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Assignment #6 stl vector class

#include <iostream
#include <string
#include <vector //replace this with your own class when ready
//#include "myVector.h" //include this instead of the stl vector class when ready
using namespace std;

//Part 1: Run the test code using the stl vector class. Make sure you understand the output
// and how the vector class works.
//Part 2: Create your own vector class (in the file "myVector.h"). To test your vector class,
// Swap the #include statements above so that the test code uses your vector class instead of the stl vector class.
// YOU MAY NOT CHANGE ANY PART OF THE TEST CODE other than swapping the included files.
// Your vector class must yield the exact same results from the test code as the stl vector class,
// with the following exceptions: The "capacity" method may return different values (ie, you may choose any resizing method you want,
// but you should consider what is the smartest approach with respect to efficiency). Additionally, for the 0-parameter constructor and
// the 1-parameter, you do not need to initialize the values of the vector items (but you must for the 2-parameter constructor).
// Beyond these items, your code must behave the same as for the stl vector.

int main()
vector<int myvecA;
vector<int myvecB(10);
vector<int myvecC(5,-9);
vector<string myvecD(6,"Are we there yet?");

//The size method should return how many items, abstractly,
//the vector currently holds.
cout << "Vector A size: " << myvecA.size() << endl;
cout << "Vector B size: " << myvecB.size() << endl;
cout << "Vector C size: " << myvecC.size() << endl;
cout << "Vector D size: " << myvecD.size() << endl;

//Capacity should report how large the array holding the items is.
//This size will be at least that of 'size()', but could be larger.
cout << "Vector A capacity: " << myvecA.capacity() << endl;
cout << "Vector B capacity: " << myvecB.capacity() << endl;
cout << "Vector C capacity: " << myvecC.capacity() << endl;
cout << "Vector D capacity: " << myvecD.capacity() << endl;

//You can access the items in the array
//with the '[]' operator.
cout << endl;
cout << "Vector B: " << endl;
myvecB[3] = 43;
myvecB[7] = 17;
for(int i=0; i<myvecB.size(); i++)
cout << myvecB[i] << endl;

cout << endl;
cout << "Vector C: " << endl;
myvecC[2] = 50;
for(int i=0; i<myvecC.size(); i++)
cout << myvecC[i] << endl;

cout << endl;
cout << "Vector D: " << endl;
myvecD[5] = "Shut up kids.";
for(int i=0; i<myvecD.size(); i++)
cout << myvecD[i] << endl;

//An important ability of vectors is the ability to push items to the back
//of the vector, which may require increasing the capacity behind the scenes.
for(int i=0; i<16; i++)
myvecA.push_back(2380 + i);
cout << endl;
cout << "Vector A's size and capacity:" << endl;
cout << "Vector A size: " << myvecA.size() << endl;
cout << "Vector A capacity: " << myvecA.capacity() << endl;

//vector's also have full stack functionality. Consider the "pop_back" method:
for(int i=0; i<10; i++)
cout << "About to pop: " << myvecA.back() << endl;

cout << endl;
cout << "Vector A's size and capacity:" << endl;
cout << "Vector A size: " << myvecA.size() << endl;
cout << "Vector A capacity: " << myvecA.capacity() << endl;

//Here is some addtional demo of the [] operator and how it works,
//as well as the "push_back" method.
cout << endl;
for(int i=0; i<5; i++)
myvecB[i] = i*10;


for(int i=0; i<myvecB.size(); i++)
cout << myvecB[i] << endl;

//Now we will see, for a large example, how the vector adjusts its capacity:
cout << endl;
int max = 100;
for(int i=0; i<max; i++)
int x = i*10000;
cout << "Pushing: " << x << ", size: " << myvecB.size() << ", capacity: " << myvecB.capacity() << endl;

return 0;

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