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Assignment 7: Sprint 3 Plan (for Microservice)

CS361: Assignment 7: Sprint 3 Plan (for Microservice)
Plan the microservice you’re creating for your partner. That includes defining how to request and
receive data from the microservice.
Complete each item below by replacing the highlighted text (Usability note: double-click the text to
select it).
1) What is your Sprint Goal? (e.g., fully implement the spell-checker microservice)
2) Define at least 2 user stories for this Sprint and put them in your Sprint Backlog in your task
management system. If the microservice is separate from your individual project, these are
NEW user stories (otherwise, they might be from your Product Backlog).
Take a screenshot of the microservice user stories in your task management system. The
screenshot should show the “As a” format for each story.
Optionally, define acceptance criteria for the user stories (in a real-world project, you should
do this, but I’m giving you a break from it this Sprint).
3) Since the Sprint Goal might not fully communicate it, describe what the microservice will
4) What kind of communication pipe will the microservice use? (e.g., text files, REST API)
5) How will others request data from the microservice? If possible, give an example call.
6) How will others receive data from the microservice?
7) What is your partner’s individual project?
8) How will the microservice fit into your partner’s individual project?
9) What microservice is your partner implementing (for you)?
10) How will the microservice your partner is making fit into your individual project?
PDF or Word format via Canvas.
You must follow instructions at Modules > “Attach a Document to "Text Entry" Field”.
You are responsible for satisfying all criteria listed in the Canvas rubric for this assignment. You
will be able to revise this assignment if you miss points.
Please ask via Ed so that others can benefit from the answer.

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