Question 1: 50 points
Question 2: 35 points
Question 3: 15 points
100 points total
It is very important that you follow the directions as closely as possible. The directions, while
perhaps tedious, are designed to make it as easy as possible for the TAs to mark the assignments by letting
them run your assignment, in some cases through automated tests. While these tests will never be used to
determine your entire grade, they speed up the process significantly, which allows the TAs to provide better
feedback and not waste time on administrative details. Plus, if the TA is in a good mood while he or she is
grading, then that increases the chance of them giving out partial marks. :)
Up to 30% can be removed for bad indentation of your code as well as omitting comments, or poor coding
structure. Marks will be removed as well if the class and method names are not respected.
To get full marks, you must:
• Follow all directions below
– In particular, make sure that all classes and method names are spelled and capitalized exactly
as described in this document. Otherwise, your code will not be graded.
• Make sure that your code compiles
– Non-compiling code (or code that did not follow the instructions) will receive a 0.
• Write your name and student ID as a comment in all .java files you hand in
• Indent your code properly
• Name your variables appropriately
– The purpose of each variable should be obvious from the name
• Comment your work
– A comment every line is not needed, but there should be enough comments to fully understand
your program
Part 1 (0 points): Warm-up
Do NOT submit this part, as it will not be graded. However, doing these exercises might help you to do the
second part of the assignment, which will be graded. If you have difficulties with the questions of Part 1, then
we suggest that you consult the TAs during their office hours; they can help you and work with you through
the warm-up questions. You are responsible for knowing all of the material in these questions.
Warm-up Question 1 (0 points)
Write a program that opens a .txt, reads the contents of the file line by line, and prints the content
of each line. To do this, you should look up how to use the BufferedReader or FileReader class1
Remember to use the try and catch blocks to handle errors like trying to open an non-existent file. A
sample file for testing file reading is found in the provided files as dictionary.txt.
Warm-up Question 2 (0 points)
Modify the previous program so that it stores every line in an ArrayList of String objects. You have
to properly declare an ArrayList to store the results, and use add to store every line that your program
reads in the ArrayList.
Warm-up Question 3 (0 points)
Modify your program so that, after reading all the content in the file, it prints how many words are
inside the text file. To do this, you should use the split method of the String class. Assume the only
character that separates words is whitespace " ".
Warm-up Question 4 (0 points)
Create a new method in your program which takes your ArrayList of Strings, and writes it to a file.
Use the FileWriter and BufferedWriter classes in order to access the file and write the Strings. In
the output file, there should be one String per line, just like the original file you loaded the ArrayList
Warm-up Question 5 (0 points)
Create a new method in your program which takes as input your ArrayList of Strings, and sort all the
elements. The sorting criterion will be the length of the string. In other words, after calling this method,
the shortest string must be located in the first position, the second shortest in the second position an so
Warm-up Question 6 (0 points)
Create a new method in your program which takes as input a sorted ArrayList (see the previous
question for details about the sorting criterion) and two ints. The two ints will represent a range of
values. This method should return an ArrayList with all the Strings whose length is inside that range.
For example, if your original ArrayList is equal to {"aa","aaa","aaaa","aaaaa"} and the two
ints are 3 and 4, your method must return the ArrayList {"aaa","aaaa"} (because the length of the
returned Strings is within 3 and 4).
1The documentation ofn the BufferedReader class is available at http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/
io/BufferedReader.html. You can find an example on how to use it at http://www.tutorialspoint.com/java/io/
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Part 2
The questions in this part of the assignment will be graded.
Question 1: Battle Game (50 points)
For this question, you will write a number of classes to create a battle game between a player and a
monster. Your code for this assignment will go in multiple .java files. Note that in addition to the
required methods below, you are free to add as many other private methods as you see fit. It is up to
you to figure out if the methods from the Character class and the Spell class should be static or not.
BattleGame and FileIO are utilities classes, therefore all their methods are static.
We strongly recommend that you complete the first four warm-up questions before starting
this problem.
(a) (22 points) Character Class
Character.java represents a character in our battle game. The monster and the player will both
be characters, each with their own attributes.
The Character class should contain the following private attributes:
• A String name
• A double attack value
• A double maximum health value
• A double current health value
• A int number of wins in the battle game
The class also contains the following public methods.
• A constructor
The constructor for the Character class takes one String, two doubles, and one int as input.
These parameters represent the name, attack value, maximum health, and number of wins in
the battle game for the character, in that order. Note that the current health of a new character
is the same as the maximum health.
• A getName(), getAttackValue, getMaxHealth(), getCurrHealth(), and getNumWins() to
retrieve the corresponding attributes’ values.
• The toString() method
This method returns a String consisting of the character’s name and current health. Format
the String in any way you want. This method will be very handy for debugging your code,
and will be used during the battle game to keep track of the health of each character.
• getAttackDamage() method
This method takes an integer as input and calculates how much attack damage one character
does when they attack. The method uses the input to generate a Random object with the given
input as seed. The method then computes the damage as follows: take the character’s attack
value and multiply it by a random value between 0.7 (inclusive) and 1.0 (exclusive).
• takeDamage() method
This method takes the damage done to this character as an input of type double. It then
subtract this value from the character’s current health and returns a double indicating the
current health of the character.
• increaseWins() method
This method will increase the number of wins by the character by one, and does not return
anything. This method will be called when the character wins the battle game.
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(b) (12 points) FileIO
FileIO.java must contain the following public static method:
• readCharacter() method.
This method takes as input a filename as a String parameter, and returns a new Character,
using the constructor defined in the Character class.
The readCharacter method must use a FileReader and a BufferedReader in order to open the
file specified by the filename. Make sure to catch FileNotFoundException and IOException
when reading from the file. If either exception is raised, print an appropriate error message and
return null.
You can assume that the files that readCharacter receives as input have all the same format:
they contain 4 lines, with the following information
– Name of the character
– Attack value
– Maximum health
– Number of wins so far in the battle game
Examples of such files are the player.txt and the monster.txt files are provided with the assignment. Use the readLine() method of the BufferedReader to retrieve the content of the file.
Use the information retrieved to create and return the appropriate object of type Character.
(c) (16 points) BattleGame
The code for this part will go in a file named BattleGame.java. In this class, add a private static
attribute of type Random and initialize it in place with a reference to a Random object created with
no seed. (You can fix a seed for helping you debug your program if you want to)
The BattleGame class has only one public static method called playGame(). You are highly
encouraged to add private helper methods that allow you to organize your code well.
The playGame() method takes two Strings as input containing the name of two files: the first
containing the information about a player, the second containing the information about a monster.
The method should do the following:
• Create the player and their enemy (the monster), using the readCharacter() method from
the FileIO class and the inputs received. If the method does not return two valid references
to objects of type Character, then print a message saying that the game cannot be played and
terminate the method.
• Display the information of the two characters in the game including: the character’s name,
current health, attack value, and number of wins.
• Create a Scanner object to take input from the user.
• Until both the player and the monster have health above zero the method does the following:
– Ask the user for a command. For the moment, the only options will be attack and quit.
– If the user enters attack:
∗ Generate a random integer (using the class variable and the method nextInt() with no
input) and get the attack damage of the player.
∗ Print out a statement with the player’s name and how much damage they do. To make
your output nicer, we suggest using a String formatting statement, though this is not
necessary. For example, you could write this to only show two decimal places of the
attack damage:
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String attackStr = String.format(‘‘%1$.2f’’, attack);,
where attack is a variable containing the damage value.
∗ Apply the damage made by the player to the monster. If the current health of the
monster after taking the damage is still above 0, print a message with their name and
current health. Note that you can take advantage of having a toString() method in the
Character class to do this. If on the other hand, the current health is less than or equal
to 0, print a message saying that the player was knocked out and exit the loop.
∗ Repeat the above steps swapping the roles of the player and the monster (i.e. the monster
should now be attacking the player back).
– If the user enters quit:
∗ Print a goodbye message and terminate the method.
– If the user enters any other command:
∗ Print a message that the input was not recognized and suggest the attack or quit
• If the loop stops because one of the character’s health is zero or below, then that character
is knocked out. Print an appropriate message either congratulating the player, or saying how
they lost. Also make sure to increase the number of wins of either the player or the monster,
depending on who won.
Here is some sample output produced by running the playGame method after Question 1 has been finished. Output for the finished assignment is found at the bottom of this document. Note that for this
assignment, your output doesn’t need to match exactly the samples provided. You are free to change
these statements as you wish, as long as the required information still appear.
Name: Odin
Health: 30.00
Attack: 10.00
Number of Wins: 0
Name: Fenrir
Health: 30.00
Attack: 12:00
Number of Wins: 0
Enter a command:
Odin attacks for 9.85 damage!
Fenrir current health is 20.15.
Fenrir attacks for 9.86 damage!
Odin current health is 20.14.
Enter a command:
Odin attacks for 9.30 damage!
Fenrir current health is 10.85.
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Fenrir attacks for 9.94 damage!
Odin current health is 10.20.
Enter a command:
Question 2: Extending the BattleGame (35 points)
For this question, you will modify the above classes and add one new class, in order to add magical spells
for the player to use.
Note that you only hand in one set of files for this assignment.
(a) (10 points) Spell
Write a class Spell. A Spell has the following private attributes:
• A String name
• A double minimum damage
• A double maximum damage
• A double chance of success for the spell (from 0 to 1)
The Spell class also contains the following public methods:
• A constructor that takes as input the name, minimum and maximum damage, and chance
of success for the spell. Note that, an IllegalArgumentException must be thrown if the
minimum damage is less than 0 or greater than the maximum damage, or if the chance of
success is less than zero or greater than one.
• A getName() method which returns the name of the spell.
• A getMagicDamage() method that returns the damage produced by the spell. The method
takes an integer as input and uses it to generate a Random object with the input as the seed.
The method then computes the damage as follows: first, a random number double between 0
and 1 is generated. If the random number is above the chance of success, the spell fails, and
0 damage is returned. Otherwise, a random double between the minimum damage and the
maximum damage is returned.
• A toString() method. The String which is returned must contain the name, minimum and
maximum damage, and the success chance as a percentage from 0 to 100 (so a chance of 0.5 is
reported as 50.0%).
(b) (10 points) Character
Modify the Character class as follows:
• Add a private static attribute spells. This variable is an ArrayList which contains all the
Spells that the characters can cast.
• Add a setter method setSpells() for the spells attribute. The method takes an ArrayList
of Spells as input, and copies the Spells contained in the input parameter to a new ArrayList
stored in the spells attribute.
• Add a new method displaySpells() which prints out one spell per line (you should take
advantage of the toString method from the Spell class). This method does not return a
• Add a new method castSpell(), which takes the name of a spell to cast as input as well as
an integer. This method returns a double indicating the damage done by the specified spell.
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To do so, you will have to search through the list of spell for the spell with the name matching
the input. Note that you should ignore the capitalization of the spell name when matching.
If the spell cannot be found, the method should return −1. Otherwise, the method returns the
damage done by casting the specified spell.
(c) (8 points) FileIO
Add a new public static method called readSpells(). This method takes a filename as input
and returns an ArrayList of Spells.
The method reads the file using FileReader and BufferedReader. Make sure to catch the IOException
and FileNotFoundException exceptions. If either exception is raised print an appropriate error
message and return null.
You can assume that the files that readSpells() receives as input have all the same format: each
spell is on one line, consisting of the spell name, the min damage, the max damage, and the chance
for success each separated by a tab character (\t). You can use the split() method from the
String class to split each line of the file.
An example of a file containing spells is found in the provided files as spells.txt.
Use the four values on each line of the file to create new Spell, and store all the spells in the
ArrayList that will then be returned by the method.
(d) (7 points) BattleGame
Change the playGame method in the BattleGame class to allow the player to cast spells.
• Change the inputs to the playGame() method by adding a third input indicating the name of
the file containing the information about the spells.
• At the beginning of the method, call the readSpells() method in the FileIO class with the
filename of file containing spells. If the method returns null then print a message saying that
the game will be played without spells. Use the setSpells() method from the Character class
to initialize the attribute appropriately. You should then display all the available spells using
the appropriate method from the Character class.
• In addition to the attack and quit commands, we will allow the user to cast spells. If the input
is neither attack nor quit, then we assume that the player is trying to cast a spell. In this case,
generate a random integer (using the class variable and the method nextInt() with no input)
and use it, together with the name of the spell, to retrieve the damage done by the player when
casting the specified spell.
If the damage returned is less than or equal to 0, print a message saying that the player tried
to cast a spell, but they failed. Otherwise, print a message saying that the spell was casted
and produced a certain amount of damage. This is the damage that the monster receives. In
both messages, the name of the player as well as the name of the spell should appear. See the
example output at the end of this document.
Note that, the monster is not allowed to cast spells. The monster will reply to the player’s spell
simply by attacking back (as before).
Question 3: Recording the Wins (15 points)
For this question, we will add code to write the characters back to a file, to save how many wins each
character has.
Note that you only hand in one set of files for this assignment.
(a) (12 points) FileIO
In the FileIO class add a public static method named writeCharacter(). This method takes
as input a Character to write, and a String which indicates the filename to write to.
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Within the writeCharacter() method, use FileWriter and BufferedWriter objects to write the
character’s information back to a file. Make sure to catch the IOException when writing a file and
display an appropriate error message.
The format of the file must match the format that is expected when a character is read. That is,
you should be able to write a character to a file, and then read a character from that same file.
Recall that the format of a character in a file is:
• Name of the character
• Attack value
• Maximum health
• Number of wins so far in the battle game
The above information appear on four different lines.
(b) (3 points) BattleGame
In the playGame() method, after you have increased the wins for either the monster or the player,
print how many wins each character has.
You must then write the winning character to the file you loaded it from. Remember that the
playGame() method receives these filenames as input. For example, if playGame() was called as
follows playGame("player.txt", "monster.txt", "spells.txt") and the player won the game,
then you should write the player character into the "player.txt" file. This will save the number of
wins for that character, so that after playing the battle game multiple times, you will know which
character has won more often.
Here is some sample outputs for the finished program. The output is obtained by calling playGame("player.txt",
"monster.txt", "spells.txt") from the main method of the BattleGame class. Again, your output
doesn’t need to exactly match, as long as the same information is presented. To make it easier for you to
debug your program, in the samples below I used a seed to initialize the attribute of type Random from the
BattleGame class.
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Round 1 of the game with the Random attribute from the class BattleGame initialized using the seed 123.
Note that if you use the same seed and you provide the same inputs, you should see the same output as the
one displayed below. (The number of wins depend on how many times you ran the game)
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Round 2 of the game with the Random attribute from the class BattleGame initialized using the seed 456.
Note that if you use the same seed and you provide the same inputs, you should see the same output as the
one displayed below. (The number of wins depend on how many times you ran the game)
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Round 3 of the game with the Random attribute from the class BattleGame initialized using the seed 789.
Note that if you use the same seed and you provide the same inputs, you should see the same output as the
one displayed below. (The number of wins depend on how many times you ran the game)
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What To Submit
Please put all your files in a folder called Assignment5. Zip the folder (DO NOT RAR it) and submit it in
MyCourses. Inside your zipped folder, there must be the following files. Do not submit any other files,
especially .class files. Any deviation from these requirements may lead to lost marks.
Note that you should submit only one set of files for this assignment. Do not submit your files
from Question 1 or Question 2, but only the finished files from Question 3.
Confession.txt (optional) In this file, you can tell the TA about any issues you ran into doing
this assignment. If you point out an error that you know occurs in your problem, it may lead
the TA to give you more partial credit. On the other hand, it also may lead the TA to notice
something that otherwise they would not.
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