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Assignment 6: Single-Cycle Processor Implementation

CDA 4205 Computer Architecture 
Assignment 6: Single-Cycle Processor Implementation
1.    (15 pts) Describe the effect that a single stuck-at-0 fault (i.e., the signal is always 0 regardless of what it should be) would have for the signals shown below, in the single-cycle Datapath. Which instructions, if any, will not work correctly? Explain why.
Consider each of the following faults separately:
a)    RegWrite = 0                        
b)    RegDst = 0
c)    ALUScr = 0
d)    MemtoReg = 0
e)    Branch = 0
2.    (15 pts) Repeat question 1 but this time consider stuck-at-1 faults (the signal is always 1).
3.    (15 pts) We wish to add the instruction jalr (jump and link register) to the single-cycle datapath. Add any necessary datapath and control signals and draw the result datapath. Show the values of the control signals to control the execution of the jalr instruction. 
The jump and link register instruction is described below:
jalr rd, rs # rd = pc + 4 , pc = rs
op6 = 0    rs5    0    rd5    0    Funct6 = 0x9 

4.    (15 pts) Suppose we add the multiply and divide instructions. The operation times are as follows:
Instruction memory access time = 190 ps,      Data memory access time = 190 ps,
Register file read access time = 150 ps,          Register file write access = 150 ps
ALU delay for basic instructions = 190 ps,      ALU delay for multiply or divide = 550 ps
Ignore the other delays in the multiplexers, control unit, sign-extension, etc.
Assume the following instruction mix: 30% ALU, 15% multiply & divide, 20% load, 10% store, 15% branch, and 10% jump.
a)    What is the total delay for each instruction class and the clock cycle for the single-cycle CPU design?
b)    Assume we fix the clock cycle to 200 ps for a multi-cycle CPU, what is the CPI for each instruction class and the speedup over a fixed-length clock cycle?
    Submission Requirements
    Your solutions must be in a single file with a file name yourname-hw6.
    If scanned from hand-written copies, then the writing must be legible, or loss of credits may occur.
    Only submissions via the link on Canvas where this description is downloaded are graded. Submissions to any other locations on Canvas will be ignored.
    Late submissions are accepted for a maximum of 3 late days with 20% assignment credit off as late penalization. Assignments submitted after 3 late days will not be accepted.

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