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Assignment 7:  Stacks using a LinkedList

Lab Assignment 7: 
Stacks using a LinkedList

Due Date
(a two-week LA)
04/20/16 11:59pm – For Wednesday Lab Sections
04/21/16 11:59pm – For Thursday Lab Section


•    Working with Stacks
•    Working with Linked Lists (singly-linked)
•    Working with Binary Files.

Problem Specification    

This assignment is a modification of LA6. You will be implementing your own version of a singly-linked list and Stack and then you will be using them to solve a simple programming problem. Note that a singly-linked list is made up of objects, each of which has data stored in it and in addition has a reference to the object that follows it in the list. Being a singly-linked list however, an object in the list does not know which object precedes it. In this implementation, you will be using nodes for the objects in the linked list. An INode interface is provided which is to be implemented by a Node class. The Node class in the Java API is NOT to be imported or used in this assignment.

Problem to Solve:
Given an input string, reverse the string. You must use your implementation of Stack in order to do this. Your must use your implementation of Linked list in order to store the file input. 

Input File
A binary input file with strings in UTF-8 format will be provided, named input.bin. 
Each input string will be provided on a single line.
Do not assume the file will have any specific length.

Example Input File:
The cat ate the rabbit.

You must print the reverse of each string into a binary file called output.bin in UTF-8.
You must also print the following to the screen:
The reverse of string “The cat ate the rabbit.” is “.tibbar eht eta tac ehT”
The reverse of string “yOU CAN’T COMPARE appLES TO oRANGEs.

The interfaces to be implemented are provided below. The main class, which is not to be modified, is also provided.

public interface IList {
     * Adds the element e to the end of the list. 
     * @param e element to be added
    void add(String e);
     * Adds the element e to the end of the list. 
     * @param index of the location to place the string, starting from 0
     * @param e element to be added
    void add(int index, String e) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException;
     * Removes all of the elements from the list
    void clear();
     * Checks to see if list contains the parameter s
     * @param s parameter to search for.
     * @return true if found, false otherwise.
    boolean contains(String s);
     * @return the element at the front (index 0) of the list 
    String getHead();
     * @return the element at the end (index size-1) of the list. 
    String getTail();
     * @param Index of the element to retrieve. (Indexing starts from 0.)
     * @return the element at that index.
     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
    String get(int index) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException;
     * Searches for the element s in the list and returns the
     * index of the first occurrence, starting from index 0
     * @param s parameter to search for
     * @return index of the element, or -1 if not found.
    int indexOf(String s);
     * @return true if the list is empty, false otherwise.
    boolean isEmpty();
     * Removes the element at the specified index.
     * @param Index of element to be removed. (Indexing starts from 0.)
     * @return The contents of the element that was removed.
     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
    String remove(int index) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException;
     * @return the number of elements in this list.
    int size();    

Use the LinkedList class to implement the IList interface. The LinkedList class should use nodes to store its data. Each node should also have a reference to the node that follows it in the list. The LinkedList class should be 0 indexed (start index from 0).

public interface INode<E> {
     * Returns the data stored in this node.
     * @return    Data in this node.
    E getData();
     * Setter for data for this node.
     * @param data    New data
    void setData(E data);
     * Returns the node next to this node.
     * @return    Node next to this node.
    INode<E> getNext();
     * Sets node received as the next node to this node.
     * @param next    New next node.
    void setNext(INode<E> next);


The Node class should implement the INode interface.

public interface IStack {
     * Adds the parameter s to the top of the stack.
     * @param s the string to be added
    void push(String s);
     * Removes the top element from the stack
    void pop();
     * Returns the top element without removing it.
     * @return the top element in the stack
    String peek();
     * @return the number of elements in the stack
    int size();
     * @return true if the stack contains no elements, false otherwise.
    boolean isEmpty();

Use the Stack class to implement the IStack interface above.
Your Stack class MUST use your IList implementation (singly-linked list).

public interface IApplication {
     * Reads the binary file "input.bin" and returns each line
     * as an element in an IList
     * @return an IList containing the input.
    public IList readInputFile();
     * Writes the reversed string to the binary file "output.bin"
     * @param output
    public void writeOutputFile(IList output);
     * Prints out the input and output strings to the screen.
     * @param input the input string
     * @param output the output string
    default public void printToScreen(String input, String output){
        System.out.println("The reverse of string \""+input+"\" is \""+output+"\".");
     * Reverses the String parameter.
     * @param s the String to be reversed
     * @return the reversed string
    public String reverseString(String s);

Implement all methods in the Application class. Use the stack you implemented to help you reverse a string.

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Application app = new Application();
        IList inputStrings = app.readInputFile();
        inputStrings.add(2,"String added to index 2");
        IList reversedStrings = new LinkedList();
        for(int i=0; i<inputStrings.size();i++){
            app.printToScreen(inputStrings.get(i), reversedStrings.get(i));

The main method/class has been provided for you. Use as is.

1.    Create a project and name it edu.wmich.cs1120.SP16.LA7.YOUR_LASTNAME
2.    Create three packages:
a.    edu.wmich.cs1120.SP16.LA7.YOUR_LASTNAME.application
b.    edu.wmich.cs1120.SP16.LA7.YOUR_LASTNAME.lists
c.    edu.wmich.cs1120.SP16.LA7.YOUR_LASTNAME.stacks
3.    Add the IList interface to the lists package. Implement the interface in a class called LinkedList and add any extra methods as needed.
a.    Add the INode interface to the lists package and implement it in a class called Node.
b.    Do not use or import the built in LinkedList or Node classes.
4.    Add the IStack interface to the stacks package and implement it.
a.    Your implementation must use your implementation of IList.
5.    Add the application interface to the application package and implement it.
a.    Your reverseString function must use your implementation of IStack.
b.    The input file has been given to you. Make sure to read binary files properly.
6.    Add the Main class to the application package. Use as is without modification.
7.    Ensure that your program implements good exception handling.

Additional Requirements  

Coding Standards

You must adhere to all conventions in the CS 1120 Java coding standard. This includes the use of white spaces for readability and the use of comments to explain the meaning of various methods and attributes. Be sure to follow the conventions for naming classes, variables, method parameters and methods. You must use the package instructions included above.


You must work within your group on this assignment. You will be graded on how well you use your GIT repository.  You must add your lab instructor to the GIT repository. Work must be divided equally between the partners (we will be to see your commits). If you procrastinate, we will know! 
A zip file containing your submission only needs to be submitted to Elearning if you can’t get Git working (you will be penalized). If your code is in the repository, you will not have to upload anything to Elearning for the home portion.

Assignment Submission Lab Portion
1.    Lab Portion
•    A word or pdf document containing your UML diagrams plus pseudo code 
2.    Home Portion
•    A zip file containing your LA6 project with Javadoc included.

NOTE: Standards will be strictly enforced. 

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