COMP 204 – Assignment #5
Download cell_counting.py and malaria-1.jpg.
What to submit:
• Your modified cell_counting.py file.
• The images produced for each question, generated by your code.
In this assignment, you will continue the work started in class to develop a program
that accurately identifies red blood cells in a microscopy image, and then counts the
fraction of those cells that are infected by Plasmodium Falciparum (the causative
agent of malaria). We will analyze the image below. Each red blood cell is a pink,
roughly circular region, often with a lighter center. Some cells are infected with
Plasmodium, which shows as a dark-purple ring due to Giemsa staining. The image
also contains some additional stuff, like this very dark blob in the center – I don’t
know what it is…
1) (10 points) Better edge detection [Expected length: 4-6 lines of code]
The edge detection algorithm seen in class is not the most accurate. A more
commonly used edge detector is the Sobel algorithm, which is part of the
skimage.filters module. See
Apply the Sobel algorithm to image malaria-1.jpg. Write your code in the
dedicated portion of the cell_counting.py. Your code should save the resulting
image in a file called “Q1_Sobel.jpg”. Submit it on MyCourses.
• The Sobel algorithm can only be applied to graytone images, so you
will first need to convert the original color image to a graytone image
as described in class.
• Reminder: Grayscale images have pixel values between 0 and 1, not
between 0 and 255.
• Your image should look like this:
2) (10 points) Detecting strong edges [Expected length: 4-20 lines]
The Sobel algorithm measures the “edginess” of a pixel with a number
between 0 and 1. In order to turn these real-valued images into black-andwhite images (white = edges, black = non-edge), we need to threshold the
image, i.e. to produce a new image where the pixel value at location (r,c) is
set to 0 if edginess(r,c)<T, and to 1 if edginess(r,c)=T, where T is a userdefined threshold.
Write the code to threshold the Sobel edginess image, using T=0.05. Save the
images in files called “Q2_Sobel_T_0.05.jpg”. Your images should look like
3) (10 Points) Cleaning up Plasmodium. Expected length: [8-20 lines of code]
The thresholded images obtained in question 2 include edges corresponding
to cell perimeters, as well as edges corresponding to the periphery of the
darker plasmodium cells, inserted within red blood cells. In order to best
delineate each red blood cell, we need to first remove the edge pixels caused
by the Plasmodium cells. Pixels corresponding to Plasmodium cells tend to
have graytone values less than 0.5. Starting from the Q2_Sobel_T_0.05.jpg
black-and-white image, produce a modified back-and-white image where any
white pixel at position (r,c) is replaced by a black pixel if the value of pixel
(r,c) or of any of the 8 surrounding pixels in the original graytone malaria-1
image is below 0.5. Save modified edge image as “Q3_Sobel_T0.05_clean.jpg”.
This should give you the image below. The edge pixels caused by
Plasmodium are not completely gone, but this will be sufficient anyway.
4) (20 Points) Labeling cells. [Expected length: 12-25 lines]
Write the fill_cells function. The function should take as argument an edge image
(e.g. the image obtained in Q3), with black background and white edges. The
function creates a new image that is a copy of the edge image provided as argument,
but with each closed region filled with a different grayscale value (see result below).
This is achieved by repeatedly calling the seedfill function (provided to you), using
as seed pixel various pixels determined by your code, as described below.
Start by making a copy of the edge image, which is the one you will then modify and
ultimately return. Then call the seedfill from pixel (0,0), with fill_color=0.1. This will
mark the background of the image with a dark gray. Then, as seen in class, look for
pixels that remain black. Whenever you find one, initiate a seedfill from that
location, this time choosing fill_color as 0.5+0.001*n_regions_found_so_far (where
n_regions_found_so_far is the number of closed regions identified to date by your
search). So the first closed region will be colored 0.5, the second 0.501, the third
0.502, etc. Once your function is done looking at the entire image, return the
resulting image. Save this image as “Q4_Sobel_T_0.05_clean_filled.jpg”. When
executed on the image obtained in Question 3, your function should return the
image shown below.
• On my computer, my code takes about 1 minute to run; it’s normal that it is a bit
slow, because the seedfill function is not fast and the image is large.
• The Sobel edge detection algorithm never calls edges in the first and last rows
and columns of the image. This is why cells that are at the periphery of the image
are not identified. Do not worry about this.
5) (30 Points) Classifying cells. [ Expected length: 25-50 lines of code]
Each detected closed region is now labeled with a different graytone: 0.5, 0.501,
0.502, …, 0.623. For each region detected, we now need to determine if (i) is a red
blood cell, and (ii) if the cell is infected or not. We will say that a region with
grayscale value g is a valid cell if its size is between 1000 and 5000 pixels (this
eliminates tiny closed regions that are not actual cells). We will say that a cell is
infected if at least 2% of the pixels it contains (those labeled with grayscale value g)
have pixel grayscale value below 0.5 in the original grayscale image.
Write the function classify_cells, which takes as argument:
• The original graytone image
• The labeled image obtained in Question 4
• Optional keyword arguments min_size=1000, max_size=5000,
infected_grayscale=0.5, min_infected_percentage=0.02
The function should return a tuple of two Sets. The first set should contain the labels
of cells that are infected, while the second set should contain the labels of
cells that not infected (see below for the expected output).
There are many ways to achieve this – feel free to use the approach you feel is the
best. One approach could go as follows:
i. Build a Set of all grayscale values observed in the labeled image
ii. Initialize infected=set(), not_infected=set()
iii. For each grayscale value in the grayscales set:
1. Scan the image to identify pixels with that grayscale value in the labeled
image, and count separately those that are dark (<=infected_grayscale) and
light (infected_grayscale) in the original image.
2. Using the counts of dark and light pixels, determine if the region with that
grayscale value is a cell or not, and whether or not it is infected. Add it to
the infected or not_infected sets, as appropriate.
iv. Return the pair of infected and not_infected sets.
Notes: Some cells actually contain pixels that are labeled white, because of left-overs
from the Plasmodium edges. To make out life easier, we will not consider those
pixels as being part of the cell.
With my code, the function returns:
( {0.504, 0.557, 0.522, 0.516, 0.647, 0.6, 0.629, 0.588, 0.521, 0.515, 0.529, 0.548, 0.52, 0.645, 0.535,
0.575, 0.53, 0.604, 0.649, 0.503, 0.598, 0.662, 0.547, 0.56, 0.5700000000000001, 0.66, 0.628},
{0.502, 0.5, 0.577, 0.542, 0.526, 0.5609999999999999, 0.625, 0.558, 0.619, 0.593, 0.552, 0.613,
0.578, 0.642, 0.607, 0.601, 0.54, 0.665, 0.63, 0.534, 0.659, 0.624, 0.528, 0.589, 0.653, 0.612, 0.551,
0.641, 0.571, 0.635, 0.565, 0.5680000000000001, 0.533, 0.658, 0.562, 0.527, 0.556, 0.617, 0.582,
0.646, 0.55, 0.611, 0.576, 0.64, 0.544, 0.669, 0.509, 0.538, 0.599, 0.654, 0.606, 0.67, 0.545, 0.574,
0.622, 0.648, 0.539, 0.523, 0.555, 0.532, 0.616, 0.549, 0.639, 0.543, 0.633, 0.537, 0.627, 0.531, 0.592,
0.656, 0.525, 0.65, 0.554, 0.615, 0.519, 0.644, 0.632, 0.536, 0.501, 0.657, 0.655, 0.559, 0.62, 0.524,
0.585, 0.553, 0.614, 0.518, 0.579, 0.643, 0.608, 0.573, 0.637, 0.541, 0.602, 0.567, 0.631} )
Note that if your code labeled your cells in a different order than my code did, your
solution will be different. However, it should contain the same number of infected
and not_infected cells.
6) (20 Points) Displaying infected cells [Expected length: 12-25 lines]
As a last step, we will produce a new color image that is a copy of the original color
image, but that highlights in red cells that have been classified as infected, and in
green cells that have been labeled as not infected (see result below). This would
allow the scientist using our program to verify the calls that are made.
Write the annotate_image function, which takes as arguments:
• The original color image
• The labeled grayscale image obtained in question4
• The Set of grayscale values corresponding to infected cells (obtained
from question 5)
• The Set of grayscale values corresponding to not infected cells
(obtained from question 5)
The function should return a new color image, corresponding to a copy of the
original color image, modified as follows.
The annotated image should have the same pixel values as the original image, except
when both (i) the grayscale of pixel (r,c) corresponds to an infected cell or not
infected cell, and (ii) at least one of the eight surrounding pixels in the labeled image
is white (grayscale=1). The color at those pixels should be set to red (for infected
cells) or green (for non-infected cells). Save the resulting image as
“Q6_annotated.jpg”. It should look like the image below.