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Assignment # 5 Implementing Circular Linked Lists

CSC 360 Assignment # 5
Total Points: 50
Implementing Circular Linked Lists
Download from Canvas the following files:
Your task is to create a class MyCircularLinkedList<E> (details described below) that
implements the MyList<E> interface and that will pass all of the forty-four tests given in test program.
The methods that you need to implement are:
• public void add(int index, E e);
• public E get(int index);
• public int indexOf(Object e);
• public int lastIndexOf(E e);
• public E remove(int index);
• public E set(int index, E e);
• public boolean contains(Object e);
• public int size();
• public String toString();
• public void clear();
• public void addFirst(E e);
• public void addLast(E e);
• public E getFirst();
• public E getLast();
• public E removeFirst();
• public E removeLast();
• public java.util.Iterator iterator()
The MyList interface is the similar to the one used in Chapter 24. The methods in your class are
supposed to produce the same results as the corresponding methods in the textbook’s
MyLinkedList class. The big difference is you are required to implement
MyCircularLinkedList class as a singly-linked circular list with a tail pointer, as indicated by
the following diagram:
Node 0
Node 1
… element
Node size-1
You should have only two data fields in MyCircularLinkedList: tail and size. Note that a data
field for the head of the list is unnecessary because, if the list is non-empty, then the head is always If the list is empty then tail should be null and size should be zero.
Of course, as with Liang’s MyLinkedList class, you will need to have an inner class for your list
nodes and an inner class for your iterators. These inner classes will need a few data fields as well,
similar to those that Liang used.
Even though the data structure that you use for this assignment is circular, the client code that uses
your class will not be able to detect this: Your list will seem like a normal MyList object whose
first element is at index 0 and whose last element is at index size() - 1. There is no element before
the first element and no element after the last element.
Bonus Point
Implementing the iterator’s remove() method is only necessary if you want to earn bonus credit
(see the bonus exercise section below). If you are not attempting the bonus exercise then please
make your iterator’s remove() method throw an UnsupportedOperationException.
public void remove() {
 throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
Simplifying Assumptions
You may assume that null values are never put into the list and that the contains(E e), indexOf(E
e), and lastIndexOf(E e) methods are never passed null as a parameter.
Once you have completed MyCircularLinkedList, you should be able to run the main method in and receive a report that forty-four tests therein are successful:
(1) [America]
Test 1 successful
(2) [Canada, America]
Test 2 successful

Test 43 successful
Test 44 successful
Required tests completed
Of course, you are welcome to run additional tests on your solution.
Submit you file on Canvas. Include your name at the top of the file,
as well as a brief description of what the code does.
Bonus Implementation (5 points)
For the bonus exercise, implement the iterator remove() method so that client code can use
iterators to remove elements. Recall from Section 20.3 that the job of the remove() method is to
remove from the underlying collection the last element that was returned by the iterator.
The following documentation from gives more details:
If you successfully complete the bonus exercise then you should see the test program report eleven
additional successful tests:

Test 43 successful
Test 44 successful
Required tests completed
Test 45 successful
Test 46 successful

Test 55 successful
Bonus exercise tests completed
For this bonus exercise, it is permissible for your iterator’s remove() method to traverse the list.
In other words, it is okay if your remove() method requires O(n) time. If you like, you can think
about how to make your remove() method run in O(1) time, but it is not required for this exercise.
default void remove()
Removes from the underlying collection the last element returned by this iterator (optional
operation). This method can be called only once per call to next(). The behavior of an iterator is
unspecified if the underlying collection is modified while the iteration is in progress in any way
other than by calling this method.
Throws: IllegalStateException - if the next method has not yet been called, or
the remove method has already been called after the last call to
the next method

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