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 Assignment 5 Streaming

Inf553 – Foundations and Applications of Data
 Assignment 5
1 Overview of the Assignment
In this assignment we’re going to implement some streaming algorithms. One
is some analysis of Twitter stream. The other runs on a simulated data stream.
1.1 Environment Requirements
Python: 2.7 Scala: 2.11 Spark: 2.2.1
Student must use python to complete both Task1 and Task2.
There will be 10% bonus if you also use Scala for both Task1 and Task2 (i.e.
10 - 11; 9 - 10).
IMPORTANT: We will use these versions to compile and test your code. If
you use other versions, there will be a 20% penalty since we will not be able to
grade it automatically.
You can only use Spark RDD.
In order for you to understand more deeply of the Spark, use RDD
only, you won’t get any point if you use Dataframe or Dataset.
1.2 Write your own code!
For this assignment to be an effective learning experience, you must write your
own code! I emphasize this point because you will be able to find Python
implementations of most or perhaps even all of the required functions on the
web. Please do not look for or at any such code!
TA will combine some python code on Github which can be searched by keyword ”INF553” and every students’ code, using some software tool for detecting
Do not share code with other students in the class!!
Submission Details
For this assignment you will need to turn in a Python or Scala program depending on your language of preference. We will test your code using the same
datasets but with different support thresholds values.
This assignment will surely need some time to be implemented so please plan
accordingly and start early!
Your submission must be a .zip file with name: Firstname Lastname
The structure of your submission should be identical as shown below.
The Firstname Lastname Description.pdf file contains helpful instructions
on how to run your code along with other necessary information as described
in the following sections.
The OutputFiles directory contains the deliverable output files for each problem and the Solution directory contains your source code.
Figure 1: Submission Structure
2 Task 1: Twitter Streaming (50 Points)
You will use Twitter API of streaming to implement the fixed size sampling
method (Reservoir Sampling Algorithm) and use the sampling to track the popular tags on tweets and calculate the average length of tweets.
In this task, we assume that the memory can only save 100 Twitter in memory,
so we need to use the fixed size sampling method to only sampling part of the
Twitter in the streaming.
Below is the Algorithm of Reservoir Sampling you need to implement in the
Task 1.
Figure 2: Reservoir Sampling Algorithm
In task 1, you need to have a list(Reservoir) has the capacity limit of 100,
which can only save 100 twitters.
When the streaming of the Twitter coming, for the first 100 Twitter, we can
directly save them in the list. After that, for the n
th twitter, with probability
, keep the n
th Twitter, else discard it.
If you will keep the n
th Twitter, it will replace one of the Twitter in list,
you need to randomly pick one to be replaced.
Mission & Result Sample
After fully save the list, each time when you choose to keep an new Twitter and
replace one in the list, you need to statistic the hottest 5 tags and the average
length of the Twitter in the list. And print them out.
The API tweepy can extract the tags and content of twitter, you can find
some guide in the documents will be mentioned below.
Below is the sample of the output.
Figure 3: Result Sample of Task 1
Set up
• Creating credentials for Twitter APIs
In order to get tweets from Twitter, register on
by clicking on “Create new app” and then fill the form click on “Create your
Twitter app.”
Second, go to the newly created app and open the “Keys and Access Tokens”
tab. Then click on “Generate my access token.” You will need to set these tokens
as arguments in the code.
• Library dependencies
You can use “tweepy” (python), “spark-streaming-twitter” (Scala) how to.html
and “spark-streaming” for this task.
Execution Example
Following we present examples of how you can run your program with spark
submit both when your application is a Java/Scala program or a Python script.
Example of running application with spark-submit
Notice that the argument class of the spark-submit specifies the main class
of your application and it is followed by the jar file of the application.
Please use TwitterStreaming as class name
Figure 4: Command Line Format for python
Figure 5: Command Line Format for Scala
3 Task 2: DGIM Algorithm (50 Points)
You are required to implement DGIM algorithm to estimate the number of 1s
in the last N bit in a 0/1 streaming.
Please find the StreamingSimulation.scala file under /data directory and
compile it into StreamingSimulation.jar. Or use the pre-compiled .jar file in
/data directory.
Before you start running your Spark Stream code, run this jar file with
command in the terminal: (This is just a simulation of data stream. It’s not
necessary to use Scala for Spark programming. Python is fine.)
j a v a −cp <Path o f S t r e ami n g Sim ul a ti o n . j a r S t r e ami n g Sim ul a ti o n 9999 100
After running this jar file, a 0/1 streaming will be created on the port 9999
In your Spark Stream code, you can use this method to connect to the data
stream that you created using the above command line:
v al l i n e s = s s c . s ocke tTex tS t re am ( ” l o c a l h o s t ” , 9 9 9 9 )
The first argument is the host name and the second one the port number,
which is 9999 in this case.
More guide of Spark Stream please refer to this:
The detail of the DGIM Algorithm can be find at the streaming lecture slide
last 20 pages.
You need to maintain some buskets, each represents a sequence of bits in
For updating buckets:
Figure 6: updating buckets:0
Figure 7: updating buckets:1
For estimate the number of 1s in the most recent N bits:
Figure 8: estimate the number of 1s in the most recent N bits
More detail about the Algorithm can be found from slide and searched from
Mission & Result Sample
In this Task, we set the N to 1000, and you need to use DGIM algorithm to
estimate the number of 1s in the most recent N bits.
In the streaming, each line is one bit 0 or 1.
You also need to maintain the recent 1000 bit to statistic the actually number
of 1s in the recent N bit.
In Spark Streaming, set the batch interval of 10 seconds as below:
s s c = StreamingContext ( sc , 1 0 )
Every 10 second, while you get batch data in spark streaming, using DGIM
algorithm estimate the number of 1s in the last N bit, and print out the number
of the estimate and actual number. The percentage error of the estimate result
should less than 50%.
Below is the sample of the output.
Figure 9: Result Sample of Task 2
You can set the level of the log to OFF to eliminate the extra message.
s c . s e tL o gL e v el ( l o g L e v el=”OFF” )
Execution Example
Following we present examples of how you can run your program with spark
submit both when your application is a Java/Scala program or a Python script.
Example of running application with spark-submit
Notice that the argument class of the spark-submit specifies the main class
of your application and it is followed by the jar file of the application.
Please use DGIMAlgorithm as class name
Figure 10: Command Line Format for python
Figure 11: Command Line Format for Scala
Description File
Please include the following content in your description file:
1. Mention the Spark version and Python version
2. Describe how to run your program for both tasks
Submission Details
Your submission must be a .zip file with name: Firstname Lastname
Please include all the files in the right directory as following:
1. A description file: Firstname Lastname desription.pdf
2. If you use Python, then all python scripts:
Firstname Lastname
Firstname Lastname
3. All Scala scripts:
Firstname Lastname TwitterStreaming.scala
Firstname Lastname DGIMAlgorithm.scala
4. A jar package for all Scala file:
Firstname Lastname hw5.jar
If you use Scala, please make all *.scala file into ONLY ONE
Firstname Lastname hw5.jar file and strictly follow the class name mentioned
And DO NOT include any data or unrelated libraries into your jar.
Grading Criteria
1. If your programs cannot be run with the commands you provide, your
submission will be graded based on the result files you submit and 80%
penalty for it.
2. If the files generated by your programs are not sorted based on the
specifications, there will be 20% penalty.
3. If you don’t provide the source code and just the .jar file in case
of a Java/Scala application there will be 100% penalty.
4. if runtime of your program exceeds the runtime requirement, there will be
20% penalty.
5. There will be 20% penalty for late submission within a week and 0 grade
after a week.
6. You can use your free 5-day extension.
7. There will be 10% bonus if you use both Scala and python for the entire

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