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Assignment 5 Routing Example

Routing Example
For this assignment, we will be building a basic skeleton of an app that
has some navigation within it. The primary features are:
• We can move between the Home and Welcome pages using the
navigation drawer, and the browser will recognize this navigation. This
means that when the user is on the Home page and then navigates to
the Welcome page, clicking "Back" in the browser should return them
to the Home page.
• We will pass a message from the Home page to the Welcome page
using a query argument. When this URL is opened in another tab or
browser, we should be placed onto the Welcome page with the same
message intact.
Submission instructions must be followed or points will be deducted.
Home Page
The home page should at a minimum have a text input box where the
user can enter a message. The user can enter any text they want. There
should be a Submit button that, when clicked, will navigate and pass the
message to the Welcome page using a query argument.
Welcome Page
When the welcome page is navigated to using a URL path "/welcome"
or from the navigation drawer hyperlink, it just needs to display the text
But when the page is passed a message through a URL query argument,
that message should be displayed after the welcome text.
The website should visually appear like in the screenshots.
The navigation drawer should contain two items: Home and Welcome.
Clicking Home should navigate to the path /home. Clicking Welcome
should navigate to /welcome. Proper usage of React Router will mean
they should be recognized by the browser. Therefore the following test
case should succeed:
1. User opens the website for the first time.
2. User clicks "Welcome" in the navigation drawer: the browser is
navigated to path "/welcome" and the welcome page/text appears.
3. User clicks the Back button in the browser: the browser navigates back
to path "/" and the home text & input form should be displayed.
4. User clicks the Forward button in the browser: the browser navigates
forward to "/welcome" and we see the welcome page again.
Home Page Form
The home page should have a text input box with a submit button.
When the submit button is pressed, the user should be navigated to the
Welcome page with the message passed through a query parameter.
This should be considered a navigation action that the user can "Back"
from. That means the following test case should pass:
1. The user is on the home page and enters a message into the form field
and presses "Submit"
2. The Welcome page is displayed with the text "Welcome! {user input
3. User presses "Back" in the browser.
4. The user is now on the Home page again.
Welcome Page Message
The welcome page should check for a query parameter to display a
message. The naming of the query parameter is not important - I used
"msg" in my solution. This means that the following test case should
1. The user opens a new browser tab and manually enters the welcome
page URL with the message query and presses enter. Example:
"http://localhost:3000/welcome?msg=heelloooo" (Again, 'msg' is just
the name that I used.)
2. The Welcome page should be the first thing visible and should display
the text "Welcome! heelloooo"
How to Implement
First start by getting the layout/structure of the page. The structure of
the webpage is basic usage of the AppBar and Drawer material
components. This drawer is not collapsible, expandable, etc. - it's just a
simple permanent drawer. The example documentation page
for Drawer has a working example of exactly what is required with
almost no modification.
Next write a basic navigation set up using React Router - Web.
The "Quick Start" is required reading. See if you can navigate between
Home and Welcome and use Back/Forward in the browser to
intuitively navigate.
Create a basic React form on the home page to handle user input.
When the user clicks Submit, you should have a handler function that
updates the state to something that represents the user has indicated
submission. In order to programmatically navigate (instead of the user
actually clicking a hyper-link element), a <Redirect> element should be
rendered. When this element is rendered by React, that will trigger a
navigation. Required reading: Primary Components and the API
documentation for Redirect.
Your welcome page component should read the query arguments to
determine if there is a message to display. The "Query
Arguments" example is required reading.

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