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Assignment 8 Computer Vision

Assignment 8
CS283, Computer Vision

This assignment deals with color and texture. Remember to adhere to the formatting guidelines posted on
the course website, and submit via Canvas.
1. (30 points) A reasonable reflectance model for dielectric (non-conducting) surfaces is the so-called
dichromatic model, according to which the spectral BRDF is written as a linear combination of a
Lambertian diffuse component fd and a wavelength-independent specular component fs:
f(λ, ωˆi
, ωˆo) = fd(λ) + fs(ˆωi
, ωˆo).
When one images a scene comprised of such surfaces under a directional light source with spectral
power distribution I(λ) and direction ˆl = (lx, ly, lz), the RGB values C~ (~u) = (CR(~u), CG(~u), CB(~u))
recorded at pixel ~u = (u, v) can be expressed as
C~ (~u) = hnˆ(~u),
~d(~u) + gs(~u)~s,
where h·, ·i is the inner product operation, ˆn(~u) is the surface normal at the scene point imaged by pixel
~u, and gs(~u) is a function that depends non-linearly on ˆn(~u) (as well as view and lighting directions)
through the specular component of the BRDF.
(a) Assuming that the spectral sensitivities of a camera’s three filters are (cR(λ), cG(λ), cB(λ)) and
that the BRDF at the surface point imaged at pixel ~u is f(λ, ωˆi(~u), ωˆo(~u)) = fd(λ, ~u)+fs( ˆωi(~u), ωˆo(~u)),
write expressions for the elements of the diffuse color vectors ~d(~u) and the source color vector ~s.
(b) Suppose you are given two unit-length three-vectors ˆr1 and ˆr2 that are orthogonal to ~s. Show
that the two-channel image1 given by the per-pixel inner products J~(~u) = (hrˆ1, C~ (~u)i,hrˆ2, C~ (~u)i):
i. does not depend on the specular components of the BRDFs, fs( ˆωi(~u), ωˆo(~u)).
ii. depends linearly on the surface normals, ˆn(~u).
(c) Show that the two properties from part (b) are also satisfied by the single-channel (grayscale)
image J(~u) = ||J~(~u)||.
(d) Write a function imout=makeLambertian(im,s) that takes an RGB image im and a source color
vector s and computes the grayscale image J(~u) from part (c). Run this function on the image
fruitbowl.png from the data folder using s=[0.6257 0.5678 0.5349] and submit the results.
Explain in three sentences or less why imout might be more useful than im to a computer vision
system. (See hints below for help with displaying these images.)
2. (25 points; inspired by Bill Freeman) Two distinct spectral distributions are metameric if they induce
the same responses in the cones of a human retina. Said another way, metamers are distinct spectral
distributions that map to the same tristimulus vector (in CIE XYZ or any other linear color space).
If you own a grocery store that sells bananas, it is in your interest to choose your light source so that
overripe bananas look that same as those in their prime. That is, you want the light reflected from
ripe and overripe bananas to be metameric.
Let ~f and ~g be N × 1 vectors that come from discretizing the spectral reflectance functions f(λ) and
g(λ) of ripe and overripe bananas, respectively. (For example, if we sampled from 400nm to 700nm
in increments of 10nm, we’d have N = 31.) Let R be the 3 × N matrix whose rows are obtained by
discretizing the CIE XYZ color matching functions (FP Fig. 4.7, right).
1This image can have pixels with negative values, and these negative values are just as useful as the positive ones.
Figure 1: Relative spectral reflectance curves for different colors of bananas during ripening. Day five is the
first day of shelf life. (Taken without permission from Morita et al., “ Evaluation of Change in Quality of
Ripening Bananas Using Light Reflectance Technique”, in Memoirs of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kagoshima
University, 1992.)
(a) Show that the tristimulus vector C~
f = (Xf , Yf , Zf ) for a ripe banana f(λ) under illuminant
spectrum l(λ) can be written as C~
f = Lf
~l where Lf is a 3 × N matrix and ~l is the discretization
of l(λ).
(b) Given ~f and ~g, a good way to choose ~l is to minimize the distance, in a least-squares sense, of the
two resulting tristimulus vectors. Write an expression for the Euclidean (L2) distance between
the two tristimulus vectors in terms of Lf , its counterpart Lg, and ~l.
(c) Write a Matlab function T=metamericLight(f,g) that finds the temperature T in the closed
interval T ∈ [2500K, 10, 000K], with precision ±50K, of the blackbody radiator that minimizes
the distance derived in part (b). (See hints and information below.) The file bananas.mat from
the data folder contains two spectral reflectance functions, ripe and overripe, which are sampled
in 10nm increments from 400nm to 700nm and correspond roughly to the data from Day 5 and
Day 7 of Fig. 1. Use your function to find the optimal metamer-inducing blackbody temperature
for these materials, and plot the distance as a function of temperature, and the spectral power
distribution of the best illuminant. You will need to use the file ciexyz64 1.csv from the data
folder, which contains tabulated data for the CIE XYZ color matching functions. Remember to
normalize the spectral power distributions of blackbody radiators in a way that is meaningful for
the minimization criterion of part (b).
3. (30 points) In this problem you will implement the Efros and Leung algorithm for texture synthesis.
It is depicted in Figure 10.50 of Szeliski, described briefly in Section 9.3 of Forsyth and Ponce, and
described in detail on Alyosha Efros’s webpage. As discussed in class, the Efros and Leung algorithm
synthesizes a new texture one pixel at a time. For each unsynthesized pixel in the target image, a
weighted sum-of-squared differences (wSSD) measure is used to identify pixels of a source texture
image that are good candidates for filling the target pixel, and the pixel is filled by randomly selecting
from among these candidates. The target is initialized by randomly selecting a 3 × 3 patch from the
source image and placing it in the center of the target. The boundaries of this seed patch are then
recursively filled until all pixels in the target image have been assigned values.
(a) The first step is to write a function that searches a source texture image for regions that match
a given neighborhood of the target. This function will have the syntax
[pixvalues, matcherrors] = FindMatches(targetwindow, validmask, sourceimage, G)
where targetwindow is a w × w window extracted from a neighborhood of the target pixel to be
filled; validmask is w × w binary matrix whose elements indicate which pixels of that window
contain already-synthesized values; sourceimage is the grayscale source texture image; and G is
a w × w Gaussian kernel to be explained below. The output is a list pixvalues of candidate
gray-values to insert into the target pixel, and a corresponding list matcherrors that reports the
wSSD associated with each candidate.
When matching the target window to the source image, Efros and Leung suggest down-weighting
pixels that are further from the center of the target window, with the intuition that these are less
likely to be related to the target pixel being filled. This is accomplished by computing the wSSD
with weights that are the unit-sum-normalized, element-wise product of validmask and G:
weights = validmask.*G; weights=weights/sum(weights(:));
Efros and Leung suggest using a Gaussian with standard deviation σ = w/6.4.
Your function FindMatches cannot contain any loops. This can be accomplished by exploiting
the relationship between wSSD and convolution. See Hints and Information below. Validate your
code using the provided script in the .MLX file.
(b) The next step is to write the main function
synthim = SynthTexture(sourceimage, w, synthdims)
that synthesizes a large texture image synthim of size synthdims=[height width] from the
source texture image sourceimage using window size w. It will be helpful to look at the pseudocode on Efros’ webpage.
This function should initialize by placing a 3 × 3 seed patch from the source at the center of the
target. It will then grow this seed patch recursively by synthesizing values around the border
of the already-filled pixels. A useful technique for recovering the locations of boundary pixels in
Matlab is dilation, a morphological operation that expands regions of a binary image. See Section
3.3.2 of Szeliski and the Matlab imdilate and find commands.
For each target pixel to be filled, use a call to your function FindMatches to obtain a list of
candidate gray-values and their corresponding wSSD errors. Then, randomly select a gray-value
from the subset of pixvalues whose wSSD error is less than (1+ε) times the minimum wSSD error.
To avoid randomly selecting a gray-value with unusually large error, also check that the wSSD
error of the randomly selected gray-value is below threshold δ. Efros and Leung use threshold
values of ε = 0.1 and δ = 0.3.
(c) Test and run your implementation using the grayscale source texture image rings.jpg, with
window widths w = 5,7, and 13 and synthdim= [100 100]. Instead of using a random seed,
deterministically use a 3×3 window of the source whose top-left corner is the fifth row and fourth
column in a Matlab indexing system (i.e., sourceimage(5:7,4:6)).
Explain the algorithm’s performance with respect to window size. For a given window size, if you
re-run the algorithm with the same starting seed do you get the same result? Why or why not?
Is this true for all window sizes?
In your submission, include plots of the synthesized textures that correspond to each window size
along with answers to the above questions and your code.
Hints and Information
• A simple way to numerically obtain a set of N − 1 unit-length vectors that are orthogonal to N-vector
~v is to use the null command in Matlab.
• The image fruitbowl.png from the assignment’s data folder is a 16-bit image with relatively high
dynamic range, and it does not display well using standard image viewers. One way to get a reasonable
depiction of it is to multiply by a large gain factor and then clip the bright highlights:
• The spectral power distribution for a blackbody radiator (see FP Sect. 6.1.2) with temperature T is
LT (λ) ∝
λT − 1
where a = 1.4388 × 10−2
(m · K).
• In Matlab, you can read data from a CSV file using the csvread command.
• To avoid loops in Matlab, the weighted sum-of-squared-differences (wSSD) between a sliding template
I0(x, y) and an image I1(x, y) can be written as a sum of three convolutions. To see this, let the spatial
indices of the template be such that the center of the template is (x, y) = (0, 0). Then the wSSD
output map (same size as the image) is given by the expression
wSSD(u, v) = X
w0(x, y)w1(x + u, y + v) (I0(x, y) − I1(x + u, y + v))2
Expanding gives
wSSD(u, v) = X
w0(x, y)w1(x + u, y + v)I
(x, y)
w0(x, y)w1(x + u, y + v)I0(x, y)I1(x + u, y + v)
w0(x, y)w1(x + u, y + v)I
(x + u, y + v)
= (w0I
) ⊗ w1 − 2(w0I0) ⊗ (w1I1) + w0 ⊗ (w1I
and the result follows from the fact that convolution is equivalent to correlation with a flipped template.
(This is all discussed in Section 8.1.2 of Szeliski. He also notes that Fourier transforms can thus be
used to accelerate wSSD for large images, but since our images are small in this assignment, there is
no such benefit here.)
In this assignment, I0 is a w × w region from the target texture image, w0 is the associated w × w
unit-sum mask of weights (e.g., zero-valued at places where the target has not yet been synthesized),
I1 is the source texture image, and w1 is a matrix the same size as the source with elements equal to

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