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Assignment #9 Implement a "chaining" hash table

Implement a "chaining" hash table. Use your linked list class from homework 8. You may use the "hello world" of hash functions, or a more advanced hash function of your choice.

class hashTable
//an array of linked lists (use your linked list class from homework 8)
studentList * table;

//size of table
unsigned int tableSize;

//number of students in data stucture
unsigned int numStudents;

//create a table of some hard coded size of your choice

//create a table of a given size
hashTable(unsigned int size);

//insert s into hash table. Store by hashing the student's id number.
//Run time must be: O(1)
void insert(student s);

//remove student with given id from table
//Run time: Average case O(1 + numStudents/tableSize)
void remove(unsigned int id);

//Change the gpa of the student with given id number to newGPA
//Run time: Average case O(1 + numStudents/tableSize)
void updateGPA(unsigned int idnumber, double newGPA);

//lookup up and return copy of student with given id.
//Run time: Average case O(1 + numStudents/tableSize)
student getStudent(unsigned int id);

//Change the size of your table! newSize may be bigger or smaller that the current size.
//Run time?
void resize(unsigned int newSize);

//Resize your table to an "optimal" choice based on the
//current number of entries. If you make it too large, you waste space.
//If you make it too small, your searches are slow. Pick a value
//that is perfect. Include in comments the reasoning for your
//resizing choice.
void optimalResize();

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