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Assignment 7: Recursive Function

Assignment 7: Recursive Function

Executive Summary
In this assignment you will implement several recursive functions. The aim of the assignment is
to help you practice and master recursion.
You are given two files as part of this assignment. The main.c file will only be used to test your
code. You are responsible to test your own code. No test cases are given as part of this
assignment. The main.c file will not be graded and do not implement your functions in main.c.
The assignment-7.c file includes functions that you need to implement.
You will submit your code through Canvas and please commit both the main.c and the
assignment-7.c files. Make sure to submit the files before the deadline.
Part I: Generate Strings of Matched Parentheses
In this part of the assignment, you will write a program that takes a given number n and
generates all string with matched parentheses that contains n left parentheses “(“ and n right
parentheses “)”.
For example, “()”, “(())” and “()()” are strings with matched parentheses. “)(“ and “(()” are not
string with matched parentheses.
Your function takes n as a parameter and generates all string with matched parentheses having n
left parentheses and n right parentheses.
For example, for n = 2 your program should generate: “(())” and “()()”.
Your program will need to print the strings with matched parentheses to STDOUT (console).
Print each string with matched parentheses on a new line. The output for the above example
should be:
The order in which you print the strings does not matter.
Part II: Generate All Palindromic Decompositions
A palindrome is a string that reads the same forwards and backwards. For example, “racecar” is a
In this part of the assignment, you will generate all palindrome decomposition of a given string.
The decomposition of a string is a set of strings whose concatenation is the string itself. For
example, “a bc” is one decomposition of the string “abc”.
In this part of the assignment, you are given a string and you need to generate all the
decompositions of that string such as each part of the decomposition is a palindrome. For
example, given the string “abadefe” one palindromic decomposition is “aba d efe” since each of
the decomposition “aba”, “d” and “efe” are palindromic strings. There might be more than one
palindromic decomposition, and your program should print all palindromic decomposition.
When printing one decomposition, separate the different components by a SPACE.
Print each single decomposition on a new line.

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