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Assignment 5 Settlers of Catan

SWEN221: Software Development
Assignment 5

1 Settlers of Catan
Catan is a popular board game where up to 4 players collect resorces, build settlements and play for
points on a hexagonal board.
On each turn, players may place settlements on the corners of an available hex, or a road on an available edge. At the start of each turn 2 dice are rolled and resources are produced from the hexes labelled
with the rolled number. These resources are then used by players to build settlements to hopefully
collect more resources until some player collects enough points to win. Points are earned by building
settlements. The full rules also include a set of cards called “development cards” and a set of trading
posts, but we are modelling a variation that does not feature development cards or trading
posts, so you do not need to worry about them in this assignment. To better understand the rules, you
can find the ocial rule set at
1.1 Setup
Before the game takes place, setup must be performed.
1. A hexagonal board is constructed as in the above Figure by placing 3 concentric layers of
hexagonal tiles. That is, a single tile, surrounded by six tiles, which are then also surrounded
by 12 additional tiles.
2. Each tile is assigned a resource from a randomly sorted pool of 4 Wood, 3 Stone, 3 Brick, 4
Wheat, 4 Sheep and 1 Desert. This is done row by row, from left to right and top to bottom.
For example in the image on the first page, the leftmost tile on the top row is assigned stone,
followed by wood for the middle top tile and brick to the rightmost top tile. Then wheat is
assigned to the leftmost tile on the second row, and so on.
3. Each tile is assigned a resource counter with a number (from 2 to 12). This is done in a clockwise
fashion starting from the top leftmost tile and spiralling inwards. In the above figure we start
with 8, then 4, 6, 10, 9, 6, 5, 4, 10, 3, 5, 11, 2, 12, 11, 3, 8, 9. The final tile in this example is a
Desert, but in most games the desert will not necessarily be in the centre, and will be skipped
when placing resource counters.
4. Each player take turns to place two settlements and two roads on the board. Settlements are
placed at the corners of tiles and roads along the edges. Settlements may not be adjacent to
another player’s settlement. Roads have to be placed next to a player’s settlement.
1.2 Order of Play
A player’s turn consists of the following actions:
1. Distribute Resources: Two six-sided dice are rolled giving a number between 2 and 12. All tiles
marked with that number distribute resources to all players who own settlements on that tile
according to the following rules:
• Each town gets 1 resource
• Each city gets 2 resources
2. Build: The player may build new towns, upgrade existing towns to cities or build roads.
There are several rules that govern how the above actions take place. Firstly, a player may not
place a settlement adjacent to another player’s town. Each possible site for a settlement or a road
may only contain one settlement or road. Except in the setup phase, players may only place towns in
open spots next to roads they own.
Points are awarded in the following way: 1 point for each town and 2 points for each city.
2 Getting Started
In this assignment you will implement certain parts of the Catan game. Using Generic types you will
implement a hexagonal graph where each node is a tile on the board. Using Java Streams and Java
Lambdas you will implement parts of the logic of the setup.
You can complete this assignment by working on the code in catan.jar. However, there is a GUI
available in catanGUI.jar; you can run the GUI with the command line java -jar catanGUI.jar.
It expects a jar catan.jar in the same folder. At the start, the GUI will not work properly since you
need to implement more behaviour in catan.jar. For the submission, you only need to submit your
improved version of catan.jar (with source code, as usual).
When you have completed catan.jar, you should see a GUI come up similar to the following:
When your code is completed, pressing the buttons “Set Resources” and “Set Resource Counters”
will allocate resource types (e.g. stone, brick, etc) to the tiles and amounts to those tiles. You can
then build settlements and roads by dragging from the respective icons.
2.1 Understanding the Code
To get started, import the catan.jar file from the lecture schedule on the course website. For this
assignment, there are three key classes you will be working with:
• (HexNode). The class game.HexNode represents an hexagonal tile on the board and implements
the interface graph.Node. This class gives structure to the underlying board allowing, for
example, one to determine adjacent tiles, etc.
• (CatanTile). The class provides the contents for a HexNode which
provides necessary functionality for the game itself.
• (Game). The class game.CatanGame provides a concrete instantiation of the game. It makes
extensive use of classes in the package model.
In addition to the above files, supplementary code is present in catanGUI.jar. The source code
for this library is not provided, as you will not need to modify it, nor import it into
Part 1 — HexNode (worth 50%)
Before we can implement the full Catan game, we need to develop a basis for it. A skeleton implementation of Node is provided called HexNode which currently does not implement all the required
functionality. You need to complete its implementation as necessary. When you’ve done this, you
should find the tests in Part1Tests all pass. A valid graph should represent an hexagonal grid, this
means that for example:
• A node can not have itself as a neighbour.
• If going WEST from node1 we reach node2, then going EAST from node2 we reach node1. That
is, the graph is non-directional: if node1 is connected to node2, then node2 is connected to node1
in the opposite direction.
• If going EAST from node1 we reach node2, and going NORTHEAST from node1 we reach node3,
then going SOUTHEAST from node3 we reach node2.
• the method HexNode.isValid() contains useful assertions checking that the graph is valid according to those criteria. We encourage you to use isValid() or a similar personalized method
to check if your code is preserving the validity of the graph.
We suggest you to implement the methods in the following order:
1. hasNeighbor(Direction)
2. add(Direction, Node<Direction, V)
3. isConnected(Direction, Node<Direction, V)
4. connect(Direction, Node<Direction, V)
5. fillNeighborhood()
6. generate(Integer)
7. toList()
8. stream()
9. clockwiseStream()
Carefully read the documentation of what those methods should do on the interface Node. The last
two methods allows to stream the nodes:
• stream: nodes are streamed from left to right, and top to bottom starting at the top leftmost
node and ending at the bottom rightmost node.
• clockwiseStream: nodes are streamed clockwise starting from the top leftmost node, and ending
at the center node.
NOTE: while there are complex but ecient ways to create streams without materializing the list
of elements, this is not required by this assignment, and you can simply create a list with the elements
in the right order and then create a stream from such list.
3 Part 2 (worth 40%)
CatanTile and CatanGame have many methods that needs to be implemented in this phase. For the
methods CatanTile.addSettlement(Settlement, Location) and CatanTile.addRoad(Road, Direction),
observed that a tile shares it’s settlement and road locations with neighbouring tiles.
In CatanGame, there are several methods which we suggest you implement in the following order:
1. toString(Stream<Node<K, V stream, Function<V, String mapper. This method aims
to provide a rich mechanism for printing out information from the graph. This method makes
good use of generic types to ensure a flexible API.
NOTE: CatanGame already has an implementation of the basic toString() method. This
returns a string of the ids of all the nodes in the correct order. You may find it useful to
examine this method.
HINT: After implementing this method, you should find that test toStringTest1() now passes.
2. setResources(List<Resources pool): taking a pool of resources we need to distribute them
in a left to right, top to bottom manner as previously described. The implementation of this
method is provided as an example.
HINT: To get tests testSetResources1/2/3() to pass, you will need to implement methods
in CatanTile.
3. setResourceCounters(List<ResourceCounter pool): taking a pool of resource counters, we
need to distribute them on the board in a clockwise fashion, starting from the top leftmost tile,
spiralling into the center. If we encounter any DESERT tiles, we assign that tile a counter with
the value NONE. This method needs to be implemented.
HINT: Reading testSetResourceCounters1 may help you to understand the required behaviour better.
4. distributeResources(Integer diceRoll): taking a dice roll of between 2 and 12, we need
to distribute any resources gained to players that have settlements on tiles with that number. It is a good strategy to implement distributeResources last. A correct implementation for CatanTile.addSettlement(Settlement, Location) is crucial to be able to complete
distributeResources(Integer diceRoll). This method needs to be implemented.
When you have implemented those methods, you should find the tests in Part2Tests all pass.
Your lab solution should be submitted electronically via the online submission system, linked from
the course homepage. The minimum set of required files is:
You must ensure your submission meets the following requirements (which are needed for the
automatic marking script):
1. Your submission is packaged into a jar file, including the source code. Note, the jar
file does not need to be executable. See the following Eclipse tutorials for more on this:
2. The names of all classes, methods and packages remain unchanged. That is, you
may add new classes and/or new methods and you may modify the body of existing methods.
However, you may not change the name of any existing class, method or package. This is to
ensure the automatic marking script can test your code.
3. All testing mechanism supplied with the assignment remain unchanged. Specifically,
you cannot alter the way in which your code is tested as the marking script relies on this.
However, this does not prohibit you from adding new tests. This is to ensure the automatic
marking script can test your code.
4. You have removed any debugging code that produces output, or otherwise a↵ects
the computation. This ensures the output seen by the automatic marking script does not
include spurious information.
Note: Failure to meet these requirements could result in your submission being reject by the submission system and/or zero marks being awarded.
This assignment will be marked as a letter grade (A+ ... E), based primarily on the following criteria:
• Correctness of Part 1 (50%) — does submission adhere to specification given for Part 1.
• Correctness of Part 2 (40%) — does submission adhere to specification given for Part 2.
• Style (10%) — does the submitted code follow the style guide and have appropriate comments
(inc. Javadoc)
As indicated above, part of the assessment for the coding assignments in SWEN221 involves a
qualitative mark for style, given by a tutor. Whilst this is worth only a small percentage of your final
grade, it is worth considering that good programmers have good style.
The qualitative marks for style are given for the following points:
• Usage of streams and lambdas. For this particular assignment, tutors will also check that
code is using streams and lambdas where appropriate.
• Division of Concepts into Classes. This refers to how coherent your classes are. That is,
whether a given class is responsible for single specific task (coherent), or for many unrelated
tasks (incoherent). In particular, big classes with lots of functionality should be avoided.
• Division of Work into Methods. This refers to how well a given task is split across methods.
That is, whether a given task is broken down into many small methods (good) or implemented
as one large method (bad). The approach of dividing a task into multiple small methods is
commonly referred to as divide-and-conquer.
• Use of Naming. This refers to the choice of names for the classes, fields, methods and variables
in your program. Firstly, naming should be consistent and follow the recommended Java Coding Standards (see Secondly, names of
items should be descriptive and reflect their purpose in the program.
• JavaDoc Comments. This refers to the use of JavaDoc comments on classes, fields and
methods. We certainly expect all public and protected items to be properly documented. For
example, when documenting a method, an appropriate description should be given, as well as for
its parameters and return value. Good style also dictates that private items are documented
as well.
• Other Comments. This refers to the use of commenting within a given method. Generally
speaking, comments should be used to explain what is happening, rather than simply repeating
what is evident from the source code.
• Overall Consistency. This refers to the consistent use of indentation and other conventions.
Generally speaking, code must be properly indented and make consistent use of conventions for
e.g. curly braces.
Finally, in addition to a mark, you should expect some written feedback highlighting the good and
bad points of your solution.
Java FX Notes
We advise you to just use java -jar catanGUI.jar to run the gui, but some of you may be trying
to import catanGUI.jar into eclipse as a separate project, dependent over catan.jar.
In some instances eclipse does not recognise parts of JavaFX (used in the ui) as part of a public
api. If you have this error, you can get around it by adding an accessibility rule for the build path of
your project. To do this follow the following steps.
1. Go to the build path configuration screen for your project in eclipse by selecting your project,
and opening ’Properties’ from the ’Project’ menu at the top.
2. Navigate to the ’Build Path’ tab on the left.
3. Select the ’Libraries’ tab.
4. Expand the ’JRE System Library’ entry.
5. Select ’Access Rules’ and press the ’Edit’ button.
6. Add a rule with Resolution ’Accessible’ and Rule Pattern ’javafx/**’
7. Apply changes and close.

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