Assignment 6
The goal of this assignment is to explore using a NoSQL database.
This assignment is worth 100 points.
Be sure to include both your code and your output in your submission.
Loading the data
1. Start your mongodb server
mongod –auth –port 27017 –dbpath /data/db
2. Load the data files into MongoDB using the mongodbImport program
(a) mongoimport --db ricedb --collection foodInfo --jsonArray
--file foodInfo.json --username ricedb --password myPwd
2012 documents.
(b) mongoimport --db ricedb --collection truckEvent --jsonArray
--file truckEvent.json --username ricedb --password myPwd
63 documents.
(c) mongoimport --db ricedb --collection sale --jsonArray --file
sale.json --username ricedb --password myPwd
6807 documents.
(d) mongoimport --db ricedb --collection ingredient --jsonArray
--file ingredient.json --username ricedb --password myPwd
78 documents.
(e) mongoimport --db ricedb --collection unit --jsonArray --file
unit.json --username ricedb --password noSqlIsBest
86 documents.
If you need to reload the data, empty the collections by running the
following commands in the mongodb client
1 Queries
Be sure that you are using the ricedb database!
use ricedb
1. (2 points) Write a query that returns a single document from the foodInfo collection.
2. (4 points) Write a query that pretty prints (using the "pretty()" function) all documents with portion_display_name = "regular Oreo".
3. (4 points) Write a query that pretty prints all the documents whose
display_name contains “ice cream” (case insensitive) and that have less
than 200 calories.
4. (4 points) Write a query that pretty prints the 5 truckEvent documents
that describe events that started closest in time to, but strictly before,
September 7, 2017. Order the events from closest time to furthest away.
In other words, if we have:
Day1 Day2 Day3 Day4 Day5 Day6 Day7 Day8 Day9 Day10
and we ask for the 3 days before Day7, you would return:
5. (4 points) Write a query that returns the total number of products sold
during the truckEvent with eventId 16.
6. (8 points, 2 points each sub part) There are 4 parts to this question.
(a) Change the name of a truckEvent document where the eventName
is “Pi Day” to “Pie Day”. Include your query here.
(b) Write a query that pretty prints all truckEvent documents where
the eventName is “Pi Day” OR “Pie Day”.
(c) Change the eventName of all truckEvent documents where the eventName is “GSA Coffee Break” to “GSA Study Break”.
How many documents were updated? (Paste your MongdoDB command and the output of your MongoDB command)
(d) Write a query that returns the number of truckEvent documents
with eventName “GSA Study Break” OR “GSA Coffee Break”. Include the number of documents found.
7. We want to learn about the calories in each of the different toppings.
To help us figure this out, we have two new collections: foodInfo and
unit. The foodInfo collection contains nutritional information about
commonly consumed items. The unit collection maps different portion
names to common unit measures (e.g. cup to ounces).
We want to match up toppings in our ingredient collection with toppings
in the foodInfo collection. However, there are some challenges. Since
there are multiple foodInfo documents with the same display_name,
we need to disambiguate. One approach is to create a new collection
that only has documents where category = "topping" from the foodInfo
(a) (6 points) Using an aggregate function, create a new collection,
called "foodInfoToppings" that contains only the display_name,
portion_display_name, and calories fields from foodInfo. Include
every document where category = "topping". Include your aggregation code in your submission as well as a query to obtain the
(b) (15 points) Now, we want to know which toppings have the highest
calories per ounce. Using the aggregation function that we went
over in class, filter the ingredient collection to only contain documents where category = “topping” and then “join” these results to
the foodInfoToppings collection. Note that the ingName field in ingredient will match the display_name field in foodInfoToppings.
Next, “join” the resulting dataset to the unit collection to get the
number of ounces for each topping. Compute the calories per ounce
(use the $divide aggregation function to do the division) and extract
the following fields:
• ingId
• ingName
• portion_display_name
• calories
• ounces
• calPerOunce (computed)
Sort by calPerOunce, descending, and pretty print the three toppings with the highest calorie per ounce.
2 Streaming Twitter Data
As we discussed in class, Document stores are designed to handle streaming
data in formats that can vary. For the second part of this assignment, you
will collect some twitter data about ice cream and / or food trucks, store it
in Mongodb and then query the data.
We will use the tweepy Python library to collect tweets (http://www.tweepy.
1. Create a twitter account, if you don’t already have one. Go to https://
developer.twitter.com/content/developer-twitter/en.html and
create an account.
2. Go to https://apps.twitter.com/ and log in
3. Click on “Create New App”
4. Give your app a name, description, and provide a website (you can use
the course piazza site)
5. Agree to the terms and conditions
6. Go to the "Keys and Access Tokens" tab
7. Copy your Consumer Key (API) and Consumer Secret (API Secret)
8. Click on “Create my access token”
9. Copy your Access Token and Access Token Secret (DO NOT SHARE
10. The file getTweets.py contains skeleton code to filter tweets based on
keywords. Download this file.
11. Update the file to include your Consumer Keys and Access Tokens
12. Fill in the missing code to add a field with the retrieval date and time
and to store the tweet in the collection.
13. Run the file and look at the content of the tweets
You can do this with the command
python getIceCreamTweets.py
python3 getIceCreamTweets.py
14. The program will continue to run until you kill it using Ctrl-C
Once you have your code running and have collected a number of tweets,
write code to query the mongodb database.
Your code must generate an exact answer to the question provided. No
human interpretation or intervention. You may write a script that produces
the result, but you cannot, for example, write code that produces a document
and then manually take a value from the document and plug it into more
1. (2 points) Add a field called "netId" with the value set to your netId to
all of the records.
2. (2 points) How many tweets were longer than 140 characters?
3. (4 points) How many of the tweets contain the hashtag ‘#foodtruck’?
Note that the tweet text can be in the text field or in the full_text field
of the extended_tweet document.
4. (4 points) What are the top 5, non-whitespace only, user locations (exclude locations which contain only whitespace or tabs)? Display the location value and the counts. Subsort by location, if there are ties. You
might find this webpage helpful: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
Regular_expression for determining a regular expressrion for Space
and tab.
5. (2 points) How many of the tweets were retweeted?
6. (4 points) What how many followers does the tweeter with the most
followers have?
7. (4 points) Use mongoexport to export your tweets to a json file. Name
the file icecream<yourNetIdHere.json. List your export statement
A skeleton is:
mongoexport --db ricedb --collection icecream
--out icecream<yourNetIdHere.json --username ricedb
--password "myPwd"
3 Short Answers
1. (2 points) List 1 advantage and 1 disadvantage of embedding documents
within other documents
2. (2 points) The tweets contain a number of fields with 0 or null values.
What is an advantage of including these fields?
3. (2 points) What is a disadvantage?
4 What to submit
Submit a zip file containing:
1. A .js file that contains your mongodb javascript executable code. Basically, we want to be able to cut & paste your code into the Mongodb
client and have it run, or run it at the command line. This means
that any comments or text answers in this file should be in Mongodb
comments. A line is considered a comment if it starts with "//".
2. Your modified getIceCreamTweets.py file (you can take out the access
3. (5 points) A json file containing the tweets you collected
4. A text .txt file with your answers