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Assignment 7 Relational Programming

B561 Assignment 7
Relational Programming
1. In your textbook, you have a description of the k-means clustering algorithm. Your task is to implement this algorithm. The input data is given
in a relation Points(PId,x,y) where PId is an integer denoting a point
and x and y are FLOATS given the x and y coordinates of that point.
Your algorithm should work for various values of k.
For more information about k-means clustering consult
There, the k-means algorithm is given for a d-dimensional space. In this
assignment, d = 2.
2. Implement the HITS authority-hubs algorithm that was discussed during
The input data is given in a relation Graph(source INTEGER, target INTEGER) which represent the graph on which the HITS Algorithm operates. So each node in this graph will receive an authority and a hub
For more information about the HITS algorithm consult
An important detail of the HITS algorithm concerns the normalization of
the authority vector (analogously, the hub vector). This vector needs to
be normalized to have norm = 1 after each iteration step. Otherwise, the
algorithm will not converge.
Normalization of a vector of numbers can be done as follows: If x =
(x1, . . . , xn) is a vector of real numbers, then its norm |x| is given by
the formula p
1 + · · · + x
. Therefore, you can normalize the vector
(x1, . . . , xn) by transforming it to the vector x
|x| = ( x1
|x| + · · · +
). The
norm of this vector will be 1.
3. Consider the following relational schemas. A tuple (pid, spid, q) is in
Part SubParts if spid occurs q-times as a direct sub-part of pid. (For
example think of a car that has 4 wheels. Furthermore, then think of a
wheel that has 5 bolts.) A tuple (pid, w) is in Basic Part if basic part
pid has weight w. A basic part is defined as a part that does not have
sub-parts. In other words, the pid of the basic part does not occur in the
PId column of Part SubParts.
(In the above example, a bolt would be a basic part, but car and wheel
would not be basic parts.)
The schemas of Part SubParts and Basic Parts are as follows:
You can assume that the domain of each of the attributes in these relations
(a) In the above example, bolt is a direct sub-part of wheel, but not of
car. Furthermore, bolt would appear with its weight in Basic Parts,
but car nor wheel would appear in this relation.
In other words, only the PId’s of parts that have no sub-parts in
Parts SubParts are in Basic Parts.
(b) If the weight of a part is in Basic Parts, the aggregated weight of
that part is that weight. Otherwise, the aggregated weight of a part
is the sum of the aggregated weights of all its direct sub-parts. So
the weight function of a part is recursively defined.
Example tables: The following example is based on a desk lamp (pid =
1). Suppose a desk lamp consists of 4 bulbs (pid =2) and a frame (pid
= 3), and a frame consists of a post (pid = 4) and 2 switches (pid = 5).
Furthermore, we will assume that the weight of a bulb is 5, that of a post
is 50, and that of a switch is 3.
Then the Part SubParts and Parts tables would be as follows:
Parts SubParts
PID SID Quantity
1 2 4
1 3 1
3 4 1
3 5 2
PID Weight
2 5
4 50
5 3
Then the aggregated weight of a lamp is 4 × 5 + 1 × (1 × 50 + 2 × 3) = 76.
Write a Postgres function
that takes as input a part-id and returns the aggregated weight for the
part with that part-id. In your solution, you can not use cursors nor the
FOR r IN SQL-query loop statement.
4. Consider the following relational schema. A tuple (pid, cpid) is in Parent Child
if pid is a parent of child cid.
|PId | SId |
You can assume that the domain of PId and SId is INTEGER.
Write a Postgres program that computes the pairs (id1, id2) such that id1
and id2 belong to the same generation in the Parent-Child relation and
id1 6= id2. (id1 and id2 belong to the same generation if their distance to
the root in the Parent-Child relation is the same.)
5. Suppose you have a weighted directed graph G = (V, E) stored in a ternary
table named Graph in your database. A triple (n, m, w) in Graph indicates
that G has an edge (n, m) where n is the source, m is the target, and w is
the edge’s weight. (In this problem, we will assume that each edge-weight
is a positive integer.)
Implement Dijkstra’s Algorithm as a Postgres function Dijkstra to compute the shortest path lengths (i.e., the distance) from some input node
n in G to all other nodes in G. Dijkstra should accept an argument n,
the source node, and output a table Paths which stores the pairs (n, dm)
where dm is the shortest distance from n to m. To test your procedure, you
can use the graph shown in Figure 2. The corresponding table structure
for G is given as the following Graph table.
Source Target Weight
0 1 2
0 4 10
1 2 3
1 4 7
2 3 4
3 4 5
4 2 6
Hint: You can find the details of Dijkstra’s Algorithm in the attached pdf
document, but you are not required to exactly follow the pseudocode.
When you issue CALL Dijkstra(0), you should obtain the following Paths
Target Distance
0 0
1 2
2 5
3 9
4 9
6. Write a simulation in Postgres of a MapReduce program that implements
ΠA(R) where R(A, B) is a relation.
You can assume that the domain of A and B is INTEGER.
7. Write a simulation in Postgres of a MapReduce program that implements
the set difference of two relations R(A) and S(A).
You can assume that the domain of A is INTEGER.
8. Write a simulation in Postgres of a MapReduce program that implements
the natural join R ⊲⊳ S of two relations R(A, B) and S(B, C).
You can assume that the domain of A, B, and C is INTEGER.

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