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Assignment #7 While loop

Assignment #7
You will complete two programs to give you experience with:
• While loop
• For loop
• Range()
• Break
• Continue
Task 1
Programming Exercise 5.35
Make sure to read the rubric to see the additional requirements.
5 pts: Software Development Lifecycle Plan (see assn #5 for description)
10 pts: Find the four perfect numbers
5 pts: Print the total running time, in seconds, of the program
10 pts: At the end of the program print the total number of iterations of the inner loop that
were completed
5 pts: Fewer than 48,500,000 iterations of the inner loop are completed
5 pts: Fewer than 24,900,000 iterations of the inner loop are completed
5 pts: Fewer than 16,000,000 iterations of the inner loop are completed
5 pts: Follow proper coding conventions
NOTE: Your code must discover all four perfect numbers (This means that you cannot use the
information about 6 and 28 that the book mentions). Your program may know that there will be
exactly four perfect numbers with values of 10,000 or less. Think through in your planning how you
can reduce the number of iterations without affecting the results.
Task 2
In 1990, Marilyn vos Savant answered a letter in her Ask Marilyn column in the Parade magazine.
Her response caused a flood of letters to come in, telling her that she was wrong. In the end, she
proved that she was correct. You are going to write a program to prove she was right.
Here’s the problem:
Suppose you're on a game show, and you're given the choice of three doors: Behind one door
is a car; behind the others, goats. You pick a door, say No. 1, and the host, who knows what's
behind the doors, opens another door, say No. 3, which has a goat. He then says to you, "Do
you want to pick door No. 2?" Is it to your advantage to switch your choice?
In short, it is to your advantage to switch. You can read the details here:
Your task is to write a program to simulate the game. This means your program will automatically
play the game 100,000 times. The only input the user will give is if they want to stay with their
original pick, or switch picks after the first goat is revealed. Their pick will be the decision for all
100,000 simulations.
Use random numbers to decide which door hides the car, and for the user’s initial selection. You will
save a ton of time if you do the Software Development Lifecycle Plan first. Think through the
process. It is not hard if you plan it out.
5 pts: Software Development Lifecycle Plan (see assn #5 for description)
5 pts: User is prompted for input (stay or switch)
10 pts: Display the number of times won as well as percentage won
10 pts: Winning percentage is what it should be (Ask Marilyn if you have a question)
5 pts: Use random numbers properly
10 pts: Code logic is accurate
5 pts: Follow proper coding conventions
Remember that you can find solutions to the even programming exercises online. Check Canvas for a
link. These are suggestions for you to do. They are not part of the assignment, and you do not have to
turn them in.
Exercises: 5.20, 5.24, 5.28
What/How To Turn In (READ THIS)
Submit your files on Canvas.

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