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ASSIGNMENT 4 Encrypted Data


1 Assignment Overview
This assignment involves writing an interactive program to decode a data set of
encrypted ferry schedules from BC Ferries. The program will interactively prompt
the user for input which will be used to decrypt and process the appropriate files.
The overall goal of this assignment is to familiarize yourself with regex and Python
classes. The Section 3 Implementation describes the program and class you are to
implement. Section 4 describes the Constraints you should consider in your implementation, and Section 5 describes the Testing component. What you should Submit
is outlined in Section 6 and the Evaluation scheme is given in Section 7.
Your code is expected to run without warnings in the virtual machine Senjhalla
using Python 3.6.9.
Read the assignment carefully to ensure you understand all the requirements of the assignment. The assignment might seem large and overwhelming at first (if you are new to Python); take a deep breath and
read again, detailed explanations exist in this specification. The assignment is also very modular and individual components can be attempted
1.1 Terminology
• (Shift) Cipher: Encryption algorithm
• Encrypted or encoded: Text that has been transformed using the algorithm
described in section 2;
• Decrypted or decoded: Original text recovered from the encrypted version,
using a password or key;
• Password or key: The cipher key used to decrypt or encrypt a text;
2 Encrypted Data
There are 3 data files in ascii-text format included with the assignment using the
naming convention ferryX.out. These files contain information from BC ferries
regarding their sailings. The original CSV files have been encrypted using a basic
shift cipher implementation (described below). You may assume that every original
CSV is properly formatted and every row has the same number of fields. The first
row will be the CSV file headers. These files can be decoded into CSV format with
the following headers:
• departure terminal
• arrival terminal
• vessel name
• scheduled departure year
• scheduled departure month
• scheduled departure day
• scheduled departure hour
• scheduled departure minute
• actual departure year
• actual departure month
• actual departure day
• actual departure hour
• actual departure minute
• arrival year
• arrival month
• arrival day
• arrival hour
• arrival minute
2.0.1 Encryption Algorithm
You are provided three files that were encoded using a shift cipher.
As an encryption algorithm with a particular key and alphabet, the shift cipher
works as follows to encode the given input text: For each character of the input text
and the corresponding character of the password (key), add their value to obtain the
shift key. The value is determined by the location or ”rank” (starting at 0) in the
encryption alphabet. If the value is too large is not long enough to map directly the
alphabet, than take the modulo of the length of your alphabet (i.e. ”wrap around”).
The encoded text is the character from the encryption alphabet at index value.
Consider the following simplified example of the algorithm:
For the input text: HELLO WORLD
For the key: ZIP
For the encryption alphabet: [A-Z], ” ” (27 characters)
First character: H (value=7 in the alphabet)
First key: Z (value=25 in the alphabet)
Shift key: 7 + 25 = 32 modulo 27 = 5
Encoded character = F (alphabet[5])
Fifth character: O (value=14 in the alphabet)
Fifth key (5mod3 = 2): I (value=8 in the alphabet)
Shift key: 14 + 8 = 22
Encoded character = W (alphabet[22])
This process is repeated for each character in the input text until the entire
input is encrypted. For this example, the full encrypted text is FM JWOUWFJL.
The files were encrypted using the following encryption alphabet (in this order:
lowercase and uppercase letters, digits, punctuation, space and newline. The alphabet is included for you in the file provided to you. Please
note that the punctuation is not preserved (i.e. it is also encrypted).
The passwords (keys) are provided for you with the format inX.txt. The first line is
the encrypted file (i.e. ferry1.out) and the second line is the encryption password
or key used to encrypt the file. Below is an example of a inX.txt file:
In order to decrypt the files, you need to perform the inverse (reverse) of the encoding process.
HINT: You can use the inX.txt files (and any you create yourself) to automate
your testing using redirection.
3 Implementation
For this assignment you are expected to write an interactive Python program, contained in a source file called, which calculates ferry delays for a CSV
file containing ferry schedule data from BC ferries. The program must run, with no
errors, using the following commands:
$ python3
3.1 Program Flow
Your program will follow this general process:
1. Ask user for a encrypted filename;
2. Check if file exists, if not, prompt user again;
3. The password (key) to decode the file;
4. Check if the password is in a valid format, if not, prompt the user again;
5. Check if the provided valid password successfully decrypts the provided file,
if not, prompt the user for the password again;
6. Iterate through the decrypted rows;
7. Calculate the average monthly delay between scheduled time and when the
ferry actually leaves the port;
3.2 User Input
The program is required to prompt the user for the encrypted file to decode and
the password (key) to use. You must also validate the data upon input. If the data
is invalid notify the user of their error and prompt them to enter their selections
again. Follow the steps below:
The user should also be able to enter q for quit at either prompt.
3.2.1 Check Password Validity
You will be using regular expressions to determine if the password is in a valid
format. A valid password must have:
• At least 1 uppercase letter;
• At least 2 numerical digits;
• Exactly 2 special characters, !@#$&*-_
• Password length of 6-8 characters;
Use the python module re to determine if the password is a valid password. You
may use multiple regular expressions (HINT: it is possible to use only one regular expression), but you can only use a regular expression to validate
the password (key) format. For example, you may not use string.count()
or subtring in alphabet (this list is not inclusive).
Even if the provided password (key) is a valid password, it may not be the password
used to encrypt the provided file. Check if the provided valid password successfully
decrypts the provided file, if not, prompt the user for the password again. See the
next section ( 3.3) for details on the FileDecoder class you are to implement which
will decrypt the encrypted file.
3.3 FileDecoder
You will create an iterable class called FileDecoder in a file called
This class will (a) read the decrypted file, (b) decrypt the file, (c) check if the
password successfully decrypted the file, and (d) return each decrypted CSV row
iteratively. For evaluation purposes, we will create and use your class separately (i.e. outside of
3.3.1 Constructor
Your class will take in three string variables:
• key: password (key) provided by user;
• filename: file path to the encrypted file for your class to decode;
• alphabet: encryption alphabet used for encoding;
The following is a simplified example of the constructor call:
file_decoder = FileDecoder(key="ABC", filename="file.out", alphabet="ABC")
You may use inheritance to extend existing Python classes.
file_decoder will be used in the following examples to represent an
FileDecoder object.
3.3.2 Decryption
Your class will load and decrypt the provided encrypted file using the provided
key (password) and alphabet. See Section 2 for details on the encryption algorithm
3.3.3 Exceptions
Your class should raise a custom DecryptException if the password provided
does not successfully decode a valid CSV file (as described in Section 2). Your solution should successfully handle the exception and continue the
functionality described in Section 3.1.
3.3.4 Additional Required Functionality
Python provides built-in functions that you may override to provide certain behaviours to your classes. With this in mind, program your class to perform the
following functionality.
By default, if you use print(object) on a class object, it will return a class description. For example:
<class ’cipher.FileDecoder’
This is not very helpful. Instead, we can use __repr__ to provide un-ambiguous
description of our class, or __str__ to provide human-readable information about
our class. The print method will check for these two functions.
Your class should return a unambigious human-readable message string containing
the key and filename used in the constructor when print(your_class_object)
is used.
Example output for print(file_decoder) usage:
FileDescriptor(key=’A00!$a’, file=’ferry1.out’)
You have used the len() function in the past to get the length of a list or a string.
Python provides the function __len__ to allow you provide this functionality to
your class.
Your class should return the number of entries (rows or lines) in the decoded CSV
file (including the header). All entries (list or tuple) should be the same size.
Expected output for len(file_decoder) usage:
Iterable Class
Your class will be an iterable class. An example of an iterable class is TextIOWrapper
(created when using open("file.txt", "r")). For assignment #2, you may have
iterated over a file line by line using a for-loop. Your class will have the same functionality, only it will return a decoded row from the decrypted file that you must
Your program will iterate over your class object, returning a list or tuple object containing the contents of a single row from the decoded CSV file. Example iterator
usage with the FileDecoder object:
for decoded_csv_row in file_decoder:
Example of expected output:
[’departure_terminal’, ’arrival_terminal’, ’vessel_name’,
’scheduled_departure_year’, ’scheduled_departure_month’,
’scheduled_departure_day’, ’scheduled_departure_hour’,
’scheduled_departure_minute’, ’actual_departure_year’,
’actual_departure_month’, ’actual_departure_day’,
’actual_departure_hour’, ’actual_departure_minute’,
’arrival_year’, ’arrival_month’, ’arrival_day’,
’arrival_hour’, ’arrival_minute’]
3.4 Program Output
You will process the output provided by your FileDecoder (see Section 3.3). The
decrypted file will contain information on BC Ferries on their sailing schedules for
some months. You will calculate the average departure delay for each month in the
file. These files will have data for some, but not all, months. Ignore months (i.e. do
not output) for which there is no data.
For each month in the file, output the line Average departure delay for MON: AVG,
where MON is the 3 letter month abbreviation and AVG is the average delay in
minutes rounded to 2 decimal places for each month.
• The departure delay is calculated by taking the difference between scheduled
departure and actual departure. When calculating delay, you can assume that
the no ships will be delayed by a day (i.e. delays are only within the same
day). A negative departure delay indicates the ship left early, and a positive
delay indicates the ship left late.
• Use the following three letter month abbreviations when printing month MON
output: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec
• To make sure our automated testing works properly, the printing of results
should be framed between the keywords RESULTS and END (in all caps) – see
example below.
• The example formatting must be followed exactly due to the automatic testing. Submissions that do not follow the output spec, will fail.
Here is an example of user input/output with the required formatting. There is
no standard for the messages to the user.
When the user inputs the following (in1.txt):
Enter name of file: cases/ferry1.out
Enter password: A00!$a
The expected output (out1.txt): RESULTS
FileDecoder: FileDecoder(key=’A00!$a’, file=’ferry1.out’)
Entries: 498
Average delay for Feb: 3.71
This particular file only contains information for February.
4 Constraints
You may only use python3 modules that are installed on Senjhalla. If an python3
module is not installed, you may not use that module in your code.
You may use multiple regular expressions, but you may only use regular expressions
to validate the password (key) format.
Your FileDecoder the class must to be in the file (not in the decoder
file). Your class must be an iterable class.
Your must do all file handling inside your FileDecoder. For example, you can’t
read the file outside your class and pass the data to your class. Iterating through
the ferry files must be done in the class using class iterator functions (not outside
5 Test Inputs
You should test all of your programs with a variety of test inputs, covering as
many different use cases as possible, not just the test input provided. You should
ensure that your programs handle error cases (such as files which do not exist)
appropriately and do not produce errors/exceptions.
You are expected to evaluate and test your code using the skills you have learned
so far in the course.
You are provided three encrypted input files and their corresponding passwords and
expected output. The original CSV files are not provided. During evaluation,
three additional encrypted BC ferry CSV files will be used for testing. These files
will be in the same CSV format as those files provided.
This assignment is modular by design to allow for individual testing of
components. We will load and run your FileDecoder class independent of
Provided For You
For this assignment, you will be provided an containing
and an empty file located in folder src. Three encrypted files (ferryX.out)
and corresponding expected input and output (located in the folder cases) inX.txt
and outX.txt.
(HINT: Use diff and redirection to compare your results with the provided expected output)
6 What you must submit
• Python source-code name which contains your solution for assignment #4.
• Python source-code name which contains your FileDecoder class.
• Ensure your work is committed to your local repository in the provided a4
folder and pushed to the remote before the due date/time. (You may
keep extra files used during development within the repository.)
7 Evaluation
The teaching staff will primarily mark solutions based on the input files provided
for this assignment. Students must adhere to the software requirements (command
execution and output formatting) outlined in this assignment.
For this assignment, there will be no student demos.
In addition to automated testing, your code will be evaluated based on:
- Proper error handling (i.e. exception handling);
- Good coding practices;
- Adherence to the assignment constraints
Good Coding Practices:
• Your class is self-contained and can be run by any file;
• Your code is properly structured into functions, without too much functionality in any one function;
• Your variables names are descriptive and easy to infer their functionality;
• Your function names are descriptive and easy to infer their functionality;
• Program properly checks for possible error conditions;
• Program properly checks for user error;
• Your code doesn’t contain (nearly) duplicate code in different functions;
• Global variables are used sparingly, and appropriately;
• Your code is fairly efficient and executes in a reasonable time (i.e. roughly less
than 1 minutes);
Assignment Requirements
1. print(FileDecoder) prints human-readable description;
2. FileDecoder raises DecoderException on incorrect password;
3. len(FileDecoder) properly returns number of entries in decoded CSV file;
4. FileDecoder properly iterates through decoded CSV file entries;
5. FileDecoder properly decodes provided files (1-3);
6. Program properly handles user input;
7. Program only uses regular expressions to validate the user password;
8. Program passes output tests (1-3);
9. Program passes output tests (4-6) (evaluation only);
10. Program uses robust regular expressions to validate the user password, passes
tests for invalid password formats (1-6) (evaluation only);
Our grading scheme is relatively simple. See above for requirements. Not following
good coding practices will lower your grade.
• ”A/A+”: A submission completing ALL requirements of the assignment.
• ”A-”: A submission that completes requirements 1-9. Passes some of the regular expression invalid password format tests.
• ”B/B+”: A submission that completes requirements 1-8. Passes some of the
evaluation tests (4-6).
• ”B-”: A submission that completes requirements 1-7. Passes some of the output tests (1-6).
• ”C+”: A submission that completes requirements 1-6. Program does not use
regular expressions or only partially uses regular expressions. Program does
incorrectly states that valid passwords are invalid.
• ”C”: A submission that completes requirements 1-5. FileDecoder works as
expected but has issues.
• ”D”: A serious attempt is made to complete the requirements of the assignment. All class requirements are attempted but do not completely work successfully. Basic which loads FileDecoder exists.
• ”F”: A submission that fails to complete the base requirements of the assignment. No submission given; submission represents very little work or understanding of the assignment.

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