the new classes. Proper internal
documentation includes:
• A comment just before the class header that gives an overview of the class. For example, if the
class models an entity, the comment might state what entity the class models and specify the key
features. Alternatively, if the class serves as a container, state what type of items the container
stores, and how these items are accessed. If the class is an interface, state what it provides an
interface for and whether there is anything special about the interface. Finally, if it has a control
function, what is it doing and controlling? Recall that comments for a class appear before the class
and begin with /**.
• A comment just before each instance variable stating what is stored in the ?eld, again beginning
with /**
• A comment before each constructor and method stating what it does. Note that the comment only
gives what the routine does, not how it does it. If it isn?t obvious from the code how it accomplishes
its goal, comments on how it is done belong in the body of the method.
• Single line comments as needed to improve the readability of your code. Over-use of single-line
comments will result in a deduction of marks.
• Use descriptive variable names and method names.
• Include good use of white space, especially reasonable indentation to improve the readability of
your code.
• When testing, hard-code all of the data. Minimize console input and output by only reporting
errors(These are the same principles we applied in CMPT 145).
What to Hand In
• A ?le titled A4Q3.jar of your complete system.
• A zip folder titled that contains:

Be sure to include your name, NSID, student number and course number at the top of all documents.
5 pts For correctly modifying the HospitalSystem class to allow for user selected I/O
8 pts For correctly implementing the ConsoleIO class (2 pts per method)
8 pts For correctly implementing the DialogIO class (2 pts per method)
4 pts For internal documentation of new classes (2 pts per class)

Question 4 (10 points):
Purpose: Practising External Documentation
Degree of Di?culty: Easy
Once you have completed the questions above, create a ?le called A4_documentation.pdf that includes
all the internal documentation for the refactored system. External documentation should include:
• A description of how to run your system. What class should be invoked, what method?
• Now that we have the beginning of a complete java application, you should include a demonstration
of your system running. This can be achieved by copy-and-pasting (or screen-grabbing) your console
input/output that shows you invoking each task.
• The status of your assignment. What is working and what is not working? What is tested and what
is not tested? If it is only partially working, the previous point should have described how to run that
part or parts that work. For the part or parts not working, describe how close they are to working. For
example, some of the alternatives for how close to working are (i) nothing done; (ii) designed but no
code; (iii) designed and part of the code; (iv) designed and all the code but anticipate many faults; or
(v) designed and all the code but with a few faults; (vi) working perfectly and thoroughly tested.
• Maintenance manual. This is information for the person or persons who must keep your system running, ?x any faults, and do any upgrades. The reader of the maintenance manual is expected to have
the same background and experience as yourself, but of course not having developed your system.
This part of the documentation will vary from assignment to assignment. For this assignment, it is
su?cient to include a UML class diagram showing all the features of each class, and the relationships
(inheritance, uses and aggregation) amongst the classes (if any).
• UML diagrams should be generated with a program like UMLet or an online tool, such as https:// or Make sure that you use the correct
arrows and arrowheads. Incorrect arrowheads will lose several marks. You can also draw out a UML
diagram by hand and scan it. Just make sure it is easily readable.
What to Hand In
• A ?le titled A4_documentation.pdf
Be sure to include your name, NSID, student number and course number at the top of all documents.
10 pts For including all the required external documentation.

Additional information
Commenting and Exceptions: When writing these classes, be sure to properly document each method,
including @param and @return comments. Also, if a method has a precondition, specify the precondition in
a @precond comment, and throw a runtime exception if it is not satis?ed. Be sure to include a meaningful
error message in the String parameter for the exception constructor.
Levels of Protection: In keeping with the principle of information hiding, the instance variables of a class
should be private unless there is a very good reason to make them visible. Methods should be public
unless there is a very good reason to hide them.
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