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Assignment #7  Intelligent Systems Engineering 

Assignment #7 
ECE 449, Intelligent Systems Engineering 

Points: 10

in the assignment box in the ETLC atrium
Note: Show your work! Marks are allocated
for technique and not just the answer.
1. [10 points] Consider a neural network with two inputs and three neurons in the competitive layer. The
input vectors in the training set have the values

1/ 2
, 1/ 2
, 0
x1 = 1 x2 = x3 = ,
and the initial weight vectors are



2 / 5
, 1/ 5
1/ 5
, 2 / 5
w1 = 0 w2 = w3 = .
a) Plot the input vectors and initial weights on a unit circle.
b) Calculate the resulting weights found after training the neurons with competitive learning rule using
learning rate =0.5, on the following sequence of inputs:
1 2 3 1 2 3
x , x , x , x , x ,x
Note: Weights must always
lie on a unit circle, and thus must be re-normalized after each iteration.
c) Analyze the resulting weights and elaborate on the final weight distribution with respect to the input
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