Starting from:


Assignment One – Palindrome Checker

CMPT 435  - Dr. Labouseur
Assignment One – Palindrome Checker
Checking for Palindromes With Stacks and Queues

1 Introduction 2
1.1 What is this project? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 About This Document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2 Logic and Functionality 2
2.1 Analysis of Class and Header Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2.1.1 Node.h :The Node Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2.1.2 Stack.h :The Stack Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.1.3 Queue.h :The Queue Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.2 Using Stacks and Queues To Create The Procedure . . . . . . . . 6
2.2.1 Initialization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.2.2 Storing Data In Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.2.3 Main Logic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.2.4 Pushing and enQueueing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.2.5 Comparing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3 Closing Thoughts 12
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1 Introduction
1.1 What is this project?
The task of this project was to use stacks and queues, which we wrote ourselves,
to be able to test whether or not each item of a 666 line text document is a
1.2 About This Document
The use of this extensive documentation is meant to be a cleaner way of explaining how the assignment function works. Because of this, the only code
comments in the program itself briefly explain the functions of each class within
their respective header files. Other than these, there are no actual comments.
2 Logic and Functionality
Stacks, Queues, and Palindromes
To test the palindromes, the basic structure of the logic is to put each character, excluding spaces, into a stack and into a separate queue at the same time.
The opposing last in first out (LIFO) nature of stacks and first in first out (FIFO)
system of queues allow for this process to work. Because of the ordering of the
stack and the queue, the characters of the line can be read from the outside in.
2.1 Analysis of Class and Header Files
2.1.1 Node.h :The Node Class
1 #pragma once
2 #include <string>
3 #include <iostream>
4 class Node{ // defining class for the node that has the pointer and the data
5 public:
6 std::string data; // stores data for the node
7 Node* next; // stores pointer for the node
8 Node() {}; // constructor for Node class
9 };
The node class is a very simple object. So simple in fact, that there is no .cpp
class file to go along with it. In reality, this class could have been turned into a
struct, although to be honest the former option was easier to implement. After
some assistance from Dr. Labouseur, I was able to grasp how to correctly deal
with pointers to objects. The contents of a Node object, as defined by me, are
std::string data, Node* next, and the constructor Node(){}.
The first one, std::string data , is simply the attribute that holds the data
of the node in a string. Node* next is a pointer to another Node. The ability
to have an attribute of this type is somewhat new to me, although I do see
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the use of it. With it, and with a general understanding of how it works, it is
possible to have code that more accurately represents what the compiler will be
doing. Something like this would never even be a thought when using another
language such as Java. Lastly, I learned to use the #pragma once preprocessor
directive to avoid using header guards on all classes. This is seen throughout
the rest of the classes as well.
2.1.2 Stack.h :The Stack Class
1 #pragma once
2 #include <iostream>
3 #include <string>
4 #include "Node.h"
5 class Stack
6 {
7 public:
8 Node *top; //points to the top node of the stack
9 bool isEmpty(); //tests whether or not the stack is empty
10 void push(std::string arg); //function to add a node to the top of the stack
11 Node pop(); //function to take something off of the stack
12 };
Above is the header file for the Stack class that I made. Due to the extensive
comments, I will now move on to reviewing its .cpp companion file with the
definitions of the methods. Starting with the isEmpty() function.
1 bool Stack::isEmpty()
2 {
3 if (top == nullptr)
4 {
5 return true;
6 }
7 else
8 {
9 return false;
10 }
11 }
This is a simple method to check whether or not the stack is empty or not. All
that the function does is check whether the top pointer of the stack is pointing
to anything, and returns the answer as a boolean. This method is actually used
inside of another one of Stacks’ methods called pop().
1 Node Stack::pop()
2 {
3 if (isEmpty())
4 {
5 throw "Memory underflow Error";
6 }
7 else
8 {
9 Node retVal = Node(*top);
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10 Node *newTop = top->next;
11 top = newTop;
12 return retVal;
13 }
14 }
This method is used to take an item off of the top of the stack. To account for
the possibility of an attempt to pop off an empty stack, the isEmpty() method
is used. As long as this function returns false, the function proceeds to take off
of the top of the stack. It does so by copying the top node and saving it to a local
variable (line 9), setting the top to the address of the top nodes’ next pointer
(lines 10,11), and then finally returning the local variable. The final method of
this class, push(std::string arg) is shown below.
1 void Stack::push(std::string arg)
2 {
4 Node *n = new Node();
5 n->data = arg;
6 Node *oldTop = top;
7 n->next = oldTop;
8 top = n;
10 return;
11 }
This method is used to add new items to the top of the stack. The process for
doing this starts by making a new node named n and giving the string argument
to its data field (lines 4,5).After the node is made, a copy of the top pointer from
the stack is created (line 6). Finally, the newly created node is then given the
copy of the old top pointer and the stack’s top pointer is now applied to the new
node. (line 7, 8).
2.1.3 Queue.h :The Queue Class
1 #pragma once
2 #include "Node.h"
3 #include <string>
4 class Queue
5 { // header class to define the queue class
6 public:
7 Node *head; //pointer to the head node
8 Node *tail; //pointer to the tail node
9 void enQueue(std::string s); //function which adds a node to the queue
10 Node deQueue(); //function to take a node off of the queue
11 bool isEmpty(); //tests if the queue is empty
12 };
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Here is the header file for the Queue class. Generally, it should look very
similar to the header file for the stack class. The only differences being pop()
and push(std::string arg) are swapped for enQueue(std::string s) and
deQueue(). Other than those changes, you will also see that there are now
pointers for the head and the tail. The head is most similar to the top pointer
of the stack. Although, with the addition of the tail, processes are much
1 bool Queue::isEmpty()
2 {
3 if (tail == nullptr)
4 {
5 return true;
6 }
7 else
8 {
9 return false;
10 }
11 }
This simple method isEmpty() is used to check if the Queue is empty. The
Queue does this simply by checking if the tail is a null pointer and returning the
answer as a boolean.
1 void Queue::enQueue(std::string s)
2 {
4 if (isEmpty())
5 {
7 Node *n = new Node();
8 n->data = s;
9 tail = n;
10 head = n;
11 }
12 else
13 {
15 Node *t = new Node();
16 t->data = s;
17 tail->next = t;
18 tail = t;
19 }
20 return;
21 }
For the enQueue() method, there are two possibilities of what will happen.
Both options start by creating a new node and giving it the data that was passed
to the function as a string (lines 7-8, 15-16). Now, what happens next depends
on whether or not the queue was tested as empty or not. If the queue was
empty, then the newly created node is pointed at by the head and tail pointers
(lines 9-10).
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Otherwise, The current tail pointer’s next pointer is directed at the new
node, and the tail pointer is pointed at the new node (lines 17-18). An analogy
for this would be that the last person in the line would first point at the new
person, putting them in line, before assigning the title of last in line to the new
person. The last method of the Queue class is the deQueue() method.
1 Node Queue::deQueue()
2 {
3 if (isEmpty())
4 {
5 throw "Memory Underflow Error";
6 }
7 else
8 {
9 Node n = Node(*head);
10 if (head->next != nullptr)
11 {
12 Node *newHead = head->next;
13 head = newHead;
14 return n;
15 }
16 else
17 {
18 head = nullptr;
19 tail = nullptr;
20 return n;
21 }
22 }
23 }
The deQueue() method is the most complicated out of all previously reviewed. To begin, the method tests to ensure that the queue is not empty,
throwing an error if this is true. (lines 3-6). Then, after making a copy of the
current head called n which will later be returned (line 9), the function checks
if there is a node after the head (line 10). The reason for this check is that the
head pointer must be updated if there are still more elements. This procedure
starts by making a new pointer called *newHead, as this will point at the next
element after the current head (line 12). After this, newHead is assigned as the
memory address / pointer for head, and the current head copy we called n is
returned (lines 13-14). This proecess is much simpler if it is determined that
the current head is the only item in the queue. If this is true, the head and tail
are reset to null pointers, and the copy of the head is returned (lines 18-20).
2.2 Using Stacks and Queues To Create The Procedure
A Quick Note
Within this section, the logic of how the palindromes are found is discussed.
The source code for this process is found on the Main.cpp file. Within this file,
you can also find other functions such as linkedListDemo(), StackDemo(),
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QueueDemo(), and printList(). Although these functions were useful to display the capabilities of the stack and the queue, they serve no function to help
find palindromes and therefore are outside of the scope of this document. Instead, we will focus on the function called AlanParse(), aptly named as my
professor, Dr. Alan labouseur, introduced the algorithm.
Below is the function in its’ entirety. Due to the fact that this function is
relatively complex, The logic will be broken up and discussed by level of scope.
1 void AlanParse()
2 {
3 fstream newfile;
4 string arr[1000];
5 string ln;
6 int count = 0;
7 int pCount = 0;
8"magicitems.txt", ios::in);
9 if (newfile.is_open())
10 {
11 int cnt = 0;
12 while (getline(newfile, ln))
13 arr[cnt++] = ln;
14 int placeHolder = 0;
15 while (arr[placeHolder] != "")
16 {
18 //read data from file object and put it into string.
19 string ogLine = arr[placeHolder];
20 string line;
21 Stack stack = Stack();
22 Queue queue = Queue();
23 int len = 0;
24 for (char c : arr[placeHolder])
25 {
26 if (c == ' ')
27 {
28 continue;
29 }
30 else
31 {
32 len++;
33 string temp;
34 temp += toupper(c);
35 stack.push(temp);
36 queue.enQueue(temp);
37 }
38 }
39 for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
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40 {
41 string st = stack.pop().data;
42 string qu = queue.deQueue().data;
44 if (st == qu)
45 {
46 if (i == (len - 1))
47 {
48 pCount++;
49 std::cout << ++count << ": " << ogLine << ": is a palindrome." << endl;
50 }
52 continue;
53 }
54 else
55 {
56 ++count;
57 //cout << ++count << ":" << endl;
58 //cout << st << " and " << qu << " dont match in " << line << ", so" << endl;
59 // cout << ogLine << ": is not a palindrome." << endl;
60 break;
61 }
62 }
63 placeHolder++;
64 }
65 }
67 //checking whether the file is open
69 //get size of file
70 // add to array
72 std::cout << "In Total, there were " << pCount << " palindromes." << endl;
74 return;
75 }
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2.2.1 Initialization
1 void AlanParse()
2 {
3 fstream newfile;
4 string arr[1000];
5 string ln;
6 int count = 0;
7 int pCount = 0;
8"magicitems.txt", ios::in);
9 if (newfile.is_open())
10 {
11 ...
12 ...
13 ...
14 }
15 std::cout << "In Total, there were " << pCount << " palindromes." << endl;
17 return;
18 }
The outermost layer of this process begins with setting everything up for the process. a new fstream object is created to handle the source file magicitems.txt,
and the file is opened (lines 3, 8). Also, four more variables are initialized of
varying types on lines 4-7. The array arr[] is used to keep all of the lines while
string variable ln maintains the current line. Lastly, the int variables count and
pCount count the overall number of the line and the count of the palindromes
respectively. pCount is seen at the bottom being used to display the total number of palindromes once the whole process is over. Now, let’s go inside of the
curly braces denoting what will take place if the file is open.
2.2.2 Storing Data In Memory
1 {
2 int cnt = 0;
3 while (getline(newfile, ln))
4 arr[cnt++] = ln;
5 int placeHolder = 0;
6 while (arr[placeHolder] != "")
7 {
8 ...
9 ...
10 ...
11 }
Here the function is simply loading the whole file into memory. This is possible
by using a while loop that will add lines from the file one by one as long as
there is another line in the file (lines 3,4). Next, another while loop is started.
This while loop will iterate continuously until it hits an index in the array that
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is empty (lines 5,6). This is possible as I made the array so that the file size of
666 lines would not fully populate the it. Well, onto the next level!
2.2.3 Main Logic
Here is the innermost layer of this function. For some perspective, at this
point we have all of the lines stored in an array, and we are currently focusing
on the line indicated by the placeHolder index counter. Abstractly speaking,
here is where all of the actual processing is completed. The logic will be broken
up into two sub sections: Pushing and enQueueing, and Comparing.
2.2.4 Pushing and enQueueing
1 //read data from file object and put it into string.
2 string ogLine = arr[placeHolder];
3 string line;
4 Stack stack = Stack();
5 Queue queue = Queue();
6 int len = 0;
7 for (char c : arr[placeHolder])
8 {
9 if (c == ' ')
10 {
11 continue;
12 }
13 else
14 {
15 len++;
16 string temp;
17 temp += toupper(c);
18 stack.push(temp);
19 queue.enQueue(temp);
20 }
21 }
To begin, the current line indicated as arr[placeHolder] is now assigned to the
variable called ogLine (line 2), and a Stack and a Queue are initialized (lines
4,5). Next, Each character of the line that is not a space (lines 9-12) is added
to a stack and a queue (lines 18,19). Also, a counter called len is used to keep
track of the length of the list. If lines 16 and 17 are confusing, do not worry.
These lines are only needed due to complications within the C++ language
when it comes to modifying strings and chars.
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2.2.5 Comparing
1 for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
2 {
3 string st = stack.pop().data;
4 string qu = queue.deQueue().data;
6 if (st == qu)
7 {
8 if (i == (len - 1))
9 {
10 pCount++;
11 std::cout << ++count << ": " << ogLine << ": is a palindrome." << endl;
12 }
14 continue;
15 }
16 else
17 {
18 ++count;
19 //cout << ++count << ":" << endl;
20 //cout << st << " and " << qu << " dont match in " << line << ", so" << endl;
21 // cout << ogLine << ": is not a palindrome." << endl;
22 break;
23 }
24 }
25 placeHolder++;
Finally The chars are popped and dequeued off of their respective lists to be
compared. the for loop at the top is used to iterate through the full length of
both lists. In this case, the current item off of the stack is called st, and the
item off of the queue is called qu (lines 3,4). Here is where the genius comes in.
Because of how stacks and queues are built, they will effectivley be comparing
each element of the list from the outside in. This is the exact process needed
to check for palindromes. Because of this mirrored comparison, one would not
want to waste compute cycles comparing chars once you cross the midpoint of
the palindrome. This is the reason for the condition if (i == (len-1)).
With this, we can stop the checking once the for loop reaches the middle
of the line with no faulty comparisons. At this point, the pCount variable used
to keep track of the number of palindromes and the overall count variable are
incremented. After this, there is a console print statement (lines 10,11). If it
has not yet hit the midpoint, but the comparison was the same, the loop will
continue onto the next letter. If not, and the characters don’t match, the overall
count variable is incremented, logs are printed, and the program breaks out of
the loop (lines 16 -22). Finally, after all of this, the placeHolder variable is
incremented, and the next line is tested.
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3 Closing Thoughts
Leave it to computer scientists to devise incredibly complex theorems and solutions to problems that we learned to solve in fifth
grade. Either way, the process of experimenting with creating extensive documentation using LATEX was quite fun overall. I can definitely see myself using it in the future. Also, I would like to see a
10 year old review 666 lines to check for palindromes in just under
250 milliseconds.
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