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Assignment 5 JDesktopFrame

Assignment 5

This assignment should give you practice with various aspects of creating a GUI and working
with windows in Java.
Write a program utilizing a JDesktopFrame and menus to allow the user to create windows
containing various graphics. You will have multiple files to turn in. At minimum, you will have
the following files:
You may build other classes in other files. It is recommended that you create a class for
each type of window being created, but not required. You may have as many classes as you
want, as long as you reach the minimum (a lot of these classes could be represented as either
stand-alone classes or inner classes, it is up to you where to draw the line). Everything will be
packed up into a runnable jar file at the end.
Each file should have a comment including your name at the top of the file. Each file
should also have appropriate comments throughout.

You will need to use the file attached to the Assignment 5 Canvas site.
1. Storage and setup: You can design this with as many or as few classes as you like. The
program must begin with the main() method in class HW5Main (as provided), which will
need access to a DesktopFrame class that extends JFrame.

2. DesktopFrame: Your DesktopFrame class should extend JFrame and have the
following features:
 Should contain a JDesktopPane on which to put the windows that will open
 Should contain a menu bar that contains two menus
 The first menu, “Create”, which will contain a listing for the windows that may be
 The second menu, “Quit”, will contain a single item “Quit Program” that will close the

3. Internal Windows: Upon selecting a menu item under the “Create” menu, a new
JInternalFrame should be created, based on the selected item. Either a “Picture
Frame” or a “Movable Picture Frame” as discussed below.

4. Picture Frame: The first menu item under “Create” should have the text “Picture Frame”
and create a new JInternalFrame containing a picture created using Graphics,
following the specification below:
 This frame should have a blue background.
 On this background, you should draw a circle and a rectangle.
 The circle should be yellow, have a width and height of 25% of the frame’s width or
height (you may choose, though the recommended method is to choose the smaller of
the two), and be placed at a height about 10% from the top of the frame and about 30%
from the right of the frame.
 The rectangle should cover the entire width of the frame and 10% of the height of the
frame. It should be placed at the bottom of the frame and be colored brown.
 See the example screenshots for a better idea of what this picture should look like.

5. Movable Picture Frame: The second menu item under “Create” should have the text
“Movable Picture Frame” and create a new JInternalFrame containing two items: a
checkbox labeled “Move on Drag” and a picture created using Graphics, following the
specification below:
 The checkbox should be above the picture and on the default background color
 The picture should be in its own panel, with a white background.
 On this background, you should draw a single oval.
 The oval should be green, have a width and height of 30% of the panel’s width and
height, respectively (so if the panel has a width of 100 and a height of 50, the oval
should have a width of 30 and a height of 15), and should, by default, be placed in the
center of the panel.
 If the checkbox is not checked, the circle should remain in the center of the panel.
 If the checkbox is checked, the circle should remain where it is unless the user is actively
clicking & dragging the mouse on the panel. In that case, the circle should be centered
on the mouse position. After releasing the mouse, the circle should remain where it is
until either the checkbox becomes unchecked or the mouse is dragged again.
 See the example screenshots for a better idea of what this picture should look like.

6. Other Requirements/Hints:
 For the first frame, be aware that there is no brown color constant, so you will have to
use your best judgment to specify RGB values for brown. You do NOT have to match the
brown in the screen shots exactly, but you will be counted off if you have a significantly
different color (the rectangle shouldn’t be green, for example).
 Remember that you cannot draw directly on a JInternalFrame and must include
another component in the frame to draw on, such as a JPanel
 Remember that internal frames are created with their visible property set to false, so
you must set it to true if you want them to show up.
 When I discuss a percentage of a frame/panel’s height/width, I mean the current
 All internal frames should be resizable, closable, maximizable, and iconifiable, as well as
have a title (as indicated in the pictures)
 If something is not specified and not shown in the picture, use your best judgment

7. Extra Credit: For extra credit, you may implement a third frame, listed in the menu as a
“Randomized Picture” which should follow these specifications:
 This picture should contain a random number of rectangles (1 to 5) drawn randomly on
the screen.
 They should each be of a random color.
 They should be positioned at some random point in the frame (the rectangle’s location
parameters should be within the frame, it is okay if some drawing takes place outside
the frame).
 They should be of a random size, with width and height being randomly set
independently between 1 pixel and 1/2 of the frame width and frame height,
 These rectangles should reset to new positions and colors (as well as a different number
of rectangles) every time the frame is painted.
 If you implement this, spend a little time resizing/moving the frame around, it is a good
way to see how often the paintComponent method gets called.
Sample Output
These pictures have implemented the extra credit option
The application with the Picture Frame created and the Create menu open
The application with 2 Movable Picture Frames open. The one on the left has been moved, the
one on the right has not
The application with 3 Randomized Picture Frames (the extra credit) open.
Pack all of your files (class files and source code) into a fully runnable JAR file called hw5.jar.
The main program that the jar file should execute should be in class HW5Main, which should be
an unmodified version of the file linked above. I should be able to run the main() method from
your file with the command:

java -jar hw5.jar

Submit your jar file via the Canvas submission link for Assignment 5.

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