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Assignment 5 Three Layer Architecture

CMPT 270

Developing Object Oriented Systems
Assignment 5
Three Layer Architecture
Total Marks: 70
General Instructions

• Programming questions must be written in Java.
• Non-programming questions must be submitted as either .txt or .pdf ?les. If other ?le types
are used, you will receive a grade of zero for that question.

• The objective of this assignment is to add a partial graphical user interface (GUI) front end to Assignment
4. It is will only be a partial GUI so that this assignment is not too long.
• It is highly recommended that you use the classes provided in the Assignment 5 folder as your starter
– All the command classes have been refactored in the provided code.
– The Patient class has a new method called getDoctors() which allows you to get all the doctors
associated with a patient
• The entity and container packages should be unchanged.
• The classes in the commands package should not be changed, although if needed, new commands can
be added.
• The HospitalSystem class and the interfaces package will not be used.
• A new class called GuiHospitalSystem has been added to the startup package to start up the eventdriven application.
• The new classes that you write are to be placed in the package gui, along with the GUI classes supplied
to you.
Question 0 (2 points):
Purpose: Git for Bonus Marks (optional)
Degree of Di?culty: Easy
As a reminder, you have the opportunity to gain some bonus marks by using git/version control on this
assignment. The choice to use git/version control is up to you. This is an incentive program - using git
will result in bonus marks, not using git will have no e?ect on your ?nal grade. You can receive up to 2%
extra on your ?nal grade (but you cannot exceed a grade of 100% in the course). Additional details and
instructional videos can be found in the folder titled "Git for Bonus Marks" on moodle.
What to Hand In
• Your git-log of Assignment 5
There is a separate submission folder on moodle "Assignment 5 Git Log" for you to upload your git log.
You must upload your git log here if you want to bonus marks. Uploading it to the regular Assignment 5
submission folder will result in your git log not being graded.
2pts git logs will be given a grade from 0-2 where:
• 0 indicates that your attempt at using was not good enough to be considered for bonus marks
• 1 indicates an attempt was made but you need to improve the number of commits or the content
of your commit messages
• 2 indicates a non-trivial use of git

Question 1 (50 points):
Purpose: Practising GUI design and Implementation.
Degree of Di?culty: Tricky
When the application ?rst starts, a window should appear for the user to enter the data to create a ward
(if you downloaded everything correctly this should already be done). It has ?elds (with prompts) for the
entry of the ward name, the ?rst bed label, and the last bed label. In addition, there is a submit button to
submit the information to the system.
After the submission, another window will appear. In the version of the system given to you to start with, the
window to appear is the one for the operations dealing with patients (see the Patient operations window
section below for more detail). This window has four options. The ?rst one is to add a new patient. The
second option has a text ?eld for the entry of a health number. When one is entered and the Enter key is
pressed, a new window (a patient?s window) is opened with information on the patient, and operations on
the patient. The third option is to list all the patients currently in the system. The fourth option is to close
this window. This part of the GUI system is given to you to use.
Modify the system so that after submission of the ward information, a di?erent window opens (the main
menu window). You need to design and implement this window. This window should have the following
four components:
1. This button will initiate operations on patients of the system. If it is pressed, a patient operations window appears (this is the window that presently opens with after the submission of ward information).
2. This button will initiate operations on the doctors of the system. If it is pressed, a new window (the
doctor operations window) appears. You will need to design and implement this window. It should
meet the following speci?cation:
• A button to add a new doctor. This option should create a new window (doctor add window) where
the data for a new doctor is entered, and a button is pressed to submit the data to the system to
add the new doctor. You will also have to design and implement this doctor add window.
• A text ?eld for the entry of a doctor’s name. When a name is input and the Enter key is pressed,
a new window (a doctor information window) is opened that displays the doctor’s name and specialty (if any). The doctor?s window should the following componets:
– A TextField and button to add a patient to the doctor’s list of patients.
– A TextField and button to access a speci?c patient of the doctor. This option should open the
same patient?s window as accessing a speci?c patient from the patient operations window.
– A TextField and button to remove a patient from the current doctors list of patients.
– A button to close the window.
• A JOptionsPane that lists all the doctors in the system. For simplicity, they can be listed in the
JOptionsPane with default formatting obtained from the dictionary.
• A button to close the window.
3. This button is used to is to display the information on the ward.It will list each of the beds. If the bed
is empty, there will be a ?eld to enter the health number of a patient to be entered into the bed. If the
bed is occupied, there will be a button to cause the patient to be removed from the bed. The bottom
of this window will have a button to close the window. The ward windowing part of the GUI system
is also given to you. In the version of the system given to you, it can be accessed by pressing the
assign button in a patient?s window
4. This button is used to terminate the project. The project should also be able to be terminated by the
X in the right hand corner of the main menu window. However, selecting the X in another window
should just close the window (the default action for that (built in) button).

What to Hand In
• A ?le titled A5.jar of your complete system.
• A zip folder titled that contains all the GUI classes you created
Be sure to include your name, NSID, student number and course number at the top of all documents.
10 pts For the jar ?le (should successfully run and be stand alone)
10 pts For each new window

Question 2 (20 points):
Purpose: Practising External Documentation
Degree of Di?culty: Easy
Once you have completed the questions above, create a ?le called A5_documentation.pdf that includes
all the internal documentation for the refactored system. External documentation should include:
• A description of how to run your system. What class should be invoked, what method?
• The status of your assignment. What is working and what is not working? What is tested and what
is not tested? If it is only partially working, the previous point should have described how to run that
part or parts that work. For the part or parts not working, describe how close they are to working. For
example, some of the alternatives for how close to working are (i) nothing done; (ii) designed but no
code; (iii) designed and part of the code; (iv) designed and all the code but anticipate many faults; or
(v) designed and all the code but with a few faults; (vi) working perfectly and thoroughly tested.
• Instead of a UML diagram, include the following diagrams (these can be hand drawn and scanned):
– A diagram showing how you laid out the main menu window. It should show how you used GUI
components in order to place the widgets in the window in appropriate places.
– A diagram showing how you laid out the window for the doctor operations. It should show how
you used GUI components in order to place the widgets in the window in appropriate places.
– A diagram showing how you laid out the window for adding a new doctor. It should show how
you used GUI components in order to place the widgets in the window in appropriate places.
– A diagram showing how you laid out the window for the doctor information. It should show how
you used GUI components in order to place the widgets in the window in appropriate places.
What to Hand In
• A ?le titled A5_documentation.pdf
Be sure to include your name, NSID, student number and course number at the top of all documents.
4 pts For the ?rst two required sections.
4pts For each required diagram.

Additional information
Window Design: For the new windows you will create, the components can be arranged in any pleasing
fashion. Don?t spend too much time making it fancy, but it should be decent. They will have to match the
design diagrams you submit as part of your external documentation.
Patient Operations Window: This window has options to add a new patient to the system, access a
speci?c patient, list all patients, and close the window. If a speci?c patient is accessed, the window that
appears has the patient?s information. A patient?s window allows certain operations on the patient. In
particular, if the patient is not presently in a bed, an assign button is in the window that opens the ward
window. In the ward window, the user can assign the patient a bed. Returning to the patient?s window,
if the patient is already in a bed, then a remove button exists to remove the patient from the bed. The
patient?s windows lists all doctors of the patient (each of which can be removed), and has a text?eld to
add a doctor to the patient?s list. However, in the version of the classes as given to you, there will be no
way to add doctors to the system, so you cannot add a doctor to the list of doctors of the patient. Of course,
you will be correcting this problem. It is suggested that you ?rst get a basic version of the window working
for the main menu, and have it appear after the ward creation window. In the main menu window, ?rst get
the button working for the patient operations window. Next, the button for the ward window can be done,
and the button to exit the system. After these are working, then start working on the doctor operations
window and the button of the main menu to show it. You can start with only the close button in the doctor
operations window, and then add the others. Note that the doctor operations window will be very similar to
the patient operations window, and the classes for the latter are given to you. Then, you need to build the
window to add a doctor, and the window that appears when a speci?c doctor is accessed. It is suggested
that initially you don?t worry about error situations.
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