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Assignment 6 Hidden Markov Models

Artificial Intelligence Assignment 6
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There are four problems worth a total of 90 regular points + 20 extra credit points for comp440 and
110 regular points for comp557. Problems 1, 2 and 4 require written work only, Problem 3 requires
Python code and a writeup. All written work should be placed in a file called writeup.pdf with problem numbers clearly identified. All code should be included at the labeled points in
For Problem 3, please run the autograder using the command line python and report
the results in your writeup. Upload and writeup.pdf as two separate files on
Canvas by the due date/time.
1 Hidden Markov Models (20 points)
A professor wants to know if students are getting enough sleep. Each day, the professor observes
whether the students sleep in class, and whether they have red eyes. The professor believes the
• The prior probability of getting enough sleep, with no observations, is 0.7.
• The probability of getting enough sleep on night t is 0.8 given that the student got enough
sleep the previous night t − 1, and 0.3 if not.
• The probability of having red eyes is 0.2, if the student got enough sleep, and 0.7 if not.
• The probability of sleeping in class is 0.1 if the student got enough sleep, and 0.3 if not.
• (5 points) Formulate this problem as a Hidden Markov model with a single hidden state and
a single observation variable. Specify all the required probabilities for the model.
• (5 points) Given the evidence variables e1 =(not red eyes, not sleeping in class); e2 =(red
eyes, not sleeping in class); e3 =(red eyes, sleeping in class); compute P(EnoughSleept
for t = 1, 2, 3.
• (5 points) Given the evidence variables e1 =(not red eyes, not sleeping in class); e2 =(red
eyes, not sleeping in class); e3 =(red eyes, sleeping in class); compute P(EnoughSleept
for t = 1, 2, 3.
• (5 points) Compare the filtered probability P(EnoughSleept
|e1:t) with the smoothed probability P(EnoughSleept
|e1:3) for t=1,2,3.
2 Understanding human emotions (15 points)
A major milestone for building a strong AI agent – one whose intelligence is on par with human
beings – is to teach a program to recognize emotion and personality. In the first part of the problem,
we would like to track a single human’s emotion given an audio stream of the human talking. Then,2
given how their emotions change, we would like to guess at their personality type.
At each time slice, we observe a segment of sound from which we can extract the pitch contour —
how the speakers pitch changes over the sound segment. Let the pitch contour at time t be Ct
The domain of pitch contour is {angular, glideup, descending, flat, irregular}. We would like to
know the emotion at each time slice Et
. The domain of emotions is {sadness, surprise, joy, disgust,
anger and fear}.
• (5 points) Formalize the task of tracking emotion using an HMM.
– What are the hidden variables?
– What are the observed variables?
– What are the dimensions of the state transition conditional probability table?
– What are the dimensions of the emission conditional probability table?
– What is a reasonable probability distribution for the hidden variables at time = 0?
• (5 points) We want to compute the likelihood of a sequence of observations given our HMM.
Write a formula to calculate the probability of seeing a particular sequence of observations
over n time slices. Use probabilities from the HMM description. You can use a normalization
• (5 points) Our agent knows about two different personality types represented by the random
variable R with values x and y. The prior probabilities of being a specific personality type
P(R = x) and P(R = y) are φx and φy respectively. For each personality type, we can
calculate the probability of a sequence of n observations using the formula derived in the
previous part. Call that probability Θx for personality type x and Θy for personality type y.
Compute the probability of the person’s personality trait being x given a particular sequence
of observations.
3 Conditional random fields and named entity recognition (40
points + 20 EC points for comp440/required points for comp557)
One of the principal aims of natural language processing is to build a system that can automatically
read a piece of text and determine who is doing what to whom. A first step towards that goal is
named-entity recognition, the task of taking a piece of text and tagging each word as either person,
organization, location, or none of the above. Here is an example.
--PER-- --LOC--
In 1971, Obama returned to Honolulu to live with his maternal grandparents,
--PER-- --PER-- --PER--
Madelyn and Stanley Dunham, and with the aid of a scholarship attended
--ORG-- --ORG--
Punahou School, a private college preparatory school, from fifth grade until
his graduation from high school in 1979.
3 In this assignment, we will build a named-entity recognition system using factor graphs representing
conditional random fields (CRF). We will start with a chain-structured factor graph called a linearchain conditional random field, which admits exact inference via variable elimination. Then, for
extra credit for comp440, and required for comp557, we will develop a more sophisticated factor
graph to capture long-range dependencies which are common in natural language. For this model,
we will use Gibbs sampling to perform approximate inference.
3.1 Linear-chain conditional random fields
Let x = (x1, . . . , xT ) be a sequence of words and let y = (y1, . . . , yT ) be a sequence of tags. We
will model the Named Entity Recognition (NER) task with the following factor graph. Here the
y0 y1 y2 y3 y4
G1 G2 G3 G4
tags are the variables, and the words x only affect the potentials Gt (denoted by the black boxes).
The probability of a tag sequence y given x is
p(y|x; θ) = 1
Z(x; θ)
Gt(yt−1, yt
; x, θ)
Z(x; θ) = X
Gt(yt−1, yt
; x, θ)
where y0 = -BEGIN-, a special tag indicating the beginning of a sentence, and Z(x; θ) is the
normalization constant. The potentials Gt are
Gt(yt−1, yt
; x, θ) = exp(θ.φlocal(t, yt−1, yt
, x))
where φlocal is the local feature function and θ ∈ <d
is the parameter vector. θ.φlocal(t, yt−1, yt
, x)
stands for the dot product of the parameter vector θ with the feature vector φlocal. φlocal can
depend arbitrarily on the input x, and will generally access the words around position t (i.e., xt−1,
, xt+1).
We have provided you with the function LinearChainCRF.G(t,y ,y,xs) to compute the value of
Gt(yt−1, yt
; x, θ), where y is yt−1, y is yt and xs is x. In mathematics, indexing starts from 1, so
y1 is the first tag, but in Python, indexing starts from 0 (i.e., ys[0] is the first tag). To get the
value of G3(y2, y3; x, θ), call LinearChainCRF.G(2,ys[1],ys[2],xs) where ys is the tag sequence
y and xs is the observation sequence x. For y0 =-BEGIN-, use the provided constant BEGIN TAG.
For example, G1( − BEGIN−, y1; x, theta) is LinearChainCRF.G(0,BEGIN TAG,ys[0],xs).
4 3.2 Problem 3.1: Inference in linear chain CRFs (30 points)
• (10 points) Our first task is to compute the best tag sequence y∗ given a sentence x and a
fixed parameter vector θ.
y∗ = argmaxyP(y|x; θ)
= argmaxy
Gt(yt−1, yt
; x, θ)
The Viterbi algorithm eliminates the variables y1, . . . , yT in the order y1 to yT , producing a
sequence of forward messages:
V iterbi1(y1) = G1(−BEGIN−, y1; x, θ)
V iterbi2(y2) = maxy1 V iterbi1(y1)G2(y1, y2; x, θ)
Repeating this process gives us the following algorithm:
1. Initialize V iterbi0(y0) = 1.
2. For t = 1, . . . , T, compute V iterbit(yt) = maxyt−1 V iterbit−1(yt−1)Gt(yt−1, yt
; x, θ)
3. Return maxyT V iterbiT (yT ).
To recover the actual sequence y∗, we work backwards from the value of yT that maximizes
V iterbiT , back to the optimal assignment of y1.
1. Compute y

T = argmaxyT V iterbiT (yT )
2. For t = T, . . . , 2, compute y

t−1 = argmaxyt−1 V iterbit−1(yt−1)Gt(yt−1, y∗
; x, θ)
Implement the computation of V iterbit and the recovery of the best sequence in the function
computeViterbi in Once you have implemented computeViterbi, you can
run the following command to get an interactive shell to play around with your CRF.
python shell --parameters data/english.binary.crf --featureFunction binary
viterbi Mark had worked at Reuters
-PER- -O- -O- -O- -ORG
• (10 points) Next, let us compute forward and backward messages. Here is the algorithm for
computing forward messages. To prevent numerical underflow/overflow errors, we normalize
F orwardt and keep track of the log normalization constant A.
1. Initialize F orward0(y0) = 1 and A = 0.
2. For t = 1, . . . , T do
– Compute F orwardt(yt) = P
F orwardt−1(yt−1)Gt(yt−1, yt
; x, θ)
– Update A ← A + log(
F orwardt(yt))
– Normalize: F orwardt(yt) ← P
F orwardt(yt)
F orwardt(y
3. Return A, which equals the log of the normalization constant Z(x; θ).
5 Implement computeForward, which returns the log normalization constant A as well as the
normalized forward messages [F orward1(y), . . . , F orwardT (y)]. We have provided computeBackward
which produces a sequence of normalized backward messages [Backward1(y), . . . , BackwardT (y)].
• (10 points) Given the forward and backward messages, we can combine them to compute
marginal probabilities:
P(yt−1, yt
|x, θ) = F orwardt−1(yt−1)Gt(yt−1, yt
; x, θ)Backwardt(yt)
Z(x; θ)
Implement computeEdgeMarginals that will compute P(yt−1, yt
|x, θ). You should use computeForward
and computeBackward.
We have implemented the learning algorithm that uses these marginals to compute a gradient.
You can train the CRF (with standard features explained in the next subsection) now by
python train --featureFunction binary --output-path my.crf
It could take up to 10-20 minutes to train, so only do this after you are confident that your
code works. The program will write the parameters of the trained CRF to my.crf. You
should get a dev F1 score of around 56.7%, which is quite poor. In the next section, we will
design better features that will substantially improve the accuracy.
3.3 Problem 3.2: Named-entity recognition (10 points)
In the previous part, we developed all the algorithms required to train and use a linear-chain
CRF. Now we turn to designing better features. We are using a subset of the CoNLL 2003 dataset
consisting of 2,000 sentences with the following NER tags: -PER- (person), -LOC- (location), -ORG-
(organization), -MISC- (miscellaneous), and -O-(other). We have provided two very simple feature
functions. We will describe the feature functions using the example three-word sentence: xs =
["Beautiful", "2", "bedroom"].
• unaryFeatureFunction(t, y , y, xs) introduces an indicator feature for the current tag y
and the current word xs[t]. For example, unaryFeatureFunction(2, "-FEAT-", "-SIZE-",
xs) would return { ("-SIZE-", "bedroom") : 1.0 }. Note that "-SIZE-" is y and x[2]
is "bedroom".
• binaryFeatureFunction(t, y , y, xs) includes all the features from unaryFeatureFunction
and introduces another indicator feature for the previous tag y and the current tag y. For example, binaryFeatureFunction(2, "-FEAT-", "-SIZE-", xs) would return, { ("-FEAT-",
"-SIZE-") : 1.0, ("-SIZE-", "bedroom") : 1.0 }. Note that "-FEAT-" is y and
"-SIZE-" is y.
To train a model, use the following command,
python train --featureFunction [unary|binary] --output-path my.crf
Use one of the featureFunctions 6 unary or binary to do the training. As the model trains, it will
print the likelihood of the training data at each iteration as well as a confusion matrix and F1 score
for the NER tags. If you specify an output path, you can interact with the CRF you trained by
providing the path as an argument to the shell,
python shell --parameters my.crf --featureFunction [unary|binary]
Remember to use the same feature function as the one you used to train!
A common problem in NLP is making accurate predictions for words that we’ve never seen during
training (e.g., Punahou). The reason why our accuracy is so low is that all our features thus far are
defined on entire words, whereas we would really like to generalize. Fortunately, a CRF allows us
to us to choose arbitrary feature functions φlocal(t, yt−1, yt
, x). Next, we will define features based
on capitalization or suffixes, which allow us to generalize to unseen words, as well as features that
look at the current tag and the previous and next words, to capture more context.
Implement nerFeatureFunction(t, y , y, xs) with the features below. Again, we will illustrate
the expected output using the sentence: xs = ["Beautiful", "2", "bedroom"]. For convenience,
think of the sentence as being padded with special begin/end words: xs is -BEGIN- at position −1
and -END at position len(xs).
• All the features from binaryFeatureFunction.
• An indicator feature on the current tag y and the capitalization of the current word xs[t]. For
example, nerFeatureFunction(0, "-BEGIN-", "-FEAT-", xs) would include the following
features, {("-FEAT-", "-CAPITALIZED-"):1.0}. On the other hand, nerFeatureFunction(2,
"-SIZE-", "-SIZE-", xs) would not add any features because "bedroom" is not capitalized.
• An indicator feature on the current tag y and the previous word xs[t-1]. For example,
nerFeatureFunction(2, "-SIZE-", "-SIZE-", xs) would add: {("-SIZE-", "PREV:2"):1.0}.
This is because 2 occurs before "bedroom" which is xs[2]. And nerFeatureFunction(0,
"-BEGIN-", "-FEAT-", xs) would add {("-FEAT-", "PREV:-BEGIN-"):1.0}.
• A similar indicator feature for the current tag y and next word xs[t+1]; For example,
nerFeatureFunction(0, "-BEGIN-", "-FEAT-", xs) would include,
{("-FEAT-", "NEXT:2"):1.0}, and nerFeatureFunction(2, "-SIZE-", "-SIZE-", xs) would
include, {("-SIZE-", "NEXT:-END-"):1.0}.
• Repeat the above two features except using capitalization instead of the actual word; consider -BEGIN- and -END- to be uncapitalized. An an example, nerFeatureFunction(1,
"-SIZE-", "-SIZE-", ["Beautiful", "2", "Bedroom"]) would include
{("-SIZE-", "-PRE-CAPITALIZED-"):1.0, ("-SIZE-", "-POST-CAPITALIZED-"):1.0}.
After you verify that your features are working using, train your CRF:
python train --featureFunction ner --output-path ner.crf
Your dev F1 score should be around 71%.
7 3.4 Problem 3.3: Handling long-range dependencies (20 points) EC for comp440/required
for comp557
Consider the following example,
The news agency Tanjung reported today. All is well, Tanjung said
y1 y2 y3 y4 y5 y6 y7 y8 y9 y10 y11
It is clear that in the first occurrence of the word, ”Tanjung” is an organization. Given only the
second sentence though, it is ambiguous whether ”Tanjung” is a person or organization. In fact,
the CRF we previously trained predicts ”Tanjung” to be a person here. To address this, we would
like to add a constraint that all occurrences of a word are tagged the same. The catch is that such
a constraint introduces long-range dependencies between the tag variables, complicating inference.
Gibbs sampling for linear chain CRFs (5 points)
Before we look at a Gibbs sampler to handle long-range dependencies, let us revisit the linearchain CRF that we studied in the first part of this problem. Recall that Gibbs sampling updates
yt by sampling from its conditional distribution, given the values of the rest of the variables,
y−t = (y1, . . . ,t−1 , yt+1, . . . , yT ). Write an expression for the conditional distribution P(yt
, x; θ)
for the linear-chain CRF in terms of the potentials Gt
. Place your expression in writeup.pdf.
Implementing Gibbs sampling for linear chain CRFs (15 points)
We have provided you a function gibbsRun() in which provides the framework for
the Gibbs sampler. Read the documentation for this function first. Now implement the following.
• (5 points) Implement chooseGibbsCRF that samples a value for yt based on its conditional
distribution you derived above, and reassigns yt to that value. Note that you should only use
the potential between yt and its Markov blanket.
• (5 points) Implement computeGibbsProbabilities that estimates the probability for each
output sequence based on the samples of the Gibbs sampler.
• (5 points) Implement computeGibbsBestSequence that estimates the most likely sequence
(the interface is similar to computeViterbi).
Once you have implemented these functions, you can run the following command(s) to look at the
output of Gibbs.
$ python shell --parameters data/english.binary.crf --featureFunction binary
gibbs_best Mark had worked at Reuters
8 -PER--O--O--O--ORG-
gibbs_dist Mark had worked at Reuters
0.622 -PER--O--O--O--ORG0.1902 -PER--O--PER--O--ORG0.124 -PER--O--ORG--O--ORG0.0321 -ORG--O--O--O--ORG0.0084 -ORG--O--PER--O--ORGYour numbers will not match exactly due to the randomness in sampling.
4 Decision networks (15 points)
Consider a student who has the choice to buy or not buy a textbook for a course. We will model
this decision problem with one boolean decision node B, indicating whether the student chooses to
buy the book, and two Boolean nodes M, indicating whether the student has mastered the material
in the book, and P indicating whether the student passes the course. There is a utility node U in
the network. A certain student, Sam, has an additive utility function: 0 for not buying the book
and -$100 for buying it; and $2000 for passing the course and 0 for not passing it. Sam’s conditional
probability estimates are:
P(p|b, m) = 0.9 P(p|b, ¬m) = 0.5
P(p|¬b, m) = 0.8 P(p|¬b, ¬m) = 0.3
P(m|b) = 0.9 P(m|¬b) = 0.7
You might think that P would be independent of B given M. But, this course has an open-book
final – so having the book helps.
• (5 points) Draw the decision network for this problem.
• (5 points) Compute the expected utility of buying the book and not buying the book.
• (5 points) What is the optimal decision for Sam?

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