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Assignment 7: Butterfly Subdivision

CPSC 424 Assignment 7: Butterfly Subdivision

In this assignment you will implement the Butterfly Subdivision algorithm shown in class. The provided code
contains the half-edge data structure you will be using as your mesh data structure.
I. Data Structure
The half-edge data structure defines objects of the following types: Vertex, HalfEdge, and Face.
If you have a vertex v, here’s what you can do with it:
• v.getP os() returns the corresponding coordinates of the vertex; v.setP os(x, y, z) changes the corresponding
coordinates of the vertex
• v.getEdge() returns the half-edge with v as its origin; v.setEdge(h) changes the half-edge with v as its origin
• v.getId() returns the index of v
Having a half-edge h, here’s what operations it supports:
• h.getOrigin() returns the origin of h; h.setOrigin(v) changes the origin of h
• h.getF ace() returns the face bounded by this half-edge; h.setF ace(f) changes the face bounded by thi halfedge
• h.getP rev() returns the previous half-edge in the face; h.setP rev(h) changes the previous half-edge
• h.getNext() returns the next half-edge in the face; h.setNext(h) changes the next half-edge
• h.getT win() returns the twin half-edge; h.setT win(h) changes the twin half-edge
Having a face f, here’s what you can do with it:
• f.getEdge() returns an arbitrary half-edge belonging to that face; f.setEdge(h) changes the half-edge belonging to that face
• f.vert(i) returns the i-th vertex of that face
II. Implementation of Butterfly Subdivision
Let’s split one iteration of mesh subdivision into two main stages: Stage A (Topological Subdivision) and Stage B
(Vertex Placement). Start with implementing the first stage and only when you are sure it works correctly should you
move on to the second one.
A. Topological subdivision.
At this first stage, given the initial mesh, represented as a half-edge data structure, you should create a new halfedge data structure, so that for every triangle in the input mesh you create four new triangles in the output mesh (Fig.
Figure 1: Topological subdivision. Every triangle is replaced by four new triangles.
For this stage,use the midpoints of the old edges as the positions of the new vertices (this will help you debug your
code). Do not change the positions of the old ones. The key requirement here is to split the triangle in four, properly
updating all half-edges, vertices and faces.
Here’s one suggestion on how you can do it relatively easily. Create two functions, EdgeSplit(he) and CutACorner(f)
with the following functionality:
EdgeSplit(he) will take input half-edge and split edge into two:
Here’s the approximate pseudo-code for this function:
function SPLITEDGE(HalfEdge he, Mesh M)
add new vertex v to M
mark v as new . store ’isNew’ flag for every vertex
add 2 new halfedges to M
set affected next, prev, twin, origins
mark he, he.twin and the new halfedges as already split . store ’isSplit’ flag for every halfedge
end function
For each edge in the mesh, first run the EdgeSplit function. After its completion, create the additional faces using
the CutACorner function which cuts the first corner it finds (unless the face is already a triangle):
The approximate pseudo-code will be along the lines of:
function CUTACORNER(Face f, Mesh M)
Add new halfedge h to M
Mark h as already split
Update f.he() if necessary and add a new face to M
Update all the necessary next, prev, twin, origins
end function
Once you have implemented these functions, the overall algorithm for one iteration of subdivision will be more or
less straightforward:
function SUBDIVIDELOOP(Mesh M)
mark all vertices in M as old
mark all half-edges in M as not split
while there is an half-edge he ∈ M that is not split yet do
end while
while there is a non-triangle face f ∈ M do . Think about how to check if face f is a triangle or not
end while
end function
Once this is done, your topological subdivision part is finished. Test it by applying the subdivision step over and
over - check that the code does not crash, all triangles remain visible and are exactly where you expect them to be.
B.Vertex Placement.
Now we need to compute the correct positions of all vertices. The formulas are different for the old and new
vertices. Luckily, in the topological subdivision we set up the ‘new’ flag per every vertex exactly for this reason. This
part should be relatively easy, for the formulas please refer to the lecture slides.
III. Running the template
Most browsers don’t allow access to local files, thus in order to run the template, you will need to set up a local
server. A easy way to do it is via Python. Navigate to the working folder, and run one of commands listed below
(depending on your version of Python). It will start a local server, then visit “http://localhost:8000/” within your
browser and click on a7.html.
python3 -m http.server — for Python 3
python -m SimpleHTTPServer — for Python 2

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