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Assignment: Backtracking & Greedy Algorithms

Assignment: Backtracking & Greedy Algorithms
1. Implement a backtracking algorithm
You are given a numbers k and n. Find all unique combinations of numbers of length k that
add to n. The condition on choosing a number of length k is that:
You can use only numbers from 1 to 9.
You cannot repeat a digit a number.
Assume, k will not be greater than 9.
Example 1:
Input: k = 3, n = 6
Output: [[1,2,3]]
Example 2:
Input k = 3, n = 9
Output: [[1,2,6], [1,3,5], [2,3,4]]
a. Describe a backtracking algorithm to solve the problem.
b. Write the pseudocode for the algorithm that you described in a. Your function signature
should be combination(n, k) and it should return an array of all the combinations as
shown in the example.
c. Implement the pseudocode to solve the problem. Name your file
2. Implement a Greedy algorithm
You are a pet store owner and you own few dogs. Each dog has a specific hunger level given
by array hunger_level [1..n] (ith dog has hunger level of hunger_level [i]). You have couple of
dog biscuits of size given by biscuit_size [1…m]. Your goal to satisfy maximum number of
hungry dogs. You need to find the number of dogs we can satisfy.
If a dog has hunger hunger_level[i], it can be satisfied only by taking a biscuit of size
biscuit_size [j] = hunger_level [i] (i.e biscuit size should be greater than or equal to hunger
level to satisfy a dog.)
You cannot give same biscuit to two dogs.
Each dog can get only one biscuit.
Example 1:
Input: hunger_level[1,2,3], biscuit_size[1,1]
Output: 1
Explanation: Only one dog with hunger level of 1 can be satisfied with one cookie of
size 1.
Example 2:
Input: hunger_level[1,2], biscuit_size[1,2,3]
Output: 2
Explanation: Two dogs can be satisfied. The biscuit sizes are big enough to satisfy the
hunger level of both the dogs.
a. Describe a greedy algorithm to solve this problem
b. Write an algorithm implementing the approach. Your function signature should be
feedDog(hunger_level[], biscuit_size[]). Name your file
c. Analyse the time complexity of the approach.
----------------------(Ungraded question: you can try this question if time permits)---------------------
You are given a puzzle in the form of a nxn matrix. Your location is in the start of a matrix at
top left corner (location [0][0]) location and there is treasure location at the destination of
the matrix at the bottom right corner of the matrix (location [n-1][n-1]). You can only move
left/right or up/down in the puzzle. Your goals is to find out if you can reach the treasure or
Matrix is marked with 1 where there is a path and with 0 where is a wall.
For example, this matrix represents below shown puzzle.
Matrix: [[1, 0, 0,0],[1, 1, 1, 1], [0, 1, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1,1]]
a. Describe a backtracking algorithm to solve the puzzle, you goal is to return True if you
can reach the destination or return False otherwise.
b. Write the pseudocode for the algorithm that you described in a. Your function signature
should be reachTreasure (puzzle) and it should return True/False
c. Implement the pseudocode to solve the problem. Name your file
Debriefing (required!): --------------------------
1. Approximately how many hours did you spend on this assignment?
2. Would you rate it as easy, moderate, or difficult?
3. How deeply do you feel you understand the material it covers (0%–100%)?
4. Any other comments?
Note: ‘Debriefing’ section is intended to help us calibrate the assignments.

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