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Assignment 6 Least Recently Used algorithm

Assignment 6

1 Description
This assignment is to develop a simulation of LRU page replacement algorithm with swapping support. 
2 Task
You are to simulate a Least Recently Used algorithm for page replacement.
Design choices: 1) the machine’s architecture is 32-bit. 2) You are to implement
two-level hierarchical page tables (page directory and page table), 3) the page
size is 4KB (212), therefore the frame size is also 4 KB.
Reminder: The most significant ten bits of a virtual address (unsigned 32-
bit integer) denote page directory, the next ten bits are for page table, the last
12 bits are for the offset within the page table.
Your program will read the address requests and the operations that are
performed on the data in those addresses. Your program should report the
physical addresses that were assigned to the addresses.
This time, however, the number of the frames assigned to your process is
limited, and should be read as the command line parameter. If there are not
enough free frames in the main memory to service a request, your program
needs to determine a “victim” page to be paged out from the memory. This
should be done using the Least Recently Used page replacement algorithm. If
the victim page is “dirty”, i.e., the page contents were written to since the last
time the page was loaded (or swapped in), the page needs to be copied into the
swap space (swapped out). For simplicity, we say that once a page was swapped
out, it always counts towards the number swapped pages, even if it was later
swapped in again. If the victim page is “clean”, i.e., its contents are identical
to the page in the long term storage, it can be discarded. I.e. if the page was
only ever accessed for reading, we assume it surfaced from the executable file or
the program is faulty, we do not swap it out.
For simplicity, you may assume that loading a page into a frame is the same
as swapping it in: i.e., for swap space management you only need to count the
number of times you had to page out a page with “dirty” bit set to true, no
need to simulate anything further.
We are not dealing with the minor page faults in this assignment.
At the end of the program, you are supposed to report the number of pages
swapped out over the course of execution, the number of page hits, the total
number of page faults, and the average access time using the formula we learned
in class:
probabilityOfNoP ageF ault∗10+probabilityOfM ajorP ageF aultW ithOne
Copy ∗ 1000+probabilityOfM ajorP ageF aultW ithT woCopyOperations ∗ 3000
3 Input/Output format
Consider the following input format:
1 r 1124955998
2 r 794845611
3 r 1540976830
4 w 1081961846
5 r 1124957700
6 r 794845440
7 r 1540976645
This input should be interpreted as follows: The program tries to access the
specified addresses.r denotes “read from”, w denotes “write to”.
Sample program execution
1 ./ a . out 3 < sample_test . txt
For the exact input and output format please refer to the sample input.txt and
sample output.txt. (Note the sample output had 3 frames).
4 Submission instructions
Please submit just your C and H files (if any) to D2L Assignment box. Make
sure your code compiles and runs. Make sure your code follows the specified
input/output format (once the sample files are posted). You must use C programming language to solve this assignment.

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