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Assignment #8 "studentList"

#include <iostream
#include <string
using namespace std;

Implement the "studentList" data structure with a doubly linked list implementation.

You must implement all methods and they must work as described in the comments. You must also achieve the stated run times, and know the big-Oh run times for each of your methods.

class student
string name;
unsigned int id;
double gpa;

name = "ghost";
id = 0;
gpa = 0;
student(string _name, unsigned int _id, double _gpa)
id = _id;
gpa = _gpa;
name = _name;

class studentList
//Implement a doubly linked list of students

class node
student data;
node * next;
node * prev;

node(student x)
data = x;
next = NULL;
prev = NULL;

node * head;
node * tail;


//add a student to the list.
//Must run in O(1) time.
void insert(student s);

//find the student with the given id number and return it
//What is the worst case run time of this?
//What is the average case run time of this?
student retrieveStudent(unsigned int idnumber);

//Change the gpa of the student with given id number to newGPA
//What is the run time?
void updateGPA(unsigned int idnumber, double newGPA);

//Add all students from otherlist to this list.
//otherlist should be empty after this operation.
//Must run in O(1) time.
void mergeList(studentList &otherlist);

//create a list of students whose gpa is at least minGPA.
//Return this list. The original list should
//not be modified (do not remove the students from the original list).
//Run time?
studentList honorRoll(double minGPA);

//sort the list by the given field ("name", "id", or "gpa").
//Run time?
void sort(string field);

//Print out each student in the list. This is mainly for testing purposes.
void printList();

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