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Assignment 7 JavaScript Testing

JavaScript Testing
In this assignment, you will write unit tests for a basic React app
- download link. The unit tests you will write will test two units:
• Colorize functionality
• <Weather> component
The unit tests should ensure that these units behave exactly the way
their documentation contracts specify. The contracts are written in
code comments in the respective modules where these units are
written (Colorize.js and Weather.js). The contracts are
completely unambiguous from my perspective, so if you
have any questions whatsoever on how they are supposed to behave -
immediately ask on Piazza.
The only file in the project you are allowed to modify
is App.test.js - your unit tests should go in there.
Your tests should be well organized, using "describe" to group tests
together when it makes sense, and your test cases should have
descriptive names of what they are testing. Example test names:
• Bad - "tests that colorize returns the right color"
• Good - "returns 'orange' for a warm temperature value"
Keep your test cases small and specific.
Since these are units tests, the test cases should be independently
testing a unit. What this means in practice is that if I introduce a bug
into colorize, this should not affect your tests for <Weather>, and viceversa. And the same goes for TemperatureDataSource. I will break the
data source to simulate an API or database going down, and this should
not affect your test cases. This can be achieved by using mocking.
The usual submission instructions apply for both the homework
assignment and extra credit. The only difference is that for this
assignment, I will run npm test instead of npm start. Assignments
that do not run will receive 0 points.
The grade will be determined based on how well your tests catch bugs
that I will introduce into the app. Some examples of bugs I will
introduce are:
• Forgetting to call certain functions required to fulfill the functionality of
<Weather> or colorize.
• Modify logic to break the contract - like returning 'purple' for hot
• Introduce bugs into places like colorize and TemperatureDataSource in
hopes of breaking tests written for a different unit like <Weather>.
• Show the temperature value using different types of DOM elements
that show text. (In this case, your tests should still pass as long as the
temperature value text is displayed to the user.)
Helpful Reading
Mock Object
Jest - Using matchers
Jest - Mock functions
Jest - Bypassing module mocks
React-testing-library - Cheatsheet
React-testing-library - Async Testing
Extra Credit
+2 points
Write an end-to-end test that runs in an actual web browser
using webdriverio. Use the "Getting Started" documentation to set this
up. This should be done as a separate npm project and separate
submission. It should include a README file telling me how to run the
The end-to-end test should not modify the homework project
functionality at all. The test needs only one test case: that the
temperature value "73" eventually displays in the CSS color 'orange'.

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