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ASSIGNMENT 7 Family ancestors and descendants


Part 1
You are to write a program that uses recursion to find all family ancestors and
descendants of a given person.
The program asks for the name of the family data file and then prompts for a specific
person’s name. If the person is in the family database, the program shows all the
ancestors and all the descendants for that person. For ancestors it must show all parents,
all grandparents, all great grandparents, etc. For descendants it must show all children,
all grandchildren, all great grandchildren, etc. The program also must use indentation to
make it clear who is a parent of whom and who is a child of whom. As a test data file,
you will be using information about the Tudor kings and queens of England. The name of
the file is “tudor.txt”.
Format of tudor.txt: The first section of the file (until the line with “END” has all
the unique family members. The section of the tudor.txx after the "END" is divided
into groups of three - first the family member, then his/her mother, then his/her father.
This is how you can tell who is related to whom.
Arthur –> Family Member
Elizabeth of York -> Mother
Henry VII -> Father
Henry VIII –> Family Member
Elizabeth of York -> Mother
Henry VII -> Father
Special cases: The data file contains no information prior to Henry VII, so when you ask
for information about him, you get a lot of descendants but no ancestor information.
Below is the log of execution you should obtain for him.
What is the input file? tudor.txt
Person's name ('quit' to end)? Henry VII
 Henry VII
 Henry VII
 Henry VIII
 Mary I
 Elizabeth I
 Edward VI
 James V
 Mary, Queen of Scots
 James VI & I
 Margaret Stuart
 Henry, Lord Darnley
 James VI & I
 Lady Jane Grey
At the other extreme is James VI of Scotland who became James I of England. The data
file has no information about his descendants, but a great deal of information about his
ancestors. Below is the log you should obtain for him.
What is the input file? tudor.txt
Person's name ('quit' to end)? James VI & I
 James VI & I
 Mary, Queen of Scots
 Mary of Guise
 James V
 Elizabeth of York
Henry VII
 James IV
 Henry, Lord Darnley
 Margaret Stuart
 Elizabeth of York
Henry VII
 James VI & I
Your task: You are required to demonstrate that your program works for these two
individuals and for another in the middle of this family tree. In particular, you should test
it for Margaret. Below is the log you should obtain for her.
What is the input file? tudor.txt
Person's name ('quit' to end)? Margaret
 Elizabeth of York
 Henry VII
 James V
 Mary, Queen of Scots
 James VI & I
 Margaret Stuart
 Henry, Lord Darnley
 James VI & I
Your client program should be named “” and it should include only
static methods. It should prompt the use for the test file and then for the name of the
person. If the name does not exist it should print a message and quit. If the name exists it
should print the ancestors and descendants as shown in the above examples.
Design Hints:
It might be useful to create one class that stores information about a person such as name,
mother, father and any kids (if any). The class is responsible for setting and getting
information for a specific person.
You might also find it useful to a have class that holds basic family relationship
information about a particular family. The class could store a list of persons in the family
and include a number of methods for setting and getting information about a family (read
from a file and add a new relative and its info such as father, mother, kids, etc). This class
could compliment the person class, i.e., it could read from a family test file and store the
info of a specific person.
If you choose this design, then your client program simply read the family file that the
user provides, stores the info of the family and once a Person’s name is given, it parses
the list of persons in the family and uses recursive methods that print out the ancestors
and descendants.
You DON’T need to follow this design. You are free to design your own program as you
wish. However, you need to make sure that you’re writing object-oriented code and that
the ancestors and descendants are produced using recursive methods. You should also
explain these methods in your README.txt file.
Part 2
Write a recursive program to solve the Tower of Hanoi puzzle. The puzzle involves
manipulating disks that you can move between three different towers (A, B, C). You are
given a certain number of disks on one of the three towers. The disks have decreasing
diameter, with the smallest disk on top, as shown in the next figure.
The object of the puzzle is to get all of the disks from one tower to another (say from the
A to the B). The third tower (C) is provided as a temporary storage space as you move
disks around. You are allowed to move only one disk at a time, and you are not allowed
to place a disk on top of a smaller one (i.e., one with smaller diameter).
Examine the rather simple solutions for one, two and three disks, and see if you can
discern a pattern. Then write a program that will solve the Towers of Hanoi puzzle for
any number of disks (Hint: Moving four disks is a lot like moving three disks, except that
one additional disk is on top.)
Your program should be named “” and first prompt the user for the number of
disks. Once the user types a number greater or equal to 1 then it solves the puzzle for that
number of disks and prints the movements, i.e.,
Move disk from A to B
Move disk from A to B
Move disk from C to B
Your program should include only static methods.
Your Java source code should be submitted via Latte the day it is due.
You will be graded on
o External Correctness: The output of your program should match exactly what is
expected. Programs that do not compile will not receive points for external
o Internal Correctness: Your source code should follow the stylistic guidelines
shown in class. Also, remember to include the comment header at the beginning
of your program.
o One-on-one interactive grading: By the end of the day that the assignment is
due, please make an appointment with your TA for an interactive 10-15 minute
grading session. You will receive an email notifying you of the name of the TA
who has been assigned to you for this assignment with further instructions on
setting up the appointment. (You will be meeting with a different TA for each
assignment). One-on-one interactive grading will help you improve your
programming skills and avoid repeating mistakes from one assignment to the

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