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Assignment 6  training a nonlinear model (part 1)

CSCI 362: Machine Learning Assignment 6
 training a nonlinear model (part 1)
In this assignment we will train a nonlinear model to fit the housing data.
• Copy your final program for assignment 5 to a new file called say We are going to
modify the model.
Your model class is likely currently called LinearModel or similar. Change the name because below
we are not going to restrict our models to linear ones.
• Per our discussion in class, add a single, intermediate, layer with say 10 nodes.
The schematic below represents your model if n = 13 and m = 10.
In the forward method of your model class, make sure to add nonlinearities (relu or otherwise) on
the output side of the intermediate nodes — otherwise your model is equivalent to a linear model.
• Toward the end of your version of, you should find the following lines:
print("total number of examples:", num_examples, end='')
print("; batch size:", batch_size)
print("learning rate:", learning_rate)
Add another line that prints the momentum.
• Since we are still using a relatively small dataset, you could train your model using (full) batch gradient descent.
Don’t use full batch. Instead, add some stochasticity; that is, find learning parameters that lead to
high quality convergence using mini-batch gradient descent with a mini-batch size of say 20 or 30.
Note: when employing stochasticity, you likely want some momentum.
• With nonlinearity, you should fairly easily achieve explained variance higher than 0.86 on training
data. Once you find such learning parameters, include a readable screenshot of a run of your program. Make sure that the learning rate, momentum, and batchsize are displayed as well as the
proportion of the variance captured by your now non-linear hyper-surface.
Please also upload your entire program.

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