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Assignment No. 3 Programming Language Paradigms

Assignment No. 3
EECS 368
Programming Language Paradigms

1. Copy of Rubric3.docx with your name and ID filled out (do not submit a PDF)
2. HTML source code.
• Tabbed panels are widely used in user interfaces.
• They allow you to select an interface panel by choosing from a number of tabs
“sticking out” above an element.
• In this assignment you must implement a simple tabbed interface using JavaScript
and HTML.
• Write a function, asTabs, that takes a DOM node and creates a tabbed interface
showing the child elements of that node.
• It should insert a list of <button> elements at the top of the node, one for each
child element, containing text retrieved from the data-tabname attribute of the
• All but one of the original children should be hidden (given a display style of
• The currently visible node can be selected by clicking the buttons.
• Color the button for the currently selected tab red so that it is obvious which tab is
• Color the rest of the buttons blue.
• The title of your web page (i.e., what shows up in the webpage tab title, not the
tabs in your web page) should be “Your Last Name’s Jayhawk Page”, where
“Your Last Name” is your last name (e.g., “Johnson’s Jayhawk Page”).
• The grader must be able to simply click on your source file and display the web
• On startup, the web page should display “Rock” highlighted and the text “Rock
…” displayed
• Hint:
 <div data-tabname="Rock">Rock ...</div>
 <div data-tabname="Chalk">Rock Chalk ...</div>
 <div data-tabname="Jayhawk">Rock Chalk Jayhawk - Go KU!</div>
 function asTabs(node) {
 // Your code here.
• Feel free to use the hints and sandbox from the Tabs exercise in Chapter 15. Note,
this solution is a rather complicated program and if you use any part of it you will
need to explain in the comments what it is doing in significant detail.
• Provide comments for the JavaScript code that explain what each line of code is
doing. See rubric below. You do not have to comment the HTML code.
Rubric for Program Comments
Exceeds Expectations
Meets Expectations
Software is adequately
commented with prologue
comments, comments
summarizing major blocks of
code, and comments on every
Prologue comments are present
but missing some items or some
major blocks of code are not
commented or there are
inadequate comments on each
Prologue comments are missing
all together or there are no
comments on major blocks of
code or there are very few
comments on each line.
Adequate Prologue Comments:
• Name of program contained in the file (e.g., EECS 368 Assignment 3)
• Brief description of the program, e.g.:
o Simple tabbed interface using JavaScript and HTML
• Inputs (e.g., none, for a function, it would be the parameters passed to it)
• Output, e.g.,
o Browser window with 3 tabs and text
• Author’s full name
• Creation date: The date you first create the file, i.e., the date you write this
Adequate comments summarizing major blocks of code and comments on every line:
• Provide comments that explain what each line of code is doing.
• You may comment each line of code (e.g., using //) and/or provide a multi-line
comment (e.g., using /* and */) that explains what a group of lines does.
• Multi-line comments should be detailed enough that it is clear what each line of
code is doing.
• Your Programming Assignments are individual-effort.
• You can brainstorm with other students and help them work through problems in
their programs, but everyone should have their own unique assignment programs.

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