Programming Assignment III
1. To become familiar with bison (a popular, yacc-compatible parser generator).
2. To implement a parser for programs written in DJ.
3. To practice writing context-free grammars (CFGs) by specifying DJ’s grammar.
Machine Details
Complete this assignment by yourself on the following CSEE network computers:
c4lab01, c4lab02, ..., c4lab20. These machines are physically located in ENB 220. You
can connect to the C4 machines from home using SSH. (Example: Host name:
c4lab01.csee.usf.edu Login ID and Password: <your NetID username and password)
You are responsible for ensuring that your programs compile and execute properly on
these machines.
Assignment Description
This assignment asks you to implement a basic parser for our dj2dism compiler. You
will use bison (which Section 5.5 of the textbook describes well) to generate the parser.
First, download this CFG-less dj.y: http://www.cse.usf.edu/~ligatti/compilers-17/as3/dj.y
Modify that dj.y by declaring appropriate precedence directives in the first section and a
correct CFG for DJ in the second section. For this assignment, leave the actions in your
CFG empty, except that every rule for the CFG’s starting symbol should have the
{return 0;} action (Assignment IV will ask you to fill in the CFG actions to build an
For full credit on Assignments III and IV, your parser must have no conflicts
(shift/reduce or reduce/reduce) and no right-recursive rules, except that right-recursion is
allowed in the category for “expressions” (right-recursion isn’t a problem in this category
because your precedence directives will guide the parser and ensure that space
inefficiencies are automatically avoided when possible). Using left recursion will also
make Assignment IV easier to complete.
You may find it helpful to study the format of the empty-action CFG for DISM posted at:
When you find that your parser has conflicts (like I did on my first attempt at this
assignment), please examine your bison output file to find the cause of the conflict and
then think calmly and carefully about how to modify the CFG to remove the conflict.
Please do not just try to “hack” through the problem! Hacked-up grammars are normally
complicated and hard to understand. Part of your grade on this assignment will be
determined by the simplicity/elegance of your grammar.
Precedence and Associativity of Operators
A key challenge of this assignment is to declare precedence directives correctly and only
in ways that immediately make sense to outside readers of your code.
Consider the following DJ expression (from file good11.dj):
n = n6+3 && !2+3 && n = !c.n*!3 && 1+3==4
A correct and complete DJ parser (as yours should be after you complete Assignment IV)
would produce the following AST for the good11.dj expression above:
A correct declaration of precedence directives (%left, %nonassoc, %right) in this
assignment will help produce these groupings. Notice, for instance, that the DOT
operator has the highest precedence, while the (right-associative) ASSIGN operator has
the lowest precedence. The (left-associative) PLUS and MINUS operators should have
equal precedences. The (nonassociative) EQUALITY and LESS operators should also
have equal precedences, though their precedences differ from those of PLUS and
MINUS. Although the NOT operator is unary (i.e., only has one operand), you can
declare it to be right associative for the sake of ordering its precedence.
Use of a Lexer
Your DJ parser needs input from a DJ lexer. You have two options: use the DJ lexer you
implemented in Assignment II (highly recommended), or use the DJ lexer provided at:
It’s highly recommended that you build a DJ parser on top of your own lexer for three
reasons: (1) You will have accomplished an impressive feat if at the end of the semester
you have implemented dj2dism entirely by yourself. (2) Even if you scored highly on
Assignment II, you may discover and fix bugs in your lexer by extending it. (3) Using a
lexer that you understand and control may make it easier for you to debug your parser.
To help motivate you to implement the entire compiler from scratch (i.e., without using
any “solution code” I provide, like lex.yy.c), undergraduate students will receive +20%
extra credit on the final assignment, and graduate students will receive +10% extra credit
on the final assignment, if you submit the full source code (including dj.l and dj.y files) to
a complete, working dj2dism compiler that you alone have implemented.
Compilation of the Parser
If you are using your own lexer, first use flex to generate a file lex.yy.c from your dj.l.
flex dj.l
Once you have a lex.yy.c lexer for DJ (either by running the previous command or by
downloading the provided lex.yy.c file), run the following commands to create and
compile your DJ parser as a program called dj-parse.
bison –v dj.y
gcc dj.tab.c –o dj-parse
Example Executions
Many test programs appear in the DJ directory for Assignment I
(http://www.cse.usf.edu/~ligatti/compilers-17/as1/dj/). However, we will test your parser
on code that has not been distributed to the class.
When given one of the syntactically valid DJ programs, your parser should print nothing.
./dj-parse good1.dj
./dj-parse bad2.dj
To observe this “quiet” behavior while using your own lexer from Assignment I, you
may need to set a flag (e.g. DEBUG_LEX) to 0 in your dj.l file.
When given a syntactically invalid DJ program (e.g., bad1.dj, bad6.dj, bad13.dj, or
bad33.dj), your parser should print at least one accurate error message before exiting.
./dj-parse bad6.dj
Syntax error on line 4 at token ;
(This version of the compiler exits after finding the first syntax
Extra Credit
For up to +15% (undergraduate) or +10% (graduate) extra credit, also implement a
recursive-descent parser for DJ in C “by hand” (that is, without using yacc/bison and
without using any C libraries besides stdlib and stdio).
Submission Notes
Type the following pledge as an initial comment in your dj.y file: “I pledge my Honor
that I have not cheated, and will not cheat, on this assignment.” Type your name after
the pledge. Not including this pledge will lower your grade 50%.
Upload and submit your dj.y file in Canvas.
You may submit your assignment in Canvas as many times as you like; we will grade
your latest submission.
For every day that your assignment is late (up to 3 days), your grade reduces 10%.
For this assignment, you do not have to add any comments to your program besides
the honor pledge. Ideally, your grammar and precedence directives will make sense
without further explanation. Formatting requirements are otherwise the same as on
previous assignments (e.g., avoid tabs and overly long lines).