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Assignment #5 Linked Lists and Modular Programming

Mini Assignment #5

Linked Lists and Modular Programming
This assignment explores malloc, makefile, modular programming, and git.
The central problem you will solve is a linked-list like the one shown in the lecture slides. You do
not need to use the lecture slides.
Construct a modular program from three sources files: main.c, list.c and list.h. The file main.c
will be used to call the functions provided by the file list.c. The file list.c builds a private linkedlist within the list.c named space. The file list.h contains the definition of the list’s node
structure. Use #ifndef to protect the possible multiple inclusion of list.h, as we talked about in
Use a makefile to compile your assignment. Use git to version control the development of your
assignment. To prove that you used a makefile submit your makefile file. To prove that you used
git, save the output from git log into a text file and submit that file.
The program will run as follows:
• The main() function uses a while loop accepting only positive integer numbers (n0) from
the user. The loop terminates once the user enters a non-positive value. The user is
prompted for each number one at a time.
• In the loop, main() calls functions from the list.o named space that creates a private linked
list using malloc.
• The following function signatures are supported by list.c:
o void newList();
▪ This function assumes there is a private global linked-list pointer in list.c
called head that is used to point to the beginning of a linked-list. This
function call simply initializes this pointer to NULL.
o int addNode(int value);
▪ This function mallocs a new node and copies the parameter value into the
node. This function then adds the node to the head of the linked-list. The
function ends by returning true for success and false for failure. A node has
the following structure: struct NODE { int data; struct NODE *next; }.
o void prettyPrint();
▪ This function assumes a global pointer called head exists. Using this head
pointer is traverses the linked-list printing all the values stored in the list.
• When the loop terminates the program prints to screen all the numbers in the list. The
output should be in reverse order.
• The program then terminates.
• Do NOT use recursion.
McGill University COMP 206 School of Computer Science
Vybihal Assignment #5 Page 2 of 2
Submit your .c files, makefile, and gitlog.txt files.
The TA will compile and run your program on the Trottier computers.
Points removed for bad practices:
• -1 for not following instructions
• -1 for not indenting, spacing, and/or commenting
• -1 for not using good variable names
This assignment is worth 20 points:
• +2 main()
• +4 List.c functions as described
• +4 Private data structure
• +4 #ifndef and list.h usage
• +2 GIT usage
• +4 Correct makefile usage

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