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Assignment: Motion and Sensor Models

Individual Assignment: Motion and Sensor Models
Assignment Overview
In the first part of the assignment, you will implement the sampling algorithm for the odometrybased motion model. In the second part, you are asked to implement a simplified version of the
beam-based sensor model.
1. Motion Model
Implement the sampling algorithm for the odometry-based motion model. To that end,
complete the template
First, complete the function sample_normal_distribution(mu, sigma) that draws a random
number from a normal distribution with mean mu and standard deviation sigma using the
sum-based approach. Note that on the slides the formula samples from a distribution with zero
mean, so you need to add mu to the sum in your implementation.
Next, use sample_normal_distribution to implement the sample_motion_model(x,u, a)
function as shown on the slides. Here, x, u, and a are numpy arrays with the format:
[x, y, 𝜃], u = [𝛿trans, 𝛿rot1, 𝛿rot2] , and a = [𝛼1, 𝛼2, 𝛼3, 𝛼4]
The template contains some evaluation code that you do not need to modify. There, the motion
sampling function is applied to 1000 samples for ten consecutive steps. The robot starts at the
origin and in each step moves one meter along the x-axis in its own frame. In steps three and
six it also performs a 90∘
left turn. If your sampling algorithm is correct, you should see an
output similar to the one below:
2. Sensor Model
In this assignment part, you will implement a simplified version of the beam-based sensor
model. First, you will need to implement an algorithm that computes the closest intersection
between a beam and a set of circles. Then, you will use the results to calculate the probability
of a given range scan.
Measurements in a Circle World
Assume that the robot lives in a 2D world where all obstacles have a circular form (see figure
below). Thus, the map m is an array of circles (𝒙𝒄
, 𝒚𝒄
), each described by a center point and r
radius. The robot is equipped with a range scanner that measures the distances to the closest
circles, however, the measurements are noisy. In order to apply the beam-based model, you
need to compute the expected distance to the closest obstacle for each beam. In a real-world
application, this usually would be done with ray tracing, but in the case of circles, the distance
can be computed more efficiently. First, you have to find the intersections between one beam
and one circle, this articleLinks to an external site. describes one possible algorithm. Then, you
compute the intersections to all circles along the beam and pick the closest one from which you
finally derive the expected distance. Note that there might be one, two, or none intersections
between one ray and one circle, and that only intersections in front of the robot should be
Please download and unpack the files in the same directory. The file contains the stubs of the functions that you need to implement along with
evaluation code. It also contains the array of circles that define the map, the robot pose,
parameter values, and further comments.
Complete the function distance_to_closest_intersection which returns the distance between
the robot and the closest intersection for one beam. Return infinity if there is no intersection.
If done correctly, the script will generate the following graphic, where the blue dot is the robot
position, the black circles are the obstacles, the red lines are the beams, and the red dots are the
closest intersections. If you cannot solve this assignment part, you can still complete the next
part by loading the correct results from z_scan_exp.npy.
Simplified Beam-based Model
In the last assignment part, you are asked to implement a simplified beam-based sensor model
that only considers measurement noise. In other words, we use
for a single beam measurement z and ignore the other model components shown in the slides.
The expected distance zexp is obtained by the distance_to_closest_intersection function from
the previous part, the variance parameter b is 1𝒄𝒎𝟐
, and 𝐳𝐦𝐚𝐱 is10 .To compute the normalizer
for each measurement you should use the function normalizer provided in the code. Further, if
𝐳 > 𝐳𝐦𝐚𝐱holds, use probability of 1 for that beam.
In, complete the function beam_based_model. As arguments, it takes the
array of measurements in the scan (contained in the file z_scan.npy) , an array with the
expected measurements, the variance, and 𝐳𝐦𝐚𝐱. The output is the probability of the complete
scan, not just one beam measurement. Since the unit of the variance is centimeters, the
measurements and 𝐳𝐦𝐚𝐱 should be converted accordingly before being used in the
beam_based_model and normalizer functions, however, the conversion is already
implemented in the main function of

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