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ASSIGNMENT 6 (JAVA) Java Assignment

CptS 355 - Assignment 6 - Java Assignment


Java Assignment

Weight: Assignment 6 will count for 7% of your course grade.
This assignment is to be your own work. Refer to the course academic integrity statement in the syllabus.
This assignment provides experience with language features of Java that we haven't encountered in previous languages. The goal is to write a simple ball game where the player
tries to click on the moving balls before they get out of the scene. The player will score points every time she/he hits a ball. The faster the ball is when player hits the ball, the more
points she/he will score.
Turning in your assignment
Turning in your project
All code should be developed in the HW6 directory. When you are done the directory will contain your source (java) files, object (class) files, and config.xml file.
your assignment, turn in your file by uploading on the Assignment6 (Java) DROPBOX on Blackboard (under AssignmentSubmisions menu). You may turn in your
assignment up to 5 times. Only the last one submitted will be graded. Please let the instructor know if you need to resubmit it a 6th time.
The work you turn in is to be your own personal work. You may not copy another student's code or work together on writing code. You may not copy code from the web, or
anything else that lets you avoid solving the problems for yourself.
Getting started
A skeleton of the code for this assignment is provided. You can download the files in The skeleton code includes the following files: ­ Implements the applet interface. Creates a single ball and player in the beginning of the game. The ball is initially located in the middle of the applet screen. ­ Implements the Ball class. The Ball class provides the methods to draw the ball, move the ball, check whether it was hit by a player, and whether it is out. – Implements the Player class. Each player object keeps track of the player’s total score. ­ Implements the GameWindow class. The borders of the applet screen are defined in this class.
Compiling and running your project
I suggest putting all the java files in a single directory. You can then compile the program with
javac *.java
and run the applet with
The assignment will be marked for good programming style (indentation and appropriate comments), as well as clean compilation and correct function.
You will demonstrate your project to the course TA in person on Monday Dec 12, in Sloan 312. The demo schedule is available **HERE** Please select an available slot in the list. Write down your lastname only. Please do not overwrite a slot which is already taken.
Help with Java
There is extensive documentation on Java on the web. The resources link on the class home page has links to only a few of the many, many resources available.
Assignment 6 Requirements
Assignment 6 Requirements:
1. (20%) Parse the config file: In the provided skeleton code, most of the arguments to configure the game are hard coded. You need to read these config values from an XML
file and initialize the classes using these values. In addition, you need to introduce additional config arguments for the feature you will add to the game. A sample config.xml
file is available in the skeleton code archive file.
Here is a Java XML Parsing example using DOM parser:­to­read­xml­file­in­java­dom­parser/
2. (5%) The skeleton code creates a single ball only. Your game should support an arbitrary number of balls (the number of balls will be read from the config file). Your game
should maintain the instances of the ball objects in an array.
3. (10%) The Ball.class implements a basic ball that moves with a pre­set speed. You will change the Ball class so that every time the ball is hit or the ball is out, it’s speed (in x
and y directions) should be randomized. Please note that the speed of the ball can be either positive or negative. When the seed is positive, the ball will move from left to
right; and when the speed is negative it will move from right to left. You may assume that the ball will have a maximum absolute speed. The initial speed of the ball and its max speed will be read form the config file.
4. (10%)In the given skeleton code, the game terminates when the ball is out. You need to update the Player class and have the player start the game with a given number of
lives. The player will lose a life when a ball is out and will earn additional lives for every X points he/she earns. (The number of lives and the X value will be read from the
config file.) The current number of lives for the player should be displayed on the applet screen.
5. (5%) You will collect statistics about the player’s performance and store them in the Player class. Those should be displayed on the screen at the end of the game. These
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# of mouse clicks (in the current game)
% of successful hits % of failed hits
the type of ball with most hits (see below for the ball types).
6. You will introduce new ball types in your game by creating subclasses of the Ball class.
(20%) ShrinkBall: This is a larger ball which gets smaller by 30% each time the player hits it. The scores for each hit will be doubled as the ball shrinks. After each hit,
the ball will be moved to its initial location and the ball will be assigned a random speed. When the ball size is less than or equal to 30% of the initial size the ball, the
ball will be reset to it's original size and it will start from the middle of the screen with a random initial speed. As long as the ball is not out, the user won’t lose any lives.
(25%)BounceBall will bounce on the borders of the applet scene but it will be out after it bounces for a certain number of times. (The bounce count will be read from
the config file.) The ball should maintain the magnitude of it’s speed in each bounce. Please note that the direction (sign) of the speed will change due to the bounce.
The other ball types won’t bounce on borders. If the bounce ball goes out of the applet screen (after bouncing "bounce count" times), the user will loose a life. The
BounceBall will reappear at its initial starting location and will be assigned a random speed.
7. (5%) Visual features and overall game design.
Sample config.xml file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF‑8"?
‑<Ball id="1"
‑<Ball id="2"
‑<Ball id="3"

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