# COS418 Assignment 5: Key-Value Storage Service
In this assignment you will build a fault-tolerant key-value storage
service using your Raft library from the previous assignments.
Your key-value service will be structured as a replicated state machine
with several key-value servers that coordinate their activities
through the Raft log. Your key/value service should continue to
process client requests as long as a majority of the servers
are alive and can communicate, in spite of other failures or
network partitions.
Your system will consist of clients and key/value servers,
where each key/value server also acts as a Raft peer. Clients
send <tt>Put()</tt>, <tt>Append()</tt>, and <tt>Get()</tt> RPCs
to key/value servers (called kvraft servers), who then place
those calls into the Raft log and execute them in order. A
client can send an RPC to any of the kvraft servers, but if that
server is not currently a Raft leader, or if there's a failure, the
client should retry by sending to a different server. If the
operation is committed to the Raft log (and hence applied to
the key/value state machine), its result is reported to the
client. If the operation failed to commit (for example, if the
leader was replaced), the server reports an error, and the
client retries with a different server.
We have supplied you with skeleton code and tests under this directory. You will need to modify
<tt>kvraft/client.go</tt>, <tt>kvraft/server.go</tt>, and perhaps <tt>kvraft/common.go</tt>.
(Even if you don't modify <tt>common.go</tt>, you should submit it as-provided.) For this assignment
we give you the option to either use your own implementation of Raft from HW4 or use our solution,
which we recommend. Our solution will be provided to you as a binary that
you will import in your project.
To get up and running, execute the following commands, as in the previous assignments, and change into the <tt>src/kvraft</tt> directory:
# Go needs $GOPATH to be set to the directory containing "src"
$ cd 418/assignment5
$ export GOPATH="$PWD"
$ cd "$GOPATH/src/kvraft"
To apply the binary, follow these instructions:
$ tar -vzxf raft-binary*.tgz
$ rm raft-binary*.tgz
$ mv raft.go src/raft/raft.go
$ cd src/kvraft
$ go test # this should now print "Creating RAFT instance from binary"
<h2>Part I</h2>
The service supports three RPCs: <tt>Put(key, value)</tt>,
<tt>Append(key, arg)</tt>, and <tt>Get(key)</tt>. It maintains
a simple database of key/value pairs. <tt>Put()</tt> replaces
the value for a particular key in the database, <tt>Append(key,
arg)</tt> appends arg to key's value, and <tt>Get()</tt>
fetches the current value for a key. An <tt>Append</tt> to
a non-existant key should act like <tt>Put</tt>.
You will implement the service as a replicated state machine
consisting of several kvservers. Your kvraft client code
(<tt>Clerk</tt> in <tt>src/kvraft/client.go</tt>) should try
different kvservers it knows about until one responds
positively. As long as a client can contact a kvraft server
that is a Raft leader in a majority partition, its operations
should eventually succeed.
Your kvraft servers should not directly communicate; they
should only interact with each other through the Raft log.
Your first task is to implement a solution that works
when there are no dropped messages, and no failed
servers. Note that your service must provide
<em>sequential consistency</em> to applications that
use its client interface. That is, completed
application calls to the <tt>Clerk.Get()</tt>,
<tt>Clerk.Put()</tt>, and <tt>Clerk.Append()</tt>
methods in <tt>kvraft/client.go</tt> must appear to
have affected all kvservers in the same order, and have
at-most-once semantics. A <tt>Clerk.Get(key)</tt>
should see the value written by the most recent
<tt>Clerk.Put(key, …)</tt> or
<tt>Clerk.Append(key, …)</tt> (in the total
A reasonable plan of attack may be to first fill in the
<tt>Op</tt> struct in <tt>server.go</tt> with the
"value" information that kvraft will use Raft to agree
on (remember that <tt>Op</tt>
field names must start with capital letters, since they
will be sent through RPC), and then implement the
<tt>PutAppend()</tt> and <tt>Get()</tt> handlers in
<tt>server.go</tt>. The handlers should enter an
<tt>Op</tt> in the Raft log using <tt>Start()</tt>, and
should reply to the client when that log entry is committed.
Note that you <strong>cannot</strong> execute
an operation until the point at which it is committed in
the log (i.e., when it arrives on the Raft
After calling <tt>Start()</tt>, your kvraft
servers will need to wait for Raft to complete
agreement. Commands that have been agreed upon arrive
on the <tt>applyCh</tt>. You should think carefully
about how to arrange your code so that your code will
keep reading <tt>applyCh</tt>, while
<tt>PutAppend()</tt> and <tt>Get()</tt> handlers submit
commands to the Raft log using <tt>Start()</tt>. It is
easy to achieve deadlock between the kvserver and its
Raft library.
Your solution needs to handle the case in
which a leader has called Start() for a client
RPC, but loses its leadership before the
request is committed to the log. In this case
you should arrange for the client to re-send
the request to other servers until it finds
the new leader. One way to do this is for the
server to detect that it has lost leadership,
by noticing that a different request has
appeared at the index returned by Start(), or
that the term reported by Raft.GetState() has
If the ex-leader is partitioned by
itself, it won't know about new leaders; but
any client in the same partition won't be able
to talk to a new leader either, so it's OK in
this case for the server and client to wait
indefinitely until the partition heals. More
generally, a kvraft server should not complete
a <tt>Get()</tt> RPC if it is not part of a majority.
You have completed Part I when you
<strong>reliably</strong> pass the first test in the
test suite: "One client". You may also find that you
can pass the "concurrent clients" test, depending on
how sophisticated your implementation is.
From the <tt>src/kvraft</tt> directory:
$ go test -v -run Basic
=== RUN TestBasic
Test: One client ...
... Passed
--- PASS: TestBasic (15.18s)
ok kvraft 15.190s</pre>
<h2>Part II</h2>
In the face of unreliable connections and node failures, your
clients may send RPCs multiple times until it finds a kvraft
server that replies positively. One consequence of this is that
you must ensure that each application call to
<tt>Clerk.Put()</tt> or <tt>Clerk.Append()</tt> must appear in
that order just once (i.e., write the key/value database just
Thus, your task in Part II is to cope with duplicate client requests, including
situations where the client sends a request to a kvraft leader
in one term, times out waiting for a reply, and re-sends the
request to a new leader in another term. The client request
should always execute just once.
You will need to uniquely identify client operations to
ensure that they execute just once. You can assume that
each clerk has only one outstanding <tt>Put</tt>,
<tt>Get</tt>, or <tt>Append</tt>.
For stability, you must make sure that your scheme for duplicate
detection frees server memory quickly, for example by
having the client tell the servers which RPCs it has
heard a reply for. It's OK to piggyback this
information on the next client request.
You have completed Part II when you
<strong>reliably</strong> pass all tests through
$ go test -v
=== RUN TestBasic
Test: One client ...
... Passed
--- PASS: TestBasic (15.22s)
=== RUN TestConcurrent
Test: concurrent clients ...
... Passed
--- PASS: TestConcurrent (15.83s)
=== RUN TestUnreliable
Test: unreliable ...
... Passed
--- PASS: TestUnreliable (16.68s)
=== RUN TestUnreliableOneKey
Test: Concurrent Append to same key, unreliable ...
... Passed
--- PASS: TestUnreliableOneKey (1.40s)
=== RUN TestOnePartition
Test: Progress in majority ...
... Passed
Test: No progress in minority ...
... Passed
Test: Completion after heal ...
... Passed
--- PASS: TestOnePartition (2.54s)
=== RUN TestManyPartitionsOneClient
Test: many partitions ...
... Passed
--- PASS: TestManyPartitionsOneClient (24.08s)
=== RUN TestManyPartitionsManyClients
Test: many partitions, many clients ...
... Passed
--- PASS: TestManyPartitionsManyClients (26.12s)
=== RUN TestPersistOneClient
Test: persistence with one client ...
... Passed
--- PASS: TestPersistOneClient (18.68s)
=== RUN TestPersistConcurrent
Test: persistence with concurrent clients ...
... Passed
--- PASS: TestPersistConcurrent (19.34s)
=== RUN TestPersistConcurrentUnreliable
Test: persistence with concurrent clients, unreliable ...
... Passed
--- PASS: TestPersistConcurrentUnreliable (20.37s)
=== RUN TestPersistPartition
Test: persistence with concurrent clients and repartitioning servers...
... Passed
--- PASS: TestPersistPartition (26.91s)
=== RUN TestPersistPartitionUnreliable
Test: persistence with concurrent clients and repartitioning servers, unreliable...
... Passed
--- PASS: TestPersistPartitionUnreliable (26.89s)
ok kvraft 214.069s</pre>
<h2>Resources and Advice</h2>
This assignment doesn't require you to write much code, but
you will most likely spend a substantial amount of time
thinking and staring at debugging logs to figure out
why your implementation doesn't work. Debugging will be
more challenging than in the Raft lab because there are
more components that work asynchronously of each other.
Start early!
You should implement the service without worrying about the
Raft log's growing without bound. You do not need to implement
snapshots (from Section 7 in the paper) to allow garbage collection
of old log entries.
As noted, a kvraft server should not complete a <tt>Get()</tt>
RPC if it is not part of a majority (so that it does
not serve stale data). A simple solution is to enter
every <tt>Get()</tt> (as well as each <tt>Put()</tt>
and <tt>Append()</tt>) in the Raft log. You don't have
to implement the optimization for read-only operations
that is described in Section 8.
In Part I, you should probably modify your client
Clerk to remember which server turned out to
be the leader for the last RPC, and send the
next RPC to that server first. This will avoid
wasting time searching for the leader on every
## Submitting Assignment
You hand in your assignment as before.
$ git commit -am "[you fill me in]"
$ git tag -a -m "i finished assignment 5" a5-handin
$ git push origin master
$ git push origin a5-handin
You will receive full credit for Part I if your software passes the tests mentioned for that section on the CS servers.
You will receive full credit for Part II if your software passes the tests mentioned for that section on the CS servers.
The final portion of your credit is determined by code quality tests, using the standard tools <tt>gofmt</tt> and <tt>go vet</tt>.
You will receive full credit for this portion if all files submitted conform to the style standards set by <tt>gofmt</tt> and the report from <tt>go vet</tt> is clean for your raftkv package (that is, produces no errors).
If your code does not pass the <tt>gofmt</tt> test, you should reformat your code using the tool. You can also use the <a href="https://github.com/qiniu/checkstyle">Go Checkstyle</a> tool for advice to improve your code's style, if applicable. Additionally, though not part of the graded cheks, it would also be advisable to produce code that complies with <a href="https://github.com/golang/lint">Golint</a> where possible.
<p>This assignment is adapted from MIT's 6.824 course. Thanks to Frans Kaashoek, Robert Morris, and Nickolai Zeldovich for their support.</p>