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Assignment 6: Generic data structure

CIS 212 Assignment 6: 100 points
The goal of this assignment is to provide exposure to building a new generic data structure.
Specifically, this project will involve building a new Set structure that maintains the “add”
counts of its unique elements, so that they can be iterated in sorted order with respect to how
many times they’ve been added to the set. The Set implementation will be optimized for
efficient add/remove/contains over efficient iteration.
1. [70] Create a new class OccurrenceSet<T that implements Set<T. Your OccurrenceSet
implementation should create and maintain a HashMap<T, Integer; doing so will allow you to
easily track the integer “add” count for each element in the set. All methods should function as
specified in the Set documentation. Additionally:
• (10) The add and addAll methods will need to keep track of how many times an element
has been added to the set. We are optimizing for efficient add, so add should be O(1)
and addAll should be O(n) for n added elements.
• (10) The remove, removeAll, and retainAll methods should remove the necessary
elements from the set completely (i.e., not just decrement their counts). We are
optimizing for efficient remove, so remove should be O(1) and removeAll should be O(n)
for n removed elements.
• (10) The contains and containsAll methods should behave as documented and operate
in O(1) and O(n) time (i.e., for n query elements), respectively.
• (10) The size method should return the number of unique elements currently in the set
(i.e., not considering “add” counts). This method should be O(1). The clear and isEmpty
methods should behave as documented.
• (20) The iterator and toArray methods should return an Iterator or array, respectively,
with elements sorted by their “add” counts in ascending order. We are optimizing for
efficient add/contains over iteration, but these methods should still be O(n lg n). The
Iterator remove method can be left blank for this assignment.
Hint: Creating a new List and using the Collections sort method is reasonable here,
though note that you’ll need to implement a Comparator object so that the elements
can be sorted by their associated counts.
• (10) Add a toString method that returns a string representation of the elements in the
list in sorted order (i.e., ascending with respect to their “add” counts). This method
should be O(n lg n).
2. [20] Create a Main class that creates a few OccurrenceSets of various types to test the
functionality of your new data structure. For example, a test like:
OccurrenceSet<Integer intSet = new OccurrenceSet<Integer();
OccurrenceSet<String stringSet = new OccurrenceSet<String();
Should have the output:
[1, 5, 3]
[here, hello, world]
3. [10] Write code that is clear and efficient. Specifically, your code should be indented with
respect to code blocks, avoid unnecessarily repetitive code, avoid code that is commented out
or otherwise unused, use descriptive and consistent class/method/variable names, etc.
Please zip only your Java source file(s), i.e., .java file(s), into a zipped file, rename that file as, e.g.,, and then upload that file to Canvas. Do not put
the Java source file(s) in a folder and zip that folder; instead, please directly zip all the Java
source files into a single zipped file. You are free to use whatever tools/IDEs you prefer to
complete your assignment.

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